Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 538 - Helplessness


A body manifested out of thin air and fell to the ground helplessly. This was none other than Lin Mu. He had managed to use fade and then travel in the parallel world with blink by using the mid grade spirit stones.

But once the time limit for Fade ended, he couldn't do much and ended up in the real world. The problem was though… Lin Mu had no sense of direction when he entered the parallel world using fade.

Usually, he would use his spirit sense as a guide, but since he was paralyzed, it was hard for him to use his spirit sense. Thus currently he had no idea where he had ended up. All he had done was to use blink in a straight line once he got to the parallel world.

"Is little shrubby close?" Xukong asked.

"He… he's coming." Lin Mu said in his mind.

Without the help of his spirit sense, he couldn't observe the situation around him and since he was lying on the ground with his face down he couldn't use his eyes to see anything either.

Lin Mu wanted to check the condition of his body but couldn't use his spirit sense. This left him with his old method of checking.

He tried to chant the calming heart sutra and the severing heart sutra, but was unable to do so. His tongue would not move, and neither could his lips. 

'This… is this what the Lost immortal felt? Such helplessness?' Lin Mu thought to himself.

But his time was only about to get worse.

"HE'S HERE! ELDERS I FOUND HIM!" A voice suddenly came from afar.

Lin Mu heard it and realized he had already been found. Unknown to him, when he used fade he hadn't gone much far from the sect. Instead of going perpendicular to it, he had gone parallel. 

The only reason why the elders hadn't found him first was that they thought he must have gone in the outer direction of the sect and not just within it. This was why a random disciple ended up finding him.




The sound of wind tearing could be heard as some elders arrived on their spirit weapons, flying in from the sky. 

"It really is him!"

  "He's here, patriarch!!"

The elder's face lit up as they saw Lin My lying on the ground. They had been truly worried that they may never be able to find Lin Mu and that blame would all fall upon their head.

But now… now they were relieved. One of the elders was about to approach the collapsed Lin Mu when he was interrupted.

"Careful! He was able to fight multiple elders on equal terms, he's dangerous. Watch out for any tricks!" A fellow elder warned.

The elder nodded and took out a staff from his spatial storage treasure that was a bracelet. He controlled the staff with his spirit sense and poked Lin Mu with it, as if he was a dead animal on the side of the road.

Seeing as he didn't respond, the elder thought he was unresponsive.

"Is he dead?" one of the disciples questioned.

"No… his chest is moving, he's still breathing." Another one pointed out.

Grins papered on the elder's faces as they realized their enemy was a fish in a barrel. They got bolder and directly went to pick up Lin Mu.

"Let's see who it is that dares to offend the Tri Cauldron peony sect." A white haired elder who used the staff previously spoke.

He approached Lin Mu with an evil gaze and was just about to touch him when a loud sound was heard.


A blood chilling roar was heard as the sound of tearing wide accompanied it.


A blinding flash appeared out of nowhere and made everyone's vision go white. The odor of burnt flesh could be smelled as blood spilled on the ground.

~thud~ thud~


"ARGH! What is this!" The disciples shouted.


Multiple flashes kept on happening, which prevented the people from seeing anything. It wasn't until a few seconds later that they could finally see. 

And when they did… they were horrified. A large tiger like beast stood in front of them, its claws pressing upon the dead bodies of two elders and five disciples. It bared its teeth at them as a murderous aura emanated off its body.

"Wh-what beast is that! It killed the elders!" 

"Elder Guan was killed! How! He's at the peak stage of the core condensation realm!"

A cacophony of noises that consisted of confusion and terror spread in the area. 


The claws of the beast suddenly heated up and flashed like burning phosphorous. A scorching heat came from it as six more disciples lost their lives.

A short distance away from where Lin Mu was, the other elders and the patriarch Mudan were located. They had gotten the messages on their communication jade slips and were rushing to the area.

But now they had heard the beastly roar coming from there along with the terror filled shouts of the disciples. They didn't know what had happened, but they knew it must be soothing really bad.

"It's the scent of blood!" 

"Quick, we need to hurry!" Mudan urged.

He waved his hand and a wind below from the back, pushing the faster toward the location where Lin Mu was. In less than ten seconds, they reached there and saw the horrific sight.

Dead bodies of the sect's disciples along with the elders were spread in the area; some decapitated, some crushed under great force. 

In the center laid Lin Mu on his face, and on its side was none other than the beast who had killed everyone.


The beast turned to face the patriarch and the others before roaring at them fearlessly. The elders felt their bodies involuntarily shiver at the roar while the patriarch's gaze stiffened. 

Lin Mu who had heard everything from the start, knew who had come.

"Little Shrubby… you're here…" 

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