Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 879 - Each Took What He Needed

Chapter 879: Each Took What He Needed

However, the chance of finding anything valuable in the already deserted incubation room after the explosion was even lower. The gear that the team had eyed were almost completely destroyed in the explosion. Even the Time Domain which Claus had booked, the core of this incubation room, was destroyed. Even if they could find any valuable things, it could only be the spare parts.

Lin Li hadn’t been too concerned with this incubation room at first. After all, he didn’t even want the Time Domain, not to mention these parts that had already lost their function. However, the appearance of the Whispering God made Lin Li judge the value of this incubation again, especially since this Whispering God was very likely to have been created by Prince Brahere himself.

Unfortunately, the entire incubation room was turned into ruins now. Digging a rubbish dump would probably yield more valuables than this place now. Seeing that each faction’s team had spread out to search the place inch by inch, Lin Li suddenly thought of the equipment which had held the black magical crystal back when he dived into the pool. He didn’t know if there was anything left of it after the explosion.

However, just as Lin Li prepared to take a look at the pool, he heard joyful calls from the Mithril Alliance’s team. Lin Li turned and saw a green spherical object with holes on it lying in Joseph’s hands. Feeble murmurs came out from those holes.

Lin Li frowned a little, and relaxed his brows instantly. Back at the Endless World, after Paladin Francis had killed that Whispering God, someone had picked up the same thing was what Joseph was holding now. The system named it the Whispering God’s heart. Be it its heart or brain, this green sphere was the Whispering God’s essential organ. Those mind controlling whispers were produced by this essential organ. Thus, the Whispering God’s special ability was also known as Heart Whisper.

Joseph didn’t know the Whispering God, so he wouldn’t know anything about the Whispering God’s heart. However, just from the whispers alone, he could guess that the source of the monster’s mind-controlling abilities was this thing.

This really was a treasure! Recalling the scene during the battle against the monster, Joseph looked at this sphere in his hands, and all the gloominess in his heart was immediately swept away.

Under the current Magic System, mental spells like Allure could affect people’s mind, but magic that could control a large number of people like the Whispering God’s whispers was unheard of. Although the scope of the mind-controlling whispers only extended to this incubation room in the battle just now, Joseph could totally visualize how the effect of the whispers could extend even further if it was used in a more spacious room. That would make it an invincible weapon! As long as he could find the right way to use it, it would become the most formidable weapon the Mithril Alliance possessed.

He could even analyze the principles behind how the whispers were produced, and create a new Forbidden Spell. As the one who had this magic, he would be a man of high status in the whole of Anril. Thinking of how much benefits this Whispering God’s heart could potentially bring for him, Joseph couldn’t hide the excitement he was feeling now.

Seeing that Joseph was holding the Whispering God’s heart with inconcealable joy, Lin Li didn’t feel any sense of jealousy at all. Instead, he shook his head with a smile. Lin Li could guess what Joseph was plotting from his facial expression. However, how could the secrets behind the Whispering God’s heart be so easily deciphered?

Back at the Endless World, the Whispering God’s heart which was left behind also stirred up a storm amongst players in the game as if an artifact had appeared. Everyone had the same thought as Joseph: they wanted to either use it to create a powerful magical weapon or analyze the powerful heart-whispering magic behind it.

What was the outcome? Lin Li still remembered that the last owner of that Whispering God’s heart had been rumored to have put in immense effort to invite numerous NPCs from different fields who had reached the peak of Guru-level, hoping to crack the secrets of the Whispering God’s heart. However, those NPCs didn’t even do any research on the Whispering God’s heart after they had seen it, and told its owner that it wasn’t a realm mortals could reach. Rather than consulting them, he might have a better chance if he took it to the gods and prayed.

In the end, the owner of that Whispering God’s heart didn’t pray to the gods. Instead, he sold it to the system store out of anger. The most ridiculous thing was that the system only gave him one gold coin for it.

In the setting of the Endless World, there weren’t any wars that destroyed a great amount of inheritance like in Anril. Thus, the amount of knowledge in all fields was significantly higher in the Endless World compared to Anril. If not, Lin Li wouldn’t have had such a good life in Anril with his knowledge from the Endless World.

Not to mention Gurus who were a step away from becoming Divine Smiths, even a normal Guru was extremely rare to find in the current Anril. People who had reached Master-level were already at the peak of each field. In an environment with this level of knowledge, it was a fool’s dream to obtain anything from analyzing the Whispering God’s heart.

It wasn’t exaggerating to say that even Highlord Osric from the Dark Age might not be able to grasp the skill to create these mind-controlling whispers. As for Prince Brahere who had personally created this Whispering God, he was undeniably a genius, and a true madman.

Lin Li knew that he possibly wasn’t as talented as Prince Brahere, so he was naturally not interested in the Whispering God’s heart Joseph was holding. However, the others in the team didn’t know as much as Lin Li. Be it Hoffman or Claus, both looked rather jealous of Joseph’s good luck, and ordered their men to search the room more carefully. Even a piece of garbage had to be properly examined.

“President, look at this!”

Just as Lin Li was walking towards the pool, Alan came close to him mysteriously, and carefully took out an item away from the Mithril Alliance and Caesar Family’s view.

After seeing what Alan had taken out, Lin Li couldn’t help but laugh. It was Claus’ precious trump card—the form-mimicking magical bugs’ hive. He asked, “Alan, how did it end up with you?”

It hadn’t been long since Alan reached the Legendary-realm, so he was the first Legendary-mage to exit the battle. If not for the top-grade magical equipment he had carried, he would have fallen out of the Legendary-realm under the Whispering God’s devouring of mana.

After exiting the battle, Alan stayed with the Tower of Dusk’s team together with those Archmages who had lost their ability to fight. He didn’t return to the battlefield anymore other than providing some aid to his surrounding comrades in times of dire crisis. Hence, Lin Li was curious how Claus’ hive had landed in Alan’s hands.

Upon hearing Lin Li’s inquiry, Alan blushed a little, and replied, “All of us were thrown back by those shock waves during the explosion. I was busy casting defense spells for others, but this thing hit my head, so I just kept it.”

“Oh, since this originally belonged to the Caesar Family, just return it to them,” replied Lin Li with an unbothered tone.

Alan was rather surprised by Lin Li’s words. After all, it didn’t seem like the President’s style to return a benefit that he had obtained. Although those magical bugs didn’t help with anything in that battle, they still possessed level-24 power. If not for the fact that he was very familiar with Lin Li’s mana waves, Alan would have thought that the President Felic in front of him had been replaced by another person back in the pool.

However, Alan never doubted Lin Li’s words. He took the hive and walked towards the Caesar Family’s team.

Originally, the Caesar Family was closer to the Mithril Alliance, so they didn’t have any particularly good feelings about the Tower of Dusk. However, little did the Caesar Family’s team know that the Tower of Dusk would provide them with Life Potions for free. Their attitude towards the Tower of Dusk had changed slightly as a result. Without anyone blocking the way, Alan soon stood next to Claus. Who knew what the two had spoken about, but both made their way towards Lin Li’s side afterward.

The magical bugs’ hive was still with Alan. After Claus walked closer to Lin Li, he said with some embarrassment, “President Felic, I’ve heard that you have much expertise on mageweaths. This hive is useless in my hands now. Please accept my humble gift.”

Originally, Claus would be able to control those magical bugs again after the Whispering God had been destroyed. Unfortunately, more than half of the mageweaths and magical arrays on the hive had been destroyed during the time the Whispering God had taken control over the bugs. Although the Whispering God lost its control over the bugs after the explosion and the bugs returned to their hive, Claus had lost the ability to control them again.

Moreover, this hive was an item from the High Elves’ era. Although it wasn’t anything important then, the mageweaths and magical arrays weren’t easy to repair given the current level of skills in Anril. Thus, Claus was clear that this thing was basically useless now. Since the Tower of Dusk’s men had found it, he might as well do a favor to the Tower of Dusk. After all, the Tower of Dusk probably didn’t have the ability to repair it now. Hence, it wouldn’t affect the balance of power amongst the factions in the exploration team.

What Claus didn’t know was that no faction in Anril could match the Tower of Dusk in terms of expertise in inscription and alchemy. Although the people here perceived this hive to be a powerful magical tool, it was but a toy during the High Elves’ era. Thus, it wasn’t difficult at all for Lin Li to repair this.

Since Claus had said that he didn’t want it, Lin Li naturally wouldn’t decline the offer. After all, it possessed level-24 power. As long as they didn’t meet an insanely powerful monster like the Whispering God, the hive would be useful.

Joseph saw that Claus and Lin Li had once again engaged in a conversation. However, his emotions weren’t very affected by it this time, since he was still immersed in the joy that the Whispering God’s heart had brought. His brain was full of images on how the Mithril Alliance, or rather his family, could become the most powerful faction in the Breezy Plains after he had figured out the secrets behind the mind-controlling whispers.

After Lin Li had put the hive into his Ring of Endless Storm, some men from the Caesar Family had come looking for Claus, telling him that they had found some valuable mana transferring tubes. Claus’ spirits went up upon hearing this news. He immediately turned to say goodbye to Lin Li, and brought his men back to the Caesar Family’s team.

Up till now, the Caesar Family had not only gained nothing from the exploration, but also suffered a great loss. The Time Domain that they wanted was destroyed in the explosion, while their trump card, the form-mimicking magical bugs, was gifted to the Tower of Dusk as the hive had suffered damage. The Mithril Alliance had obtained the Whispering God’s heart, while the Tower of Dusk and Glittergold Trade Union didn’t suffer any loss, though they hadn’t made any gains, either. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Claus not to feel anxious.

The mana transferring tube wasn’t exactly a tube that people normally knew. It was actually alchemy equipment that could increase the efficiency of mana transfer. Although its name might sound rather ordinary, anyone who had the slight knowledge of inscription or alchemy would know the importance of mana transferring tubes. Moreover, this was the Prince Brahere’s incubation room. Even the smallest gear wouldn’t be ordinary, not mentioning crucial equipment like the mana transferring tube.

Normally, the crystal inscription pen was used to inscribe mageweaths together with special magical ink. The mageweaths were inscribed at the place desired straight away, and were connected to the mana source directly. However, that only applied to mageweaths which didn’t require a lot of mana to function. The really powerful mageweath arrays would waste a shocking 90% of mana should they be inscribed in this manner.

Thus, the mana transferring tube became of crucial importance in a large-scale mageweath array like this Time Domain. After constant boost from the mana transferring tube, the wastage of mana when the mana flew through the magic pathways would be greatly reduced. Other than increasing mana usage rate, the pressure on the mana source would also be greatly reduced as a result. This also helped to increase the lifespan of the mana source immensely.

In addition, the magic pathways would be corroded by mana itself during mana transfer. This was another factor that affected the lifespan of the entire mageweath array. After all, no matter how strong the mana source was, even if it could apply 10,000 years worth of mana, the whole mageweath array would lose its effect if the magic pathways were broken. After mana had been strengthened by the mana transferring tube, however, the corrosion of the magic pathways would naturally decrease alongside the decreasing wastage of mana.

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