War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 2279 - Duan Ling Tian’s Determination 

Chapter 2279 Duan Ling Tian’s Determination 

News about a new Vice Palace Master in the Wandering Saint Palace who was a powerhouse at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage spread quickly in the Human-Devil Saint City! It did not take long before it spread like a wildfire to the other Human-Devil clan’s territories.

“The Wandering Saint Palace is really lucky. They even have a powerhouse at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage!”

“I heard the new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace is a solitary cultivator!”

“As expected, he’s really strong. I heard he killed two Wandering Saint Palace elders who were at the Eighth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage!”

“How powerful!”

For a time, similar remarks could be heard everywhere in the Human-Devil clan’s territory, not just the Human-Devil Saint City.

After all, a new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage was definitely shocking news. Moreover, the Wandering Saint Palace was also one of the Human-Devil clan’s Three Palaces and Six Halls!

Many people from the Human-Devil clan also knew the new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace was called Duan Ling Tian!

Inside a restaurant in the Human-Devil Saint City, a Human-Devil looked at his companion in shock and asked, “The new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace is called Duan Ling Tian? Are you sure you’re not mistaken?”

Yes, his name’s Duan Ling Tian. Why? Do you know him?” The latter asked in confusion

“No, no… I don’t know him. I’m just reminded of someone else who’s also called Duan Ling Tian. However, he’s human and not a Human-Devil,” the former said with a shake of his head.

“Now that you mentioned it, the name Duan Ling Tian does sound familiar. Tell me, who is he?” The latter asked.

Although their conversation was not loud, the others in the surroundings could clearly hear their conservation. More and more people in the restaurant began to discuss among themselves.

“I feel the same way. That name sounds familiar!”

“I think I’ve heard of Duan Ling Tian before, but I can’t remember where I heard it.”

Many of them thought the name of the new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace sounded familiar but they could not seem to remember where they had heard the name before.

All of a sudden, one of the Human-Devils sitting in the corner of the restaurant said loudly, “Why are all of you so forgetful?” His voice was so loud that it drowned out the conversations in the restaurant. “Did all of you forget who used to own our Human-Devil clan’s territory?”

“Of course not! The Human-devil clan’s territory used to belong to the Azure Cloud Mansion!”

“That’s right! Before the Human-devil clan claimed this piece of land as our territory, it belonged to the Azure Cloud Mansion. The Azure Cloud Mansion was one of the top forces in the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land!”

Many Human-Devils began to chime in.

All of a sudden, someone cried out, “I remember now!” A Human-Devil rose to his feet and said in a horrified tone, “The Young Mansion Master of the Azure Cloud Mansion, the one who possessed the Super Saint Weapon, the Devilseal Tablet, in the past… Isn’t his name Duan Ling Tian?”

You’re right! The Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion is called Duan Ling Tian. That must be why that name sounds familiar!”

“Who would’ve thought the new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace and the Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion have the same name!”

“From what I know, the Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion had gone to the Upper Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land after the Devilseal Tablet had been taken away from him. Since the Inter-province Transportation Formation that connected the Upper Province to the Lower Province has been destroyed, I’m sure he doesn’t know that the Azure Cloud Mansion is gone!”

“Although they share the same name, their fate is too different…”

The entire Human-Devil Saint City was talking about how the new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace and the Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion.

There were even some Human-Devils who had seen the image of the Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion when they performed the Soul Searching Secret Tactic on people from the Lower Province of the Dao Martial Saint Land. Fortunately, there was only a small group of Human-Devils who had seen the image. Moreover, they did not know what the new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace looked like. Otherwise, it would not take much for them to discover that the Young Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion and the new Vice Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace looked identical.

This matter had slipped Duan Ling Tian’s mind. Otherwise, he would have put on a disguise even if he did not change his name.

After Duan Ling Tian was appointed by Yuwen Hao Chen, the Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace, as a Vice Palace Master, he was moved to a bigger mansion. The mansion was located in an area where there were very few residences. The Heaven and Earth Spirit Energy in this place was much richer compared to other places in the Wandering Saint Palace’s territory.

Duan Ling Tian looked at a middle-aged man in front of him and said in a near-commanding tone, “I’ll be going into closed-door cultivation for some time. Come and get me if there’s something urgent. Otherwise, don’t disturb me.”

Yes, master,” the middle-aged man answered humbly like a servant.

Fortunately, there were no members from the Wandering Saint Palace around. Otherwise, they would have been shocked to see the middle-aged man acting so humbly. After all, the middle-aged man was an elder from Wandering Saint Palace.

Elders in the Wandering Saint Palace were considered as high-ranking officials. Although they had to be respectful to the Vice Palace Masters in Wandering Saint Palace, there was no need for them to humble themselves too much to the point of being like a servant.

Duan Ling Tian waved his hand and said, “You may leave now.”

The middle-aged man did not say anything and respectfully left.

This middle-aged man was one of the people Duan Ling Tian and his companions met when they first arrived at the Wandering Saint Palace. It was none other than Elder Peng Lai.

Duan Ling Tian had intended on pulling Peng Lai to his side so he had asked Peng Lai to leave the Wandering Saint Palace and the Human-Devil clan’s territory for a short time with him. After that, Duan Ling Tian went on a killing spree to improve Peng Lai’s Innate Spiritual Root to a dark indigo one.

Finally, Duan Ling Tian said to Peng Lai, “Now, you have two choices. First, you can swear your loyalty to me. If you perform well, I’ll improve your Innate Spiritual Root to a violet one. Your second option is to die!”

Peng Lai was still over the moon about his newly improved Innate Spiritual Root when Duan Ling Tian dropped a bomb on him, giving him an ultimatum. Nonetheless, Peng Lai did not hesitate to choose the first choice and acknowledge Duan Ling Tian as his master.

A violet Innate Spiritual Root…’ Peng Lai became excited when he thought about further improving his Innate Spiritual Root. His respect for Duan Ling Tian grew as he thought to himself, ‘My master is amazing. He can even improve one’s Innate Spiritual Root!’

After all, even an Eminent Celestial was not capable of improving one’s Innate Spiritual Root like Duan Ling Tian. For this reason, Peng Lai did not hesitate to serve Duan Ling Tian even though he was an elder from Wandering Saint Palace.

Since Si Ling and Ke’er are cultivating… I can use this time to focus on my cultivation base.’

After Peng Lai left, Duan Ling Tian went into his room to cultivate. After witnessing the strength of Yuwen Hao Chen, the Palace Master of Wandering Saint Palace, it had motivated him to work harder. Moreover, he felt a sense of pressure. Fortunately, Yuwen Hao Chen did not intend to kill him at that time. Otherwise, there was no doubt he would have died if the Super Saint Weapon, the Devilseal Tablet, did not work.

“Once a powerhouse at the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage comprehends heaven and earth, they would attract the Celestial Ascension Tribulation… The level of one’s comprehension of heaven and earth affects one’s strength as well!”

Duan Ling Tian could not wait to break through to the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage after he had witnessed Yuwen Hao Chen’s strength. Once he broke through to the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage, he could start to comprehend heaven and earth and strengthen his Sun Saint Origin. Otherwise, his Sun Saint Origin would continue to stagnate. Since his Sun Saint Origin had stagnated, his strength did not improve even though he had broken through to the Eighth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage. The only benefit he had gained from breaking through to the Eighth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage was mastering the Soul Detaching Technique. This would allow his soul to free itself from the shackles of his physical body if he encountered a dangerous situation.

In order to improve his strength, Duan Ling Tian had two choices. First was to break through to the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage. Second was to further comprehend the Supreme Sword Dao Mental Cultivation Method Sovereign Heart Sword and his Divine Abilities. He decided to begin with the first choice.

The Devil Clans have almost completely taken over the Lower Province. Their next step would probably be to repair the Inter-province Transportation Formation and invade the Upper Province! I must break through to the Ninth Form of the Saint Celestial Stage before that happens!’ Duan Ling Tian thought to himself determinedly.

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