
Chapter 729: Patriarch Hall

Chapter 729: Patriarch Hall

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As soon as Yang Chen and the girls walked into the tunnel, they realized that the tunnel was quite speechless. The stone gate, which looks very ordinary, has a thickness of more than ten feet, which also means that the top of the corridor, which was more than ten feet long, was all the two so-called stone gates.

No wonder it couldn’t be pushed inward, the door was basically integrated with the mountain in this direction, and it would be hell if it could be pushed.

In order to go in by himself, Yang Chen had to hold it all the time, moving in step by step, never letting the stone door fall down. This situation naturally aroused many speculations from outsiders.

Seeing that there were at least a dozen breathing time but the stone gate did not fall, the people outside finally couldn’t bear it, and rushed towards the stone gate from several directions. The one who rushed the fastest, reached the edge of the stone gate without the slightest hesitation, and entered the stone gate.

With Gao Yue’s last glance, it was obvious that everyone had been spotted, because they were afraid of disturbing the Yang Chen family inside, so none of them dared to use their spiritual awareness to investigate. The guy who rushed in was very happy, even if Yang Chen’s family ate meat, he would be fine with some soup. You know, these three great danger zones have never been opened, how many good things are there?

Before the second expert rushed to the door, the raised stone door suddenly came down with a bang. Although it was difficult and jerky when it was lifted up, when it fell, the huge weight ignored all obstacles, and it was pressed down like Mount Tai.

The master who rushed into the stone gate was horrified, it was obviously too late to make a turn when he rushed forward, and he was unwilling to go back. With just such a moment of hesitation, the stone gate was already on top of his head.

As a last resort, the master could only hold his hands together, imitating Yang Chen’s appearance, trying to withstand the falling trend of the door. It’s a pity that it’s easy to watch others lift it up, but it’s not so easy to lift by yourself.

The huge weight almost bent the cultivator’s spine. In a blink of an eye, he already understood that relying on his own physical strength, it was absolutely impossible to lift the stone gate. But as soon as he used his spiritual power, he suddenly discovered that there was a huge suction force coming from the place where his hands were in contact with the door, washing away his spiritual power.

You cannot use spiritual power on this door, the master suddenly remembered this taboo, but it was too late at this time, the trend of the door’s falling did not even slow down, and it fell down suddenly.

From the inside and outside of the door, there was a snort, and two lines of blood came out, it was that poor guy who was directly crushed into a meatloaf by the door. Blood sprayed all over the body of the master who rushed from behind, scaring him into a cold sweat. Fortunately, his speed was a little slower, otherwise, wouldn’t he also end up as a meatloaf?

Of course, Yang Chen also noticed that the guy behind came in, but he didn’t have the kindness to carry the stone gate for outsiders. When he got inside, he let go without thinking. These guys can’t figure it out on their own, but they are good at picking up bargains. Let them know that bargains are not so easy to pick up.

It has nothing to do with Yang Chen, and there was no contamination on his body. All he wanted to know now was if there was anything he was looking for in one of the three great danger zones.

It seems that the formation outside and the stone gate are the final barrier, and there is no other aura inside. Tao Junqi, who was the first to rush in, had already checked and found that there was no danger. Even the lights were turned on, and the inside was brightly illuminated.

The space inside was not big, which was more than half of the mountainside. The whole space was a circular area supported by several columns. After just one glance, Yang Chen felt a little regretful.

In the middle of the circular space was a hall, and around it was a circle of tables. The tables were densely filled with memorial tablets, and there were some portraits on the wall, one next to the other, almost covering the entire wall. There were still some futons on the ground in the middle. Both the futons and the tables have been simply refined, they are still not decayed.

This posture is clearly the appearance of a sect patriarch hall. No wonder the outside was protected by such a weird formation. The sect’s patriarch hall was probably heavily guarded and cannot be opened easily.

It was a good thing to open one of the danger zones, but to Yang Chen and others, it doesn’t mean much. No one would keep any magic weapon in the patriarch hall, so this trip was a waste of hard work.

The girls probably also knew the result, everyone just looked at it, no one did anything, now they are all waiting for Yang Chen to make up his mind on what to do next.

“Anyway, I’m a senior, since we’re here, let’s burn incense!” Yang Chen thought for a while, and said to the girls. This is the old place of a certain sect, and when he goes to get things from others, he catches up with the patriarch hall, and offering incense sticks to the patriarchs is also the right thing to do.

No one objected, Yang Chen was the first, all the girls followed behind Yang Chen, Gao Yue, Gongsun Ling, Shi Shanshan, and Sun Qingxue were in the second row, Tao Junqi, the Murong sisters and Shi Wushuang were in the third row, starting from the position directly opposite the door, burning incense one by one.

There are ready-made incense sticks in their Qiankun bags, and after a while, there were three more burning incense sticks in front of each tablet in the entire Patriarchal Hall. The smoke curled up, and the Patriarch Hall began to be filled with a refreshing smell.

“What’s that?” At first the smoke was just drifting randomly, but when there were three incense sticks in the incense burners in front of all the memorial tablets, those drifting smoke began to slowly form on the top of the Patriarch Hall a pattern.

This pattern is square, and it can’t be formed by accident, although it hasn’t fully appeared yet, it was weird. Everyone looked up and watched the smoke slowly gather, and everyone felt an indescribable taste in their hearts.

They thought that they would not gain anything after entering the Patriarch Hall, but they didn’t expect that after a few sticks of incense, there would be such a surprise. Fortunately, Yang Chen proposed to burn incense, otherwise, no one would have noticed that the smoke would form a pattern.

The smoke quickly formed a square pattern with all kinds of complicated lines, making people feel dizzy at a glance. The smoke was constantly moving, which made people dizzy.

“It looks like a formation.” Gongsun Ling saw something first, followed by the Murong sisters. They all focused on the formation, so it’s normal to see it first. Yang Chen didn’t analyze what the pattern was, but tried his best to write down the pattern first. As for research, they’ll talk about it later.

The smoke didn’t last long and dissipated quickly. All the girls looked a little unfinished, especially Gongsun Ling and the Murong sisters, they only wrote down a part of it, and most of it disappeared before they remembered it.

“Let’s light the incense one more time, and watch it again!” Gongsun Ling immediately suggested.

“No need! I’ve already written it down, let’s go out and study it!” Yang Chen shook his head directly, instinctively, he felt that this Patriarchal Hall is not so simple, it’s better to go out first.


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