Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 601 - Kindergarten Teacher

Chapter 601: Kindergarten Teacher

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

‘Then explain it!’

Lin Qiao answered his question unclearly, by saying that it had everything to do with her. But, Lu Tianyi still had no idea what relationship she had with Hades Base, and that made him very unhappy.

He felt as if she was treating him like a child.

Lin Qiao picked up two water ladles and then said to the group of zombies, “If you have cups, go and get them. If you don’t, stand there.”

There were over fifty level-three zombies. Lin Qiao didn’t have that many cups for them, so she planned to let those level-four zombies lend them theirs.

There were about twenty level-four zombies. They hadn’t had any lake water for many days. As Lin Qiao ordered them to get their cups, they immediately ran to the cabinet, picked up their cups, and then ran back as quickly as possible. After that, they fixed their eager eyes on Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao put the water ladles in Lu Tianyi’s hands and then said, “Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. Look at him!”

Lu Tianyi was very confused.Then, he turned and found those zombies staring at the ladles in his hands.

“Oi, young man, come over here!” At that point, Lin Qiao waved at the smart young male zombie, saying, “You’ve done this job before. Today, I’ll give you a new job.”

That young male zombie was now less eager toward the lake water, because he had sneakily drunk the lake water in Lu Tianyi’s buckets many times these days. So now, he wasn’t in strong need of the lake water. If he wanted anything, that would be… bathing in the lake water!

Now, Lin Qiao summoned him, but he didn’t know what she wanted.

Lin Qiao pointed at the other bucket of water, then said, “Stand straight first.”

Then, she said to the confused Lu Tianyi, “Have you seen these zombies with cups? Give each of them a cup of water.”

Hearing her, Lu Tianyi finally woke up. It was the first time he saw something like this, and he felt very strange. Once again, he glanced at those level-four zombies who were standing in a straight line, suddenly feeling as if he was looking at some elementary school students.

‘What the hell!’

Lu Tianyi hurriedly shook his head to get rid of the strange thoughts in his mind.

At that time, Lin Qiao said to those level-four zombies, “Come over here. When you have finished your water, lend your cups to them.” While speaking, she pointed at those level-three zombies, but found them standing in a messy formation, slowly approaching the buckets.

“Oi, oi, oi, stand there! Stop bunching up! Move back! Step away from each other!” She burst in yells as she pointed at those unruly level-three zombies and ordered them to move back. Being pointed at by Lin Qiao who was a zombie dominator, those level-three zombies didn’t dare to disobey, and stepped back obediently.

But still, they were crowding together.

Lin Qiao walked to them and kicked a zombie on the first row, then pushed the other one while shouting, “Make two steps backward… Yes, and stay here… You, you, step back, back… Why are you clinging to him? Do you want to bite him?”

Before long, she put those level-three zombies in a not-so-neat formation.

“Remember your own spots! Do not stand in wrong spots next time… You, stand straight, and you, put your foot back… Stand to attention…” Lin Qiao kept correcting those zombies’ standing postures.

With a confused look, Lu Tianyi watched Lin Qiao easily put those strange-looking level-three zombies in a formation. Those zombies stood in straight lines, as obedient as soldiers.

Seeing him gazing at Lin Qiao, the zombie who was in front of him, waiting for the lake water, got unhappy. He opened his mouth and attempted to roar at him, but then paused to think. Abruptly, he glanced at Lin Qiao and then shut his mouth.

As he wasn’t allowed to roar, he reached out his cup toward Lu Tianyi’s face.

‘Eh? What the hell?’

A cup suddenly appeared near Lu Tianyi, nearly bumping into his nose. Lu Tianyi gave a start, then realized that there were some zombies standing in front of him, waiting for him to give them the water. He was actually distracted earlier.

Lu Tianyi glanced at the zombie’s eager eyes, then hurriedly turned and fetched some water, pouring it into the zombie’s cup.

Upon getting the water, that superpowered zombie quickly went back into the line. Lu Tianyi glanced at him with surprise, as he thought that the zombie would move to the side.

While fetching water for those zombies, he watched them holding their cups and going back into the line.

“You guys, bring your cups over here when you have finished your water,” Lin Qiao suddenly yelled at those level-four zombies who already had had the water.

“Roar?” Those zombies looked at her with confusion. Instead of bringing their cups to her, they hid those cups behind their bodies, then stared at Lin Qiao vigilantly and bitterly.

“Damn, what is that look in your eyes? I’m only asking to borrow those cups! Borrow! I’ll give them back to you!” Seeing the look in those zombies’ eyes, Lin Qiao immediately understand their meaning. They thought that she was going to take away their cups and never let them drink the lake water.

“Come over here and bring your cups! Why are you so stingy? I’m not taking those cups away forever. I’m just asking you to lend your cups to them, so they can drink. Look, they don’t have any cups!” While persuading those zombies, Lin Qiao sighed helplessly.

Yet, those level-four zombies refused to move. Lin Qiao got angry. She narrowed her eyes and said coldly, “Do I need to give you an order?”

Seeing the look on her face, all those zombies shivered, then immediately rushed over and put their cups into those the hands of those level-three zombies who stood there quietly. After that, they roared at those level-three zombies.

They tried to tell those level-three zombies that they needed to give those cups back after drinking the water.

“Roar?” Those level-three zombies who took over those cups were a little confused.

“Why did you roar? They’ll pass the cups to the ones behind them when they have finished their water! Why are you so impatient?” Lin Qiao kicked the zombie who was the nearest to her. After kicking that zombie away, she said to those level-three zombies who had cups, “Go over there, get your water, then come back here. After that, finish the water and pass the empty cups to the ones behind you. Do you understand?”

“Roar?” ‘No!’

Those level-three zombies answered Lin Qiao’s question very straightforwardly.

Lin Qiao tried pretty hard to keep herself from exploding. “Go, over there! Get the water! Come back! Drink!” Lin Qiao said to them through clenched teeth.

Watching Lin Qiao, Lu Tianyi suddenly felt that she was like a kindergarten teacher. He found her anxious, angry, and helpless look very interesting.

After being yelled at by Lin Qiao, those level-three zombies who had cups quickly moved toward that young male zombie that Lin Qiao was pointing at. That young male zombie who had been waiting by the bucket was already getting impatient. He bared his teeth and roared at those level-three zombies, urging them to move faster.

“Roar!” ‘The water is ready! Come on!’

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