War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1778 - Abyssal Swamp

Chapter 1778: Abyssal Swamp

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Mastery Refined Saint Stage wild beast king did not have a defensive Divine Ability like the gigantic statue and the rock golem. For this reason, he was killed by Duan Ling Tian’s attack that was equivalent to the full might of a Martial Cultivator at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage.

When the wild beast king died, the other wild beasts did not panic. Instead, they went berserk. Moreover, the surrounding swamp began to bubble and boil as well. One by one, wild beasts shot out from the swamp. Although the numbers were not as many as before, there were at least several hundreds of them.

The strongest among the several hundreds of wild beasts that had just joined the remaining wild beast army were only at the Early Refined Saint Stage.

For this reason, no matter if the numbers of wild beasts increased their strength, it did not pressure Duan Ling Tian at all.

They charged into Duan Ling Tian’s 10,000 Swords Territory one after another like flying moths that were attracted to fire regardless of danger. It was as though they were only living for this moment of glory.

As time passed by, Duan Ling Tian became slightly bored.

In the end, although he knew these wild beasts were mirror images that were formed from the Illusory Formation, and they would evaporate when they die, Duan Ling Tian was still stunned by how fearless they were of death.

In the end, he no longer made any move and let the 10,000 Swords Territory kill the wild beasts that entered it.

Only until the last wild beast had died that Duan Ling Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he even finished sighing in relief, a voice resonated from all directions and entered his ears clearly. “Little guy, congratulations for passing the first trial of the Abyssal Swamp. There are eight more trials awaiting you, and I’ll be waiting for you at the last one!”

This voice seemed as though it belonged to an old man. Duan Ling Tian was momentarily stunned before he became excited.

“When I was going through the Six Harmonies Tower or the Six Halls Palace, I didn’t get a reminder at all… Moreover, the attack from the group of wild beasts earlier is only the first trial to obtain this Divine Ability Relic? This place where this Divine Ability Relic is hidden is called the Abyssal Swamp?” After taking a deep breath, Duan Ling Tian finally calmed down.

In fact, although he had his suspicion, he was not entirely certain if the attack from the group of wild beasts was the first trial. If it was the first trial then it would mean the Divine Ability contained in this Divine Ability Relic would be extraordinary or at the very least, it would be definitely more powerful than the Six Harmonies Golden Body that he obtained and the Rock Heaven Wall that Xiao Dun obtained.

However, after he heard the reminder from that ancient voice that seemed to resonate from all directions, Duan Ling Tian was finally able to confirm his suspicion.

“This Divine Ability Relic must contain a high-grade Divine Ability!” Originally, Duan Ling Tian thought the Six Harmonies Golden Body that he obtained could be considered as pretty good. However, he finally realized, now that he had this to compare to, that it must only be a medium-grade Divine Ability.

It was always the scariest to make a comparison since inferiority and superiority would be instantly revealed.

“The voice earlier seemed to say I have eight more trials ahead of me? Where’s the second trial going to take place then?” Duan Ling Tian felt puzzled as the Divine Consciousness he stretched out sensed some movement in the sky at the side.

When he shifted his gaze over, he saw that a crack had appeared out of thin air… Subsequently, a heavy and big door appeared slowly before Duan Ling Tian. The door revealed a path that led to an unknown place.

‘The door opens after I passed the first trial. Just as I expected, this is just the same as the previous three Divine Ability Relics that I encountered before this. However, the first trial of this Divine Ability Relic is much more difficult than the others,’ Duan Ling Tian thought to himself.

“As for the reason why Xiao Dun said the level of difficulty for the first trial is similar to the first trial in the Six Halls Palace… Well, it’s probably a misunderstanding. Perhaps, it did not occur to him that the four wild beasts were merely the prelude to the first trial. The first trial would only appear after the four beasts are killed.” Naturally, Duan Ling Tian knew why Xiao Dun would misunderstand since he and his partner could not defeat the four wild beasts.

Although the four wild beasts were fewer than the fierce beasts that showed up in the Six Halls Palace’s first trial, due to the reason they were from the same clan, they had a great understanding of each other. Due to this, the strength of their joint attacks was in no way inferior to the join attacks of the five flying-type fierce beasts at the entrance of the Six Halls Palace.

The latter appeared to attack at the same time, but in truth, they were in a chaotic state.

“Let’s go in!” Duan Ling Tian’s heart leaped as he charged through the heavy and big door.

What awaited him inside?

Duan Ling Tian was curious.

However, he also knew the trials ahead would not be easier than the first trial.

As he walked through the big door, darkness enveloped him. It was only until Duan Ling Tian activated the Sun True Origin on his body that made his entire body shine like the sun that this dark space revealed what it was.

It was a dark tunnel heading downward.

Duan Ling Tian was currently standing above the tunnel. At first, the tunnel’s path was straight with a corner several hundreds of meters away.

‘The terrain of this tunnel is getting lower and lower. Don’t tell me it’s bringing me somewhere? Maybe the end of the tunnel is where the trial is located?’ The moment he thought of this, he picked up his speed.

What would the second trial be?

He had no idea.

Although the unknown was scary, the moment he thought of how the Divine Ability contained in this Divine Ability Relic would most likely be a high-grade one, he became excited again.

“I guess I’m about a hundred meters underground now, right?” As time went by, Duan Ling Tian only felt the tunnel seemed to be endless. It was fine initially. However, he began to feel a little impatient after a while. “I must be at least 300 meters underground now, but I still haven’t reached the end yet! How long is this tunnel?”

Although Duan Ling Tian was impatient, he did not give up, and he kept going further in.

A day soon passed by in just a blink of an eye.

“I must be more than 1,000 meters underground now.”

Two days had gone by.

“It’s 2,000 meters now.”

Three days went by.

“I’m already 3,000 meters in. Is this going to continue?” Three days later, Duan Ling Tian was still walking in the tunnel. He came to a halt for the first time and no longer moved forward. He stood there as he said through clenched teeth, “I really can’t believe this!”

The moment he finished speaking, he began to move as fast as a specter.

Another day went by, and he was 10,000 meters in. However, he still did not reach the end of the tunnel.

It was as though this tunnel did not have an end.

“I see.” Duan Ling Tian came to a halt and no longer seemed as impatient as before. Instead, he smiled knowingly. “So this is actually the second trial! What a brilliant Illusory Formation! If I didn’t activate my Strange Pupil half a day ago, it would’ve been really difficult for me to notice that I’ve been walking on the same path. 10,000 meters my foot! Currently, I’m only about 1,000 meters underground! The reason I felt I had already made it to about 10,000 meters underground is all thanks to the Illusory Formation in this tunnel!” Since the tunnel looked practically the same, Duan Ling Tian did not realize that he had been walking on the same path over and over again.

However, when he activated his Strange Pupil and studied the details inside the tunnel clearly, he finally noticed that he had been walking on the same path.

The reason was the Illusory Formation!

“This Illusory Formation must be the second trial.” Duan Ling Tian took a deep breath as he immersed his entire being into the Illusory Formation.

If he wanted to break this Illusory Formation, he must find the foundations, and more importantly, the core of the Illusory Formation.

For this reason, when Duan Ling Tian continued to walk down the tunnel, he extended his Divine Consciousness completely to explore the surrounding as he searched every nook and cranny.

At the same time, he also leaned his entire body on one side of the stone wall and released all his Sun True Origin into the tunnel’s stone wall. As long as he sensed something hidden inside it, his Sun True Origin would immediately shatter and destroy it.

Naturally, he was also still using his Strange Pupil as it continued to deplete his Spiritual Energy.

After it was completely depleted, he stopped to recuperate. After he recuperated, he continued again.

Just like this, six and seven days went by.

As the saying went, ‘Good things come to those who wait.’ On the seventh day, Duan Ling Tian finally found the first foundation of the Illusory Formation hidden inside the tunnel. He instantly activated his Sun True Origin to destroy it.

If it was the core of the Formation, the Formation would be gone if it was destroyed.

However, if it was just one of the foundations of the Formation, unless it was an important foundation, it would not be able to break the formation.

This was Duan Ling Tian’s current situation.

However, now that he had found his first Formation’s foundation, he was filled with enthusiasm. Half a day later, he managed to find the second foundation of the Formation and destroyed it.

This Formation base was obviously much more important than the previous one.

The moment it was destroyed, a ray of light suddenly appeared at the end of the dark tunnel. Although it was far away, Duan Ling Tian was still able to see it. “That’s the exit?”

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian also noticed the Illusory Formation had been destroyed by him.

“This trial is really time-consuming.” Although there were no fighting or killing in the second trial, it had taken ten days of Duan Ling Tian’s time. If he could pick, he would rather pick a trial similar to the first one.

The second trial was too mentally exhausting.

Duan Ling Tian walked out of the tunnel by following the ray of light.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the moment when Duan Ling Tian walked out of the tunnel, his heart jolted as he sensed a hostile aura. He immediately activated the Sun True Origin in his body that transformed into thousands of sword rays before it formed the defensive Colossal Sword Bell around him.

Boom! Boom! Boom

As soon as the Colossal Sword Bell was formed, Duan Ling Tian suddenly felt a tremble. Subsequently, waves of mysterious forces began to rain down on him menacingly.

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