War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 3978 - Betting on 100 King-Grade Limit Divine Pills     

Chapter 3978: Betting on 100 King-Grade Limit Divine Pills


After Zhen Ping Fan tried to dissuade Duan Ling Tian, and before Duan Ling Tian could respond, Wanqi Hong smiled mockingly and said, “After the Seven Mansions Feast ends? Duan Ling Tian, if we wait until then, I’m afraid you’ll lose your courage to bet with me after seeing my strength. Now’s the best time. Let’s fight today. I want to see if you’re really that strong or if you’re all talk!”

“Let’s do it today,” Duan Ling Tian said indifferently with a nod, ignoring Zhen Ping Fan’s words like Wanqi Hong.

“What do you want to bet with?” Wanqi Hong asked as the mocking smile on his face deepened. He said, “As long as it’s something I or the Wanqi clan possess, I won’t have any objection. What you have, the Wanqi clan definitely won’t lack. What you don’t have, the Wanqi clan definitely don’t lack as well!”

Duan Ling Tian smiled upon hearing Wanqi Hong’s words. He said, “Wanqi Hong, although your talent and strength are nothing, you’re quite straightforward. Since that’s the case, let’s bet with a prominent divine artifact today.”

Wanqi Hong smiled disdainfully. “I thought you were going to come up with something amazing. As it turns out, you just want to bet using a prominent divine artifact? As expected of a country bumpkin. You came from the lower realm, after all. A prominent divine artifact is no better than garbage in my eyes. Why don’t you up the stakes? From what I know, you can refine king-grade Limit Divine Pills, right? Why don’t you put up 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills? I’ll put up something of equal value.”

100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills.

Wanqi Hong was indeed greedy.

“100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills?” At this moment, Duan Ling Tian realized he had misspoken. He had only said ‘prominent divine artifact’ and forgot to add ‘with an incomplete artifact soul’. Since the mistake had been made, he thought that he might as well go with the flow. This would lessen the burden on Zhen Ping Fan and Zhen Yun Feng as well. Then, he frowned and said, “You’re too greedy. You should know I can only refine a few every time. 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills? Aren’t you asking for too much?”

Wanqi Hong sneered. “What? You can’t even come up with such a small stake?”

“Small stake?” Duan Ling Tian smiled before he said, “Very well. If you want 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills from me, you should bring out a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul.”

As soon as Duan Ling Tian’s voice fell, silence descended.

Zhen Ping Fan looked at Duan Ling Tian, slightly surprised. It seemed like Duan Ling Tian intended to use 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills to exchange for a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul for the bet. However, would Wanqi Hong agree to it?

100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills were indeed precious, but their value was not comparable to a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul.

Many of the members of the Pure Yang looked at each other in confusion. They all wondered if Duan Ling Tian was intentionally being difficult as they discussed with each other through Voice Transmission.

The Wanqi clan shared the same thought as well, and all of them looked at Duan Ling Tian contemptuously.

“A prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul? I think he just doesn’t dare to fight with Senior Brother Wanqi Hong.”

“That’s right. He probably thinks that Senior Brother Wanqi Hong doesn’t have a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul so he intentionally said it.”

“Doesn’t he know that our ancestor has a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul even if Senior Brother Wanqi Hong doesn’t have one?”

“I’m afraid he really doesn’t know that our ancestor has a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul.”

The members of the Wanqi clan looked at Duan Ling Tian as though he was an idiot, and their contempt for him grew stronger.

“Duan Ling Tian, did you think you won’t have to fight because I don’t have a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul? If that’s the case, I’m afraid you still won’t be able to avoid fighting me. I don’t have a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul, but my great-great-grandfather has one. I’m sure he’s more than willing to lend it to me,” Wanqi Hong said. He also thought that Duan Ling Tian was deliberately doing this to get out of fighting him.

As soon as Wanqi Hong’s voice fell, Wanqi Jue frowned slightly and instinctively looked at Duan Ling Tian. When he saw the change in Duan Ling Tian’s expression, the frown on his face eased immediately. He was certain now that Duan Ling Tian was only using the prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul as an excuse to avoid fighting Wanqi Hong.

“Hong’er,” Wanqi Jue said to Wanqi Hong through Voice Transmission, “Tell him that you want 300 king-grade Limit Divine Pills. 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills aren’t nearly enough for us to bet using a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul.”

After seeing the change in Duan Ling Tian’s expression, Wanqi Jue was more than willing to bet with his prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul. He was certain that his great-great-grandson would not lose.

Wanqi Hong’s lit up upon hearing Wanqi Jue’s words. He sneered at Duan Ling Tian and said, “You must be joking. You want to use 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills in exchange for a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul?” He did not wait for Duan Ling Tian to speak as he continued to say, “If you bet with 300 king-grade Limit Divine Pills, I’ll borrow my great-great-grandfather’s prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul to bet with you.”

Duan Ling Tian sneered. “Wanqi Hong, are you too afraid to bet with me? I’m curious, does the Wanqi clan even have 300 king-grade Limit Divine Pills and prominent divine artifacts with an incomplete artifact soul? 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills for a prominent divine artifact soul with an incomplete artifact soul. Take it or leave it. In any case, you’re nothing in my eyes. It’s not too late for me to prove my strength when I defeat you during the Seven Mansions Feast.”

After Duan Ling Tian finished speaking, he turned around, looking like he was about to leave.

As expected…

“Fine! We’ll bet with 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills and a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul!” Wanqi Hong quickly said when he saw Duan Ling Tian was about to leave. He was convinced that Duan Ling Tian was only trying to avoid fighting him. Moreover, Wanqi Jue had also sent him a message to agree to Duan Ling Tian’s condition.

Wanqi Jue and Wanqi Hong were certain of their victory, and 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills were not too bad.

Meanwhile, Zhen Ping Fan’s mind went blank. He could not believe Wanqi Jue agreed so readily to betting with 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills and a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul.

King-grade Limit Divine Pills were undoubtedly rare. Even the famous alchemists in the Eastern Ridge Mansion could not refine them often and could only refine a few. However, the value of 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills was still not comparable to that of a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul. Especially in the Eastern Ridge Mansion, it was considered a precious treasure.

Usually, only those at or above the realm of an intermediate Emperor of Gods were able to make a prominent divine artifact give birth to an incomplete artifact soul. Even then, it was a long and arduous process. As for those below the realm of an intermediate Emperor of Gods, they could only obtain it using other means.

For example, Hong Yun Xiao, the elder from the Seven Kills Valley whom Duan Ling Tian met in the Flying Dragon Sect and Tai Yi Sect’s Imperial War Realm, possessed a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul, but he obtained it out of sheer luck.

“Duan Ling Tian, you keep coming up with excuses. Don’t tell me you’re really afraid of accepting the challenge?” Wanqi Hong asked when he saw Duan Ling Tian did not turn around even after he had agreed to Duan Ling Tian’s condition. He continued to say derisively, “If you’re afraid, just admit it. As it turns out, the prodigy that the Pure Yang Sect brags about is nothing more than a braggart. Fortunately, you didn’t join our Wanqi clan.”

Duan Ling Tian turned around, feigning an expression of frustration. He said coldly, “Wanqi Hong, you said you agreed to my condition and that you’ll borrow the prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul from your great-great-grandfather. Has he agreed to it? If he doesn’t agree and you lose, from whom should I collect the prominent divine artifact? Even if I kill you at that time, I won’t be able to obtain a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul.” His tone turned disdainful as he continued to say, “In my opinion, you should discuss with your great-great-grandfather first. I’ll give you a few days to come to an agreement with him. I can’t be bothered to waste my time on you now.”

As soon as Duan Ling Tian’s voice fell, Wanqi Jue looked at Duan Ling Tian with a mocking expression and said, “I agree. Duan Ling Tian, there are times when you’ll have to pay the price for bragging. However, if you kneel and apologize to us today, we’ll let you off the hook.”

In Wanqi Jue’s opinion, now that it was certain they had a prominent divine artifact with an incomplete artifact soul, Duan Ling Tian might lose his courage. He was worried that Duan Ling Tian would really back out of the fight so he intentionally came up with such a harsh and humiliating demand to force Duan Ling Tian to accept the challenge. Moreover, 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills were at stake. Regardless of what kind of king-grade Limit Divine Pills they were, even the Wanqi clan would find it difficult to gather that number of king-grade Limit Divine Pills without taking a few decades or even 100 years. Since he was certain of Wanqi Hong’s victory, how could he pass up such a good deal?

“Impossible!!” Duan Ling Tian resolutely rejected Wanqi Jue’s suggestion. Then, he said, “Very well. I accept the challenge. If I lose, I’ll give you 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills. It’s easy for me to refine 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pill, after all.”

At this time, Duan Ling Tian did not seem very confident when he spoke.

Upon seeing this, the members of the Wanqi clan laughed at Duan Ling Tian. They thought that they had successfully forced Duan Ling Tian into accepting the challenge. They were all certain that they would win 100 king-grade Limit Divine Pills.

While everyone in the Wanqi clan was gloating, those from the Pure Yang Sect wore sour and dissatisfied expressions on their faces. After all, Duan Ling Tian’s actions were a humiliation to them.

At this time, Duan Ling Tian said through Voice Transmission, “Elder Zhen, please ask Elder Yu Chang Lian to invite the Valley Master of the Seven Kills Valley here to be a witness. If the Valley Master can’t come, any intermediate Emperor of Gods will do.”

The corners of Zhen Ping Fan’s lips twitched upon hearing Duan Ling Tian’s words. ‘This kid is really ruthless and meticulous. Is he worried Wanqi Jue would go back on his words after losing?’

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