World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3356

People on all around the mountains are horrified to escape!


Long Jiuxiao roared and the other Saint World Defying roared.

They saw Shen Xiang’s Divine Mirror of Six Paths have quickly come to the mountains, chasing those who fled, and they are ready to fight.

They were divided into eight groups, concentrating on the eight old man, and then leaving more than a dozen dragons to chase those who had been besieging Long Zhiyu.

After Divine Mirror of Six Paths flew up to the top of the mountain, he let Song Tianchuan come out and Long Xueyi joined the battle.

Song Tianchuan They have been oppressed by Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan for many years. At this time, they have fixed the people of these two ethnic groups.

“All the dogs in Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan are killed.” Shen Xiang screamed and released the three poisonous monkeys.

Long Xueyi evokes two white long swords. According to Shen Xiang, she distinguishes the breath of Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan, and then flies over, and the sword is a smash.

Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan are a lot of people, and there are hundreds of them. They are the majority of their strengths in Soul River God Clan. They are the cultivation base of World Defying Sacred Realm initial stage and middle stage. .

The great war broke out and the scene was very confusing. Many people shouted and fled, and the people of Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan were reluctant to leave because they also wanted to kill the dragon. Although they couldn’t understand why souddenly appeared so many dragons, But they can see that most of the dragons are dealing with the eight old man, only a few ten dragons rushed over.

“Don’t be afraid of these dozen dragons, we have hundreds of people, and we can definitely kill them.” An old man said, he is the World Defying Sacred Realm middle stage, close to the late stage, among the group. More powerful, he is the Violent Blade Clan, and his arm has been turned into an exaggerated knife.

However, just after he had just finished speaking, the poisonous monkey, who had been invisible, passed by him and gently grabbed his old face, leaving a scratch on it.

The scratch immediately sprouted black blood!

“I was poisoned!” The old man was horrified, and Long Xueyi had already rushed over, and the two swords waved and directly cut it into several breaks.

Just as confident, the old man who was preparing to kill the dragon was actually stunned by a pair of seemingly cute women with two swords. Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan were all stunned.

“You…who are you? Why are you killing our Violent Blade Clan?” asked a middle-aged anger, and when he had just finished asking, he felt a breeze on his cheek, and his cheeks showed scratches. Only the poisonous monkey just swiftly swept from his cheek.

After the poisonous monkey succeeded, the virulence of the middle-aged body has spread rapidly, and it is difficult to condense strength for a while, and Long Xueyi’s double sword has also arrived, and it is quick and awkward to kill it into several pieces.

“Who am I? I will let you know who I am now!” Long Xueyi said coldly, only to see her delicate body whitening glittering, and suddenly became a huge and beautiful White Dragon.

Just in the Bailong, what color is there, there is no white, it can be seen that the White Dragon is very rare!

Just as everyone was watching the White Dragon in horror, the other dozens of dragons had been killed. They turned into half human and half dragon, rushing into the crowd and killing.

Long Xueyi also turned into a human shape, because the other person is too much, if she is too big, she will suffer.

The very strong dragon warrior’s body, half human and half dragon’s body, make them full of dragon scales, hands into a dragon claw, is very powerful Divine Weapon, weaker, they are easily torn.

Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan have never thought about it, this world unexpectedly has a stronger group than them, that is Dragon Clan!

Song Tianchuan, they also looked at them. They all know that the Holy Dragon warrior just stepped into World Defying Sacred Realm, but the strength is terrifying, and the World Defying Sacred Realm initial stage is like a rag in the eyes of Holy Dragon warrior. In the same way, it was easily torn by the dragon claws, even the World Defying Sacred Realm middle stage, it could not resist a few tricks.

Those Divine Weapon, beaten on the dragon scales of the Holy Dragon warrior, just made a slamming sound and couldn’t break the defense of the dragon scales.

“I am poisonous, you kill!” Shen Xiang gave Song Tianchuan their sound transmission. He let two poisonous monkeys cooperate with Song Tianchuan, weakening the strength of Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan, and the other is with Long Xueyi.

Song Tianchuan As soon as they saw scratches on their faces, they immediately rushed over and easily killed them.

Shen Xiang doesn’t have a poisonous monkey, but he has Divine Mirror of Six Paths and Nine Firmaments Divine Sword. He throws Divine Mirror of Six Paths, as long as the person hit by Divine Mirror of Six Paths, even if it is strong, Will collapse directly.

Divine Mirror of Six Paths itself has a strong strength, and is still a small number of dao creation saint stone and a large number of crystal emperor refining, will be crushed after being attacked by Divine Mirror of Six Paths.

Those who were not at the foot of the mountain, not Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan, looked at the hundreds of Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan on the mountain, and were killed by more than a dozen dragons.

Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan normally have more arrogance in the World Defying Soul River. It is one of the most powerful ethnic groups in the World Defying Soul River, but now it has been killed by people, and it is still good. Hundreds of mad kills by more than a dozen dragons!

“Take it to you here!” Shen Xiang saw that Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan were less and less, and they shouted to Song Tianchuan and then rushed to another battlefield.

Eight old men fought against the Dragon Dragon warrior led by Long Jiuxiao. When Shen Xiang came, he saw that more than 30 dragons had been scarred. Even Long Zhiyu had some scars on his body.

Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan These World Defying Sacred Realm late stage peak old fellows, the strength is really strong, in the face of almost 100 dragons, can persist for so long.

Gundam joined forces in the sky to release a share of World Defying to suppress the eight old man, the eight old man gathered together, joined forces to release a shield, while resisting the airborne dragons attack, while controlling Divine Weapon from time to time Flying to the sky to carry out a fierce attack, those Holy Dragon warrior is so wounded.

“Little Ke’er, from the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, makes the strongest killing formation, preferably to absorb the power of the dragons,” Shen Xiang told Feng Ke’er.

“No problem!” Feng Ke’er soon found a killing formation: “You can start! Killing formation!”

Shen Xiang controls the Divine Mirror of Six Paths to get a little bigger, then the mirror of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths faces the eight old man. Of course, the eight old people see it, but he doesn’t agree.

“Put your strength into Divine Mirror of Six Paths!” Shen Xiang gave Long Jiuxiao and Long Zhiyu sound transmission.

“Is this okay?” Long Jiuxiao was a little worried because their group strength was strong, and he felt that Divine Mirror of Six Paths might not be able to withstand it, although the Divine Mirror of Six Paths seemed to have changed.

“No problem, come on!” Shen Xiang shouted: “Come on!”

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