World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3554

Shen Xiang had thought about it before, he formed the team, and another purpose was to let his team’s War-God eat all kinds of refining Dan, and then show a variety of different points, which can make his Dan more Good to sell, the price is higher,

He said this idea, Feng Lanyi feels very good, because she is eating Shen Xiang’s Dan breakthrough, if anyone knows, it will definitely rush,

“If you really want to do this, you don’t need to form any team. The team joins the Shenfeng battlefield and it costs a lot of money. The early stage is very big,” Feng Lanyi said. “It’s not as good as ours.” Find a few potential and trustworthy people, train them, and let them challenge the well-known War-God,”

“At the same time, we also let everyone know that we are a team, but we do not join the Shenfeng battlefield, I do not use the Shenfeng battlefield admission fee dividends, if you want to achieve great influence, the premise is that your Dan is useful, Can make people very strong,”

“This is not asking,” said Shen Xiang, who had many bizarre ideas, especially the body that saw the blood-warmed War-God.

He feels that he can refine the dao creation saint stone and herbs into the Dan, which can be achieved by eating it, or by extracting the blood of the divine beast, and blending with the herbs, allowing people to cultivate the strength of World Defying divine beast. In the battle, the strength will definitely be strong,

“Okay, then I will do it, I will use my network to find the right person,” Feng Lanyi said. “I will look back soon,”

Feng Lanyi went out for two hours. There is a back, the store is very lively at this time, Hua Liqing has raised the price of World Defying Divine Pill to a hundred and fifty dao creation saint stone, still very good to sell, she occasionally Will also auction some, and increase the value of World Defying Divine Pill.

In the battlefield, Benxi’s 砭 怯 喟潦 喟潦 喟潦 喟潦 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , One month,

World Defying Divine Pill quickly spread throughout the city, and the sacredness of the gods made many of the pils stores here shocked. Because it has sold 200 tablets and the price is high, the effect of this kind of Dan is not questioned. ,


After hearing this, Azure Dragon Battle Emperor frowned. “These people, unexpectedly Alchemist…Feng Lanyi is definitely not, the one who is responsible for selling Dan is not the man,”

“It should be, this man looks like 硗η Kang, what is it, World Defying Divine Pill, can refine this kind of Dan, it is enough for them to establish a certain prestige in the battlefield,” Said middle age,

“Battle Emperor, just after the news came back, Feng Lanyi left the store and didn’t know what to do. We wanted to find her trouble,”

“Feng Lanyi is too big for me. If I eat her, I can have a fleshly body close to World Defying divine beast,” Azure Dragon Battle Emperor clenched his fist: “I am too late to step into Legendary World Defying. Realm, that is, the cultivation base of the fleshly body is not enough. The Azure Dragon in my Divine sea has already entered the Legendary World Defying Realm, but it belongs to the Soul Body after all, and it can be stronger with my fleshly body.”

This is why Shen Xiang guessed wrong. He thought that Azure Dragon Battle Emperor would suppress the cultivation base and not breakthrough.

“What do we do now, we can’t be in Chaohui City, many homes are watching,” said the middle-aged: “If we make a mistake, they will definitely seize the handle and then find us trouble.”

The great war team of Shenfeng Fighting Field is very intriguing, especially the main strength of Azure Dragon Battle Emperor, which is the boss of many teams who want to get rid of it.

“Looking for a way, you must catch Feng Lanyi… Yes, she is not Flame Mountain Sect, how do you join a store now, how do you check it out,” Azure Dragon Battle Emperor Very upset,

“She just got out of Flame Mountain Sect and has any relationship with Flame Mountain Sect.” Middle-aged said,

“Well, you can contact Flame Mountain Sect and ask them, there is a way to transfer Feng Lanyi out of the city… or what is the handle of Feng Lanyi, I will give them a lot of reward,” Azure Dragon Battle Said Emperor,

“I will do it,”

After the middle-aged departure, he soon took the illusion of danger, the old man of Divine World Defying Realm.

“Battle Emperor, the Old Mister is the Elder Wang of Flame Mountain Sect, who manages the Flame Mountain Sect part of the discipline. In this part of the discipline, there is Feng Lanyi,”

Azure Dragon Battle Emperor shines, hastily asks: “Elder Wang, how do you deal with Feng Lanyi, I need a reason for direct and honestly,”

“Yes, Feng Lanyi is a four-winged fire bird. She has been using the 诖 堑 堑 堑 多年 多年 抵 抵 抵 抵 抵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , This reason took her back to the Flame Mountain Sect investigation,” Elder Wang said. “If she refuses, our Flame Mountain Sect can apply to Zhanhuicheng, forcibly grab Feng Lanyi, grab Feng Lanyi, and take her out. City, then you can let Azure Dragon Battle Emperor handle it,”

“Go and do it now. After the event, fifty dao creation saint crystals are paid for Elder Wang.” Azure Dragon Battle Emperor is very excited, shouted,


Feng Lanyi just returned to the store, Elder Wang took a group of Flame Mountain Sect’s old man 砹,

“Feng Lanyi, although you have left the Flame Mountain Sect, we suspect that you have swallowed the resources of our Flame Mountain Sect for many years, so we will take you back to investigate,” Elder Wang entered into the store and saw Feng Lanyi, loudly shouted.

Shen Xiang immediately looked out and saw a middle-aged man in a simple disguise across the street, his eyes escaping. He looked at it again and saw that this person had awkwardly with Azure Dragon Battle Emperor. He immediately understood what he had. ,

“The troublemaker, please get out of our store,” Shen Xiang stepped up, pushed hard, and a strength rushed out and slammed Elder Wang out of the store.

“Everyone, these people said that they are Flame Mountain Sect, and they are four, the younger brother has just married, don’t know how to deal with such people, and please come up with ideas,” Shen Xiang said to people outside the shop. There are many people outside, who want to buy World Defying Divine Pill.

“Send to the City Lord’s Mansion,”

“Flame Mountain Sect people will do this kind of thing, and it’s too bad,”

“He is Glad Mountain Sect’s Elder Wang, and his status is not low, haha, Flame Mountain Sect’s Inner Sect elder, actually doing this kind of thing, jealous of other people’s shops, door-to-door enamel,”

“Get them and send them to the City Lord’s Mansion and let the City Lord’s Mansion dispose of them,”

“I heard that the relationship between the Battlefield and the Seven Hills is not very good, and I like to deal with this guy most,”

“If everyone can help them to grab the City Lord’s Mansion, I will use someone to refine some of the World Defying Divine Pill for everyone, and I will have it as soon as possible,” said Shen Xiang suddenly.

The young man in front of him, unexpectedly is the Alchemist of two World Defying Divine Pill. After everyone was shocked, they all shouted Grandmaster Shen. The face of Flame Mountain Sect’s Elder Wang was green. At this time, a group of people surrounded them. Let them run,

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