World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3456

At the beginning, Shen Xiang felt very complicated and very headache. I didn’t know when to learn. I felt a bit boring in my heart, but after he went deep into the study, he was immersed in it and became very concentrated. He gradually ignored the time. Lapse.

It was only after he mastered the first-order Fusion Spell that he quit the serious learning state because of his joy.

“I finally learned a Fusion Spell, it seems that time has not passed.” Shen Xiang himself estimated the time of vulgar’s death. He probably only used it for more than ten years. He felt that he could continue to learn because outside. There is still no past day.

Then he started to learn the second…

He is very attracted to Xiao Xianglin, because Xiao Xianglin learned Fusion Spell very quickly. In fact, this is mainly because Xiao Xianglin started learning Dao Creation Spell when he was very young, which laid a solid foundation for her.

When Shen Xiang learned the second Fusion Spell, it took a lot longer than before. He himself was unexpected. Unexpectedly would be so difficult, but it was a second-order Fusion Spell. It took almost 50 years. time!

“It’s not too long. The two gimmicks, Xiang’er and Ling’er, are said to take almost two hundred years to master three. I should be better than them.”

Shen Xiang thought that he had mastered some Dao Creation Spell and it would be easier to learn Fusion Spell, but it was not easy.

“Is it not that I have learned the innate talent of Dao Creation Spell? I can only make up for it by time! Xiao Xianglin is a woman, actually learned a Dao Creation Spell for three years, it is terrifying, is this innate talent?” Shen Xiang secretly marvels stand up.

Shen Xiang decided to learn three Fusion Spells first, at least that would make him not too bad in the Dragon Elephant Sect.

After more than eighty years, Shen Xiang mastered the third Fusion Spell. He spent the time and spent about 150 years, not too slow, but he didn’t seem to be better than Xiao Xianglin. How much is the female slave?

“Well, I should have not learned Dao Creation Spell’s innate talent, so I will master it so slowly!” After Shen Xiang intends to go out, she will go to Xiao Xianglin to ask if she has mastered these three Dao Creation Spells. How long did it take?

Shen Xiang thinks that these three Fusion Spells are already very powerful. Originally he planned to learn the ninth-order Fusion Spell directly, but he thought about it. The ninth-order Dao Creation Spell is so complicated. If there is no previous foundation, maybe it will be used. Thousands of you, you can’t even learn, so he still learns from the first one honestly.

Learning Dao Creation Spell is also a step-by-step process, and each level of Dao Creation Spell can be superposition. If it is used well, you can superposition the first, second, and third Fusion Spells together. Come, you can improve even bigger.

Xiao Xianglin also said before that it is not easy to want perfect superposition, it takes a long time to master, and she used it for a long time.

Shen Xiang didn’t know how to make the Dragon Elephant Saint Soul blend together. He took out two crystal emperors, engraved the first-order Fusion Spell on the two crystal emperors, and then put the two crystal emperors into the together.

He saw that the crystal emperor flashed a burst of light at the moment of the touch, and the two crystal emperors seemed to be sticky and then merged… the process of fusion was very slow. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t find that you are merging. Shen Xiang estimates that at this speed, it takes at least one month!

“Is it because Fusion Spell is only a first-order?” Shen Xiang pondered for a while, then engraved a second-order Fusion Spell on the crystal emperor, superposition on the first stage.

Mantra superposition He has excellent control, 1st level element mantra, what kind of fire lighting spell, he can be very superposition superposition, now he uses these Fusion Spell to superposition merge, very convenient.

“It’s a little faster!” Shen Xiang can see that the two crystal emperors are clearly fused, but he doesn’t think it’s fast enough, because at this speed, it takes a whole day to complete the fusion.

Shen Xiang then superposition third-order Fusion Spell.

The two crystal emperors have been speeding up at this point, and he expects an hour to succeed! Only what he expected in his heart was the instant fusion.

“If you join the fourth-order Fusion Spell, it will definitely be faster.” Shen Xiang looks at the two crystal emperors that are merging and thinking.

An hour has passed, two crystal emperors merge together, only one piece of crystal emperor is so big, if it is bigger after the fusion, it is just a patchwork, no meaning! Only fusion like this will improve the quality of the crystal emperor.

“If this is infinitely integrated, I don’t know what it will be like?” Shen Xiang jumped in his heart, he had a lot of crystal emperor, I think I can give it a try.

“The quality of the crystal emperor should have a limit!” said Feng Ke’er, who had thought about this before because she also wanted to make the most of the crystal emperor possible.

“What if the crystal emperor continues to improve quality?” Shen Xiang was very curious: “Will it evolve into something more powerful?”

With Fusion Spell, Shen Xiang doesn’t need to use alchemy to improve the quality of the crystal emperor, it will take time, and it will make him more tired.

“I don’t know, I only know if I tried it! After you go out, ask your little beauty master.” Su Maiyao Jiao said with a smile.

“I have been here for two days now, just go out and tell him that I have learned three Fusion Spells?” Shen Xiang snorted: “It will scare her!”

“Yes, she is so beautiful, you can’t bear to scare her!” Long Xueyi happily said with a smile.

Shen Xiang took the crystal emperor and released Time Domain. He now has to master more Amplification Spell, because Amplification Spell is very useful, although it is only the 2nd level mantra, but it can play very much. The increase in erupt.

He felt that when he recrystallized the crystal emperor, he added Amplification Spell, and maybe the effect would be better. He now needs to refine the more powerful curse.

Shen Xiang thought that he had learned three 6th level Fusion Spells and then learned the 2nd level of Amplification Spell. It would be relatively easy, but not. He is very sure that he has not learned Dao Creation Spell’s innate talent. I can only come slowly.

“It seems to take a lot of time!” Shen Xiang now needs to learn Dao Creation Spell, which is useful for alchemy.

Seven or eight Dao Creation Spells at the 2nd level used him for hundreds of years… Even though he didn’t think that time passed when he was studying, he always had a headache after he learned it. He felt that he needed a period. Of time to learn, I will not be so bored.

He took out some Blood Devil Shark’s blood, and then began to refine the blood shark to strengthen the body Dan, he had to refine into the ninth order Amplification Spell.

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