Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 661 - Entering The Hidden Fen Clan

Lin Mu started to find the nodes of the Formation array and managed to do so in about two minutes. Once that was done, he found the linking runes that connected it to the lower layers of the array.

Since this was a formation array, there were multiple layers that worked together and if one wanted to stop it, they would need to deal with the layers that either functioned as the connective layer, or the layer that supplied the spirit Qi to the formation array.

This was the basic method of dismantling a formation array and was the two pronged approach that was used often. Either one removes the power supply, or the circuitry to stop it from working.

Of course, Lin Mu could go the direct and more crude route by using an attack to break the formation array. But they were here for an alliance with the Fen clan and not a war. Plus, Lin Mu didn't want to break the formation array either and only wanted to open a path for him and the other two to enter.

'Hmm… this is true of a higher level than the one before. The number of layers is also higher and the complexity is increasing.' Lin Mu thought.

After spending about ten minutes prodding with the formation array, Lin Mu found the linking layer and another layer that actually functioned as the identification formation.

"There it is…" Lin Mu muttered as he injected some spirit Qi into the identification layer at a few specific nodes.


In the next moment, the formation array flickered and some new runes appeared on top of it. Two such runes floated out from the formation and entered the bodies of Jingming Shang and Mu Tao.

The two of them were a bit surprised and were almost going to dodge. But seeing as Lin Mu had not done anything, they understood that this must have been intentional.

"What was that?" Mu Tao questioned.

"That is the identification tag of the formation array, it will allow you to enter without a problem now." Lin Mu, who had just opened his eyes said.

"Ah… I see senior. So should we proceed?" Mu Tao replied.

"Let's go," Lin Mu said with a nod.


An opening appeared on the formation array opposite to where Lin Mu was standing, allowing them to proceed. Lin Mu and the other two walked in and saw the scenery in front of them change completely.

Previously, the place where the formation array was, they could only see some trees. But now that they had entered the formation array, they could see what was truly located here. There were multiple small hills spread around the area and the courtyard that surrounded them.

At the very center, they could see the largest courtyard that was decorated with some statues that were placed on the walls and paintings of guardian gods on the doors. In addition to that, the entire area was surrounded by a five meter tall wall, at the gate of which a large nameplate hung.

The nameplate read 'Fen' and was written in bold yet elegant strokes.

"So this is the Fen clan… they seem rather big." Lin Mu said upon seeing all the courtyards.

"There weren't these many courtyards the last time I saw this place… there was only a medium sized courtyard present." Jingming Shang furrowed his brows.

Upon hearing this, Lin Mu finally understood.

"Looks like the Fen clan has really been hiding themselves for far longer than we thought. The formation array has always been active, and just hid a specific part of the clan." Lin Mu explained.

"They can do this too, senior?" Mu Tao questioned.

"Yes, the formation array does have specific controls that allows one to adjust its range. Normally it's only used at its hundred percent or just turned off, but with a little more effort it can be used to hide a specific part as well." Lin Mu answered.

Mu Tao was awed by this and had not expected there to be this kind of a formation array. He himself was not proficient in either formations or other occupations of cultivators and had mostly been focused on just cultivation and running the clan for the past two years.

Though this would have to change soon if he wanted to bring his clan to the rise. After all, their clan's signature cultivation technique required puppets to use, which were made using a combination of several things.

There were not only forging techniques used to make the body parts of the puppets but the formations were also used a lot to make them function properly. In addition to that, even alchemy was used in it to give the puppets different effects, such as making their attacks toxic.

But while Mu Tao was lost in his thoughts, he suddenly saw a group of people coming out from the gate of the Fen clan.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" The voice of an old man came from the group that had just walked out.

Lin Mu looked at them and found them to be all at the core condensation realm.

"Hmm… wasn't Miss Fen at the mid stage of the core condensation realm? If they have peak stage core condensation realm elders, then why would they send her as the representative of the Fen clan to the merchant council?" Lin Mu wondered to himself.

"State your name and reason why you are here, or you shall be killed!" The old man warned again, this time spirit weapons appearing in the hands of everyone.

"I am Lin Mu and I'm here with the patriarch of the Mu clan Mu Tao to propose an alliance with the Fen clan." Lin Mu spoke up.

"Huh, what? Say truthfully, if you were here for that, why would you break out clan's formation array?" A middle aged man asked this time.

"I am stating the truth. As for the formation array…" Lin Mu said and turned to look at the back. 


He waved his hand and the formation array returned to the state it was originally in.

"There you go, it is back to how it was." Lin Mu said.

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