War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1000: Duan Ling Tian’s Helplessness

Chapter 1000: Duan Ling Tian’s Helplessness

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Damn it! Duan Ling Tian plucked the spirit fruit before we did… I think he hasn't had the chance to consume it yet." Zuo Yue's expression was getting worse, he was so angry that his body trembled slightly.


Compared to him, Xu Qing was much more straightforward as he charged directly at Duan Ling Tian like a sword. He dashed out and shouted at the same time, "Duan Ling Tian, hand over the spirit fruit!"

At this moment, neither Zuo Yue nor Xu Qing was surprised by the flame that was burning on Duan Ling Tian's body. It was the Fire Concept.

One should know Duan Ling Tian had never once used Fire Concept when he fought them earlier.

All of their attention was on the spirit fruit Duan Ling Tian had plucked from the green vine.

In their opinion, the spirit fruit was definitely not an ordinary spirit fruit since it was given as a reward at Qing Feng's fourth level.

"Xu Qing… Damn it!" When Zuo Yue saw Xu Qing with his quick as lightning sword approaching Duan Ling Tian in an attempt to kill him and snatch the spirit fruit, his facial expression changed dramatically.

Origin Energy ran rampant on his body while Wind Concept followed him like a shadow. He considered it thoroughly and prepared to chase after him.

However, his movement came to halt just as he stepped out.

It was as though something unexpected had happened.

"What… How… How's this possible?!" Zuo Yue, who was rooted to the spot, shuddered. His eyes were staring into the distance, they were filled with fear that came from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, it seemed as though he had witnessed something unbelievable.

In the distance, Duan Ling Tian's face was calm as he faced Xu Qing who was determined to kill him in one blow with his sword that contained more than 1,620 ancient horned dragons' strength.


However, there was a chill hidden deep in Duan Ling Tian's eyes.

"I see you've come to die!" It was unknown when a grin appeared on Duan Ling Tian's face.

Although he sustained severe injuries on his body, he knew that it would be easy for him to kill Xu Qing with his current ability even if he had sustained even more serious injuries.

Duan Ling Tian's stare turned completely cold as he faced Xu Qing who was dashing toward him with a sword.

Nine Dragons' Radiant Flash!

In the next second, a Quasi Royal Grade Spirit Sword appeared out of nowhere as Duan Ling Tian lifted his arm. He aimed directly at Xu Qing who was charging at him menacingly.

'Whoosh! Whoosh!'

Almost as soon as Duan Ling Tian dashed out with his sword, three khaki divine dragons with red flames, green energy, purple lightning and a ferocious Sword Concept that surrounded them appeared out of thin air and charged toward Xu Qing.

At the same time, the green energy pierced the red flame and made the fire burn rampantly as the three divine dragons dashed out.

The Wind Concept was fueling the Fire Concept!

In the meantime, the three divine dragons' speed accelerated. Their eyes gleamed, and six ultimate beams of light shot out before it instantly disappeared. A short and sharp whistling noise sounded again and again.

The ultimate beams of light shot out from the three khaki divine dragons' eyes and vanished before Xu Qing's eyes the second they appeared.

"Sh*t!" Xu Qing's expression changed suddenly.

Unfortunately, it was destined to be the last expression he showed alive.

The second Xu Qing's expression changed, grotesque bloody holes appeared on each of his six vital body parts including the space between his eyebrows, throat, and chest.

Six bloody arrows were shot, they landed on the ground as blood splatters bloomed like bright red roses.

'Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!'

Six ultimate beams of light shot through six vital parts in Xu Qing's body. After killing him, the lights continued on its trajectory and hit the side of the wall on Qing Feng Palace's fourth level.

One must say the wall in Qing Feng Palace's fourth level was really tough.

The six ultimate beams of light that came from the Nine Dragons' Radiant Flash Duan Ling Tian cast did not leave any marks on the wall even after he had a breakthrough in his strength.


Xu Qing's body finally fell to the ground. He was no longer breathing when he fell into the pool of blood.

The most powerful young man in the current North Nether Sect was dead!

"How's this possible?! No… It can't be… It can't be!!" Everything that had just happened shocked Zuo Yue who was ready to fight Xu Qing for the spirit fruit Duan Ling Tian possessed.


Zuo Yue happened to witness everything at the moment he was about to step out. He could not move his feet from the shock. It was as though his feet were filled with lead.

"Such powerful strength!" Although Duan Ling Tian was injured, his eyes lit up after he killed Xu Qing with just a blow.


Meanwhile, the Heaven and Earth Energy above Duan Ling Tian's head whirred and formed the Heaven and Earth Phenomenon. More than two thousand ancient horned dragons' silhouettes appeared.

Duan Ling Tian was injured so he could only muster up that amount of strength. Otherwise, the ancient horned dragons' silhouettes that appeared in the Heaven and Earth Phenomenon would definitely be more.

Although it was just a little boost of strength, it had caused Zuo Yue, who was standing in the distance still in shock, to reveal fear in his eyes as his expression changed drastically.

'Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!'

At this moment, that was the only thought that filled Zuo Yue's mind. The thought immediately filled his entire mind.


Without further delay, Zuo Yue dashed like a lightning toward the corridor that was furthest away from Duan Ling Tian in an attempt to escape.

The corridor was the Bumpy Road he went through earlier.

"Trying to escape?" Duan Ling Tian figured out Zuo Yue's intention in an instant.

He could not help but grin at this moment.

Zuo Yue had coveted the Profundity Fragment he possessed ever since the first time they met.

If it was not for Xu Qing and Lei Zhong, perhaps Zuo Yue would have attacked Duan Ling Tian when they first met.

Moreover, it was impossible he would let Zuo Yue go since Zuo Yue attempted to kill him earlier!

The moment a cold gleam flashed in Duan Ling Tian's eyes, he swung the Quasi Royal Spirit Sword in his hand to cast the Nine Dragons' Radiant Flash again.

In Duan Ling Tian's opinion, he could definitely kill Zuo Yue before he could escape with his current ability using the six ultimate beams of light from the Nine Dragons' Radiant Flash.

However, something unexpected happened when he was getting ready to attack.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

Just as Duan Ling Tian swung the Quasi Royal Spirit Sword in his hand to attack, he could feel tremors in his organs. His expression changed drastically. His face turned pale as he coughed up a mouthful of blood after he screamed, "Aahhh!"

An intense pain spread all over his body, it felt like he had completely lost his strength.


Eventually, Duan Ling Tian could only use the Quasi Royal Spirit Sword to support his wobbly body.

'What happened?!'

Although Duan Ling Tian did not want to accept what had just happened, all he could do was watch as Zuo Yue faded in the corridor far away and disappeared before his eyes since he no longer had the strength to chase after him.

At this moment, his body was in a complete mess.

Duan Ling Tian took a deep breath and regained his composure, he figured out what happened after he took a look at his body.

"Ahh… I didn't expect this would be the cause." Duan Ling Tian smiled wryly, he could not help but feel helpless after discovering the cause.

He discovered the cause of the tremors in his organs and the intense pain all over his body that resulted in his complete loss of strength.

It was caused by the Origin Energy integrating with the Rebirth Pill and Violetspike Fruit's medicinal efficacy!

To be more precise, it was caused by the Origin Energy's breakthrough.

Initially, he had used his Origin Energy to automatically cycle through the rotation following the Nine Dragons War Sovereign Technique, Roving Dragon Form, after his cultivation base had broken through to the Fourth Level Void Transformation.

He did not think anything would be affected by that.

However, he did not expect the Origin Energy that surged out suddenly when he killed Xu Qing would cause the Violetspike Fruit and Rebirth Pill's overbearing medicinal efficacy to strike back. It caused the Origin Energy to accelerate to its peak.

In just seconds, it broke through the bottleneck to the Fifth Level Void Transformation and led him to the Fifth Level Void Transformation!

As his cultivation base broke through to the Fifth Level Void Transformation, his Origin Energy also went through a transformation as expected.

The Origin Energy that had broken through became even faster from the Rebirth Pill and Violetspike Fruit's medicinal efficacy.

It messed up the cycle rotation Duan Ling Tian had his Origin Energy performed. All of a sudden, his Origin Energy had taken a wrong turn that caused a tremor in his meridians and messed up his body.

It had also severely injured Duan Ling Tian again!

Duan Ling Tian had completely lost his strength from the severe injury on his body. The only thing he could do was watch as Zuo Yue left.

"I hope Zuo Yue can't find his way out… Or else…" Duan Ling Tian took a deep breath, he did not dare to think about what would happen next.

Duan Ling Tian snapped back to reality when he felt waves of pain from the Origin Energy running rampant in his body. He quickly began to calm his rampant Origin Energy.

Nine Dragons War Sovereign Technique, Roving Dragon Form!

Due to Duan Ling Tian's attempt to calm it, the Origin Energy that was driven by the Rebirth Pill and Violetspike Fruit finally went back on track and rotated as usual.

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian consumed another Life Recovery Pill to heal.

The damages in the organs were recovering at the speed of light.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, Duan Ling Tian allowed the Origin Energy in his body to rotate without his guidance. It then shot out of his body and headed in the direction where Zuo Yue left.

Soon after, Duan Ling Tian entered the Bumpy Road as well.

As he passed through the Bumpy Road in a reverse direction, he received an 'enthusiastic reception' from the waves of Nature Energy just as he had expected.

However, entering the Bumpy Road again was as easy as walking on a flatland since he had a boost in his ability.

"Where's Zuo Yue?" Duan Ling Tian did not see Zuo Yue even after he passed through the Bumpy Road. Eventually, he detected an Inscription Formation's aura in a corner.

"This Inscription Formation…" Through the Rebirth Martial Emperor's memory, Duan Ling Tian discovered the purpose of the Inscription Formation in the corner. It was an Inscription Formation with a single opening.

It would usually appear at the exits or entrances of unique places where there was only one way out. One would be able to exit but not enter, and the other way round where one was allowed to enter but not exit!

"There's a path here as well?" The Inscription Formation activated as soon as Duan Ling Tian stepped out. It then turned into a faint light shield that shone on a large patch of ground in the corner.

'Rumble! Rumble!'

When the large patch of ground was shone on, it slowly opened and revealed a stone stairway leading down.

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