World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3659

Shen Xiang’s method just mentioned is not the most ideal delivery method. Xiao Xianglin can only re-construct a Teleportation Formation disk, and then contact Liu Meng’er next time to ask if they have realized the other side. Space-Time rules, as long as they can comprehend Time Spell and Space Spell over there, the transfer is not difficult.

Yanshan Tiancheng had such a thing, so that the city’s high-rises were very depressed, because it was obvious that someone had sucked away the energy of the entire mine. Generally, this kind of devour ability is only available with a super-formation plate.

Originally, Yanshan Tiancheng was very attractive, and Flame Mountain Sect was also very proud of being able to build a city on such a huge mine, but now it is gone.

The mine below Yanshan Tiancheng has only a very small number of dao creation saint crystals. The original vibrant mountain has now become death Qi.

Shen Xiang and Flame Mountain Sect had hatred, so he did a great job doing this kind of thing.

“How do you open the entire formation plate? Is it like opening a Teleportation Formation disk?” Shen Xiang looked at a black forming plate in his hand, which Xiao Xianglin refining based on the image inside the key.

“The energy is needed, and the slot in the middle of the formation plate needs to be inserted.” Xiang Xianglin said: “The source of energy was originally the best of Dao Creation God Bead, and ten of the maps were reserved. Dao Creation God Bead’s position, if not, can only use the previous method.”

Just look for an oversized dao creation saint crystal mine, then wash the energy of the mine and open the formation plate.

Dao Creation God Bead can’t be found. Chu Jinfeng was very difficult when asked for Creation God Clan. At that time, they had already given Chu Jinfeng a lot, and now it is more difficult to get it.

At this time, Shen Xiang thought of a person, and he immediately set off to find Xia Changdong.

Xia Changdong Inside the creation fire city of Creation Fire Clan, Shen Xiang came here and used the stone to summon him.

Xia Changdong, the spy, is the most informed. He knew that Shen Xiang had Slaughtering Evil Dragon very early. He was not surprised at that time because he had seen Shen Xiang’s Creation Evil Key. He had wondered why Shen Xiang had Creation. Evil Key, now he understands, because Shen Xiang has Slaughtering Evil Dragon itself!

“Changdong, you should already know about my business! This is very bad for me.” Shen Xiang said: “This has prevented me from entering the Creation Thunder Territory.”

“Master, you have a Creation Evil Key. With your strength, you should be able to open the Origin Creation Evil Territory!” Xia Changdong said.

“I think, just that I am too short of energy now. Do you know how to get Dao Creation God Bead?” Shen Xiang needs ten tablets of Dao Creation God Bead: “You can also create a fireball for Creation Fire Clan!”

“Even if we have Creation Fire Clan, there are only a dozen of fireballs left.” Xia Changdong was shocked and said: “This kind of beads is not easy to get, it takes a long time to get out.”

“Master, do you want these beads to open the Origin Creation Evil Territory?” Xia Changdong asked.

Shen Xiang nodded: “There is a lot of energy needed!”

Xia Changdong suspects that the mine below Yanshan Tiancheng is likely to have been smashed by Shen Xiang.

“Master, it is very difficult for you to open the door of Origin Creation Evil Territory by yourself! I think you can go to Creation Evil Clan.” Xia Changdong said: “Creation Evil Clan people also built the city, very low-key, but Still being explored by us.”

“Well, let me go to Creation Evil Clan.” Shen Xiang has Creation Evil Key, so he is not afraid of Creation Evil Clan.

Xia Changdong told Shen Xiang that the city is relatively large, but in order to keep a low profile, there is no Teleportation Formation with other big cities, and Shen Xiang can only walk.

“Is this Creation Evil Clan really terrifying? If it’s really terrifying, why is it so low-key?” Shen Xiang said, Creation Evil Clan is also one of the nine Creation Clan, they are also very afraid of Slaughtering Evil Dragon, so I said before To attack Shen Xiang’s.

Shen Xiang came to this city called Yaoming City. There are many people inside. The overall look is not bad, and there is no “evil” taste.

The city was built by Creation Evil Clan, where the City Lord is definitely the person of Creation Evil Clan, and Shen Xiang goes straight to the City Lord’s Mansion.

City Lord’s Mansion has a variety of barriers, but Shen Xiang penetrates easily with penetrating power and then sways in the City Lord’s Mansion. After half an hour, he finally sees the City Lord.

City Lord is a chunky middle-aged man with a big beard, dressed in black, lazy in a garden and sunbathing.

“City Lord Hello!” When Shen Xiang appeared, he used the Creation Evil Key to reach the back of the City Lord. The evil force that created the most fear of Creation Evil Clan instantly penetrated, making the City Lord trembling.

“You…who are you? Why do you have a sacred object of your own family?” City Lord asked.

“I want to see your Patriarch!” Shen Xiang said: “I have important things to talk to him, is he here?”

City Lord took the courage to turn around and saw a face he had seen on the portrait. His lips trembled: “Shen…Shen Xiang!”

“Being nonsense, take me to see your Patriarch.” Shen Xiang said with a sneer.

With the Slaughtering Evil Dragon and the Creation Evil Key, the City Lord is even more afraid of Shen Xiang.

“I… I will take you there.” City Lord immediately took Shen Xiang to a secret room where there is a Teleportation Formation.

After the Teleportation Formation was opened, Shen Xiang came to a forest. There were huge trees in the forest. These big trees had some doors. The people of Creation Evil Clan actually lived in the big trees, making him wonder if this is Creation Wood. Clan.

Shen Xiang’s Creation Evil Key has a special atmosphere, so when he comes here, people with the evil bloodline can immediately feel it, they come out from the Immortal’s cave in the big tree.

Soon, thousands of Creation Evil Clan people appeared, they did not dare to approach Shen Xiang, full of fear of the beheading in Shen Xiang.

A humpbacked old man came out with a black carved dragon cane.

The dragon on the dragon’s walking stick is exactly the same as the Slaughtering Evil Dragon, and there is still a touch of breath. This hunched old man has a very scary eye, not his own, the eyes of other people embedded in it, much like The dragon’s eyes emit a red light glow.

“You are Patriarch?” Shen Xiang asked, holding the Creation Evil Key, even if he faced a humpback old man who was much taller than his cultivation base, he was not afraid.

“Sure enough, only Slaughtering Evil Dragon knows where the Creation Evil Key is, you have already got it.” The humpback old man is the only one who has no fear, but his tone is very moderate.

“Please forgive me, I will see you in this way. I really have no other better way.” Shen Xiang defended the City Lord, and the City Lord immediately ran to the side. He was scared to sweat. .

“It’s understandable! It seems that you have important things to talk to me, then please come with me.” Humpback old man hehe smiled, then took a black dragon crutches and took Shen Xiang to the biggest one. Giant tree.

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