Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2662 First Lesson: Flying

Chapter 2662  First Lesson: Flying

A couple of minutes later, Ms. Lan arrived with a tray of food.

On the tray, Lin Mu could see two bowls of soup with herbs and chunks of chicken floating inside, along with a large plate of freshly made buns. The rich aroma of the herbal broth mixed with the scent of tender chicken, filling the air with warmth. Meanwhile, the gentle fragrance of the buns still managed to stand out, adding an inviting touch to the meal.

"Please enjoy," Ms. Lan said as she placed the dishes on the table.

"Smells good," Lin Mu remarked, taking in the fragrance. "Spirit Chicken Bone Broth mixed with Fire Edge Ginger and Long Tip Scallions. The buns seem to be made with Sponge Gluten Rice and stuffed with Black Spirit Pig Meat," he assessed with ease.

Ms. Lan, upon hearing this, couldn't help but be surprised. Even Meng Bai was baffled and looked at him in confusion.

"You're correct… You got all that just from looking?" Ms. Lan asked in astonishment.

"And from the smell," Lin Mu added with a small smile.

"Impressive. I didn't think an Immortal like you would be interested in something like this," she remarked.

"I cook sometimes too," Lin Mu replied casually.

"Interesting. It isn't a hobby that most cultivators would take on," Ms. Lan said, finding him even more intriguing.

She returned to her work while Lin Mu and Meng Bai enjoyed the simple yet delicious meal.

Once they finished eating, they left the eatery and stepped out onto the bustling street.

"So, where are we going?" Meng Bai asked, following closely behind Lin Mu.

"Hmm…" Lin Mu pondered for a moment.

There were several options available. The most obvious choice was to rent a place in the city. However, after further thought, Lin Mu concluded that it would be better to find a more private location.

'I'll be able to do a few more things as well,' he reasoned, solidifying his decision.

"We'll head out," Lin Mu stated before sending a message to Monk Hushu and Daoist Chu, informing them of his whereabouts just in case.

Moments later, he received a reply from Daoist Chu.

"Seems like we might have some issues with the Teleportation Array," the message read.

"What?" Lin Mu asked, his brows furrowing slightly.

"Seems like we might have some issues with the Teleportation Array," the message read.

"What?" Lin Mu asked, his brows furrowing slightly.

"There has been spatial instability, so it might take a bit longer. I can't say for certain, but it could be delayed by a month or two," Daoist Chu responded.

"Hmm, that's fine," Lin Mu replied, already anticipating potential setbacks from the start.

"Though, if you wish, we can head to the next city earlier than planned," Daoist Chu suggested.

"It's fine. We can stay here a bit longer. It won't affect our schedule much anyway," Lin Mu reassured him.

"That's true," Daoist Chu agreed.

With that settled, Lin Mu turned toward the direction he had chosen.

"Uhh… Where exactly outside are we going?" Meng Bai asked hesitantly, still trailing behind Lin Mu.

"To the forest," Lin Mu answered without elaborating.

"That'll take a while to get to," Meng Bai pointed out.

"Not if we fly," Lin Mu said as he floated up effortlessly.

Meng Bai blinked. "But… I can't fly," he stated, feeling confused.

"Now you can," Lin Mu responded as he tossed a talisman toward Meng Bai.

The talisman stuck to Meng Bai's body, and in the next moment, he felt his weight disappear.

Before he could even process what was happening, he found himself rising into the air.

"Whoa… Whoaaaaaaa…" Not being used to this sensation, he was unable to maintain his posture and promptly flipped upside down. "What do I do? What do I do?!" he asked in a panic.

By now, he was floating nearly ten meters above the ground. While the fall wouldn't kill him, it would certainly be painful—especially considering he was not a body cultivator. Given his current angle, his face would take the brunt of the impact.

"Focus," Lin Mu instructed. "Use your qi."

"How? Spirit qi doesn't work for flying!" Meng Bai exclaimed, his voice laced with anxiety.

"You don't need to fly. Just focus on guiding your qi. Release it from your body to orient yourself," Lin Mu clarified. "It's the same as when you use your spirit sense. Guide it to specific points and release it from your body."

"Just like spirit sense?" Meng Bai muttered to himself, trying to make sense of the instructions.

After a minute, his initial panic subsided, and he started focusing on the task at hand.

"Hah!" He extended some qi from his hand—only to send himself spinning vertically.

"Ugh… not this way," he groaned, realizing his mistake.

Adjusting his strategy, he angled his hand toward the ground and released his spirit qi again.


This time, however, he ended up spinning horizontally instead. It felt as though he had been thrown into a hamster wheel, spinning without control.

"I'm… getting… dizzy…" he mumbled, his vision blurring.


Lin Mu shook his head and curled his finger, halting Meng Bai's motion.

However, he left him hanging upside down.

"Again… slowly," Lin Mu instructed.

"Huuu…" Meng Bai took a deep breath, calming his churning stomach before trying again.

This time, he used both his hands—one pointing backward, the other diagonally downward.


He released his spirit qi again, but with better control. He adjusted the output from each hand carefully. With more force from one and less from the other, he was able to correct his spin.

"I… I did it!" Meng Bai exclaimed, finally floating upright.

A second later, he flipped upside down again.

"Maintain it once you reach the right position," Lin Mu reminded him.

"Okay." Having done it once, Meng Bai found it easier to repeat the action. "Okay, here we go…" He then released spirit qi from his legs as well, along with his arms angled to the side.


"It worked!" Meng Bai beamed as he floated steadily, no longer flipping.

"That's decent for a start," Lin Mu said approvingly. 'I suppose this counts as the first lesson,' he mused.

Not only was he teaching Meng Bai how to fly early on, but he was also guiding him in controlling his qi—a fundamental skill for any Formation Master.

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