World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3349

Shen Xiang sighed and said: “Yes, and Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan have been chasing him! Saint World Defying Dragon is my friend, I came here to find him and tell him something. thing.”

“I was worried about him before. I know that he is here. I am relieved.”

Song Tianchuan Several of them are as surprised as the Thunder, Shen Xiang is actually a friend with Saint World Defying Dragon!

Saint World Defying Dragon, that is the powerful dragon of World Defying Sacred Realm. This World Defying divine beast is far superior to human beings and extremely mysterious. It is unexpectedly able to become friends with human beings. Song Tianchuan is hard to believe.

“Shen Xiang, you… are you not kidding? How did you become friends with the cruel Saint World Defying dragon?” Du Rouke asked in amazement, the sweet little face was full of unbelief.

“The Saint World Defying dragon is not brutal. This is mainly because when you meet the Saint World Defying dragon, the first reaction is to kill him, because Saint World Defying is a treasure.” Shen Xiang faintly smiled: “So, the result can be Imagine that Saint World Defying will naturally fight back, otherwise he will be killed. If he does not mess with him, he will still be very quiet.”

Du Rouke is silent. They heard that Saint World Defying is in it. The first thought is indeed like this. If you destroy the Saint World Defying dragon, you will get a lot of baby. Although it is difficult, you want to fight together. .

“Well, if you take us to find the Saint World Defying dragon, will he fight us?” Song Tianchuan believes that Shen Xiang knows the Saint World Defying dragon. After all, Shen Xiang’s previous performance surprised them.

“Of course not, my relationship with the Saint World Defying dragon is very good,” said Shen Xiang, otherwise he would not be in a hurry to find the Saint World Defying dragon.

“How about the Saint World Defying dragon? How big?” Du Rouke asked curiously: “I have not seen the Saint World Defying dragon yet!”

“Great, very formidable, very aggressive.” Shen Xiang said with a smile : “But as far as I know, he should be able to turn into a human form. As for how the human figure grows, I don’t know, because this It was only after he came to the World Defying Soul River.”

When Saint World Defying entered the Ancient Fire God Sect, the people inside taught him Shapeshift, when Shen Xiang was still in Outer Sect.

“If you turn into a human shape, it is not easy to find him.” Song Tianchuan said: “Why are Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan chasing him?”

Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan do have enough strength to hunt the Saint World Defying dragon!

“Benefits, Saint World Defying is a treasure.” Shen Xiang said: “It is also possible that Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan want to control him and become his strength. In short, these two groups are so busy and overbearing. “”

Shen Xiang is now only the World Defying Sacred Realm initial stage, but his Scarlet Fire Divine Dragon is very strong, released, at least equivalent to the strength of the World Defying Sacred Realm middle stage, if he integrates the Scarlet Fire Divine Dragon into his body, his The strength is also close to the World Defying Sacred Realm late stage.

Of course, if he uses the power of Dao Creation Spell, then strength will be more terrifying, but he doesn’t dare. After using it, his body damage is too great, and Divine Mirror of Six Paths doesn’t seem to release anymore. That strength.

“I don’t know what he is doing in the Sky River Mountain Range. Is it hiding here? But it’s not right. There have been rumors that he is here, and there have been conflicts with Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan.” Song Tianchuan said with a frown.

Yu Yilan whispered: “There is something in the Sky River Mountain Range that makes Saint World Defying a reluctance to leave. After all, it is dangerous to stay in it. Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan know that he is inside.”

“Violent Blade Clan and Soul River God Clan didn’t come during this time. It’s obvious that Saint World Defying dragons are hiding, or hiding in what seals, they can’t get in.” Du Rouke said: “Now the knife is five tigers. Die, so they think the Saint World Defying dragon has appeared.”

Shen Xiang looked at the flashing dragon scales and said, “We will see the Saint World Defying dragon and we will find him soon!”

The more dragon scales glittering, the more the Saint World Defying dragon is not far from him, or the Saint World Defying dragon is releasing its Dragon Power.

Over the past few days, Shen Xiang’s Divine Mirror of Six Paths was in front of many people and entered the depths of the Sky River Mountain Range, where the Divine Mirror of Six Paths was on the top of a mountain.

This place is all around the mountains. There is a round lake below the middle of the mountain. There is a small island in the middle of the round lake, but the island is covered with a white cloud, and there is no way to see what is on the island. .

“Saint World Defying should be inside.” Shen Xiang said: “I don’t know what the lake is all about?”

Shen Xiang did not immediately let Divine Mirror of Six Paths fly down, but released some Heaven Devouring Rat, let Heaven Devouring Rat come to the lake to explore. According to his experience, this looks like a beautiful lake and mountains. The place.

Heaven Devouring Rat Just died, and I died several times.

“What happened? There are actually a few mice that have died inexplicably.” Shen Xiang was puzzled by this. After exploration, he found a cave in the middle of a mountainside, sitting in an old man in the cave.

Seeing the old man, Shen Xiang was shocked: “Someone is here, and not just one!”

He then controlled the Divine Mirror of Six Paths to carefully rotate it, carefully observe the mountains surrounding the lake, and then pull in the distance through the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and examine it carefully.

“This guy… look at his waist.” Qin old man said: “The gold waist of this old fellow’s waist is like a river ornament, this is the logo of Soul River God Clan.”

“Look at the rest.” Song Tianchuan expression is serious.

Finally, they found that there are a total of eight high mountains, eight old men in the middle of the mountain, four of them are Soul River God Clan, and the other four are Violent Blade Clan!

“They should have been here for a long time. I saw an old man full of dust.” Du Rouke said: “It seems that Saint World Defying is really in the middle of the island!”

“My mouse was killed by one of the guys.” Shen Xiang said: “My mice are very cautious, but they are still found. These guys seem to sit in the cave and sleep, but everything about all around. The things that are happening like the back of one’s hand.”

Shen Xiang is glad that he just let the peak of Divine Mirror of Six Paths, and it is still flat on the ground, otherwise it will be discovered.

Just half of the Heaven Devouring Rat was killed, Shen Xiang continued to control the remaining Heaven Devouring Rat near the lake, and when the lake was just touched, the Heaven Devouring Rat gasified.

“His uncle, this lake is terrifying!” Shen Xiang couldn’t help but scream. Everyone saw it from the Divine Mirror of Six Paths. The mouse just got into the water and turned into a black smoke, including bone.

“It’s no wonder that these old things don’t dare to get close to the lake, they can only wait outside.” Du Rouke said: “So what do we do now? Can’t get close to Saint World Defying dragon!”

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