Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1063 Shocking News And Aftereffects Of The Slaughter

Chapter 1063 Shocking News And Aftereffects Of The Slaughter

  In the Long Cloud sect, a solemn atmosphere was present.

”Are we sure this is all accurate?” Patriarch Mingliang asked.

”There is no doubt anymore… I send my own personal disciple to inquire about it. We also used several techniques to test the survivors of the West ocean Sect and checked their memories.

Everything is true… it really was Lin Mu.” Patriarch You Yi stated.

”I can understand stopping the sects part of the Zither Wind Alliance, but this… is on an entirely different level.” Patriarch Shandian said.

All the elders sitting in the hall were having strained expressions. It had been a week since the West Ocean Sect massacre and the entire Great Zhou Continent had been shaken. 

The imperial court had been alarmed and had called for the top sects to catch the culprit. The top three sects had condemned the act and had already deemed the culprit behind the massacre the greatest foe.

This ended up putting the Long Cloud alliance and Lin Mu’s alliance in a tough position.

The Zither Wind alliance had already cried out foul and had blamed the Long Cloud alliance behind the massacre. Though that opinion was greatly weakened due to the fact that a great offense had been mounted against the alliance.

The Noon Grass sect also declared that the Zither Wind alliance was behind their attempted massacre and that allayed the problem for a bit, forcing the Zither Wind alliance to distance themselves from the Gu Legion on the outside.

Tensions were high and there was no telling what would happen next.

”How’s the condition of Patriarch Hua?” Patriarch You Yi asked Hua Langya, who was also in attendance.

”He’s still recovering from the battle, but he should be fine in a few days. He was also affected by the news of what Alliance Leader Lin Mu did and has been silent since then.” Hua Langya replied.

The brows of Patriarch You Yi furrowed as he thought to himself.

”Has there been any success at contracting Lin Mu?” He asked the others.

”I’ve been trying and others have been trying non-stop, but he doesn’t seem to be contactable at all. His jade slip is simply not detectable.” The one who spoke was elder Liqiang.

”Could he not be in here anymore?” One of the elders asked. “Perhaps he’s in the Kong Plane?” 

”If he was anywhere in our reachable distance, we would have already found him. But if he is in the uncharted lands of the Kong Plane, then we are out of luck. Our disciples have been exploring for a while and have encountered more Dao Shell realm beasts.

I would have sent elders, but we are currently dealing with the aftermath.” Elder Liqiang replied.

”Hmm… The Black Dune Sect will send our elders to assist you. If he really is in the Kong plane, then we need to find him. The Dao Shell realm beasts will be suppressed if they attack us.” Patriarch Shandian stated.

”Will that be fine, Patriarch? With our current situation, we need people here.” One of the high elders of the Black Dune sect asked.

”I’m not asking to send all of them. Only a couple of them will be enough.” Patriarch Shandian stated.

”Very well, the Long Cloud sect shall send two elders as well.” Patriarch You Yi added.

”And so will the Light Harmony sect.” Patriarch Mingliang joined in too.

”This will make things easier then, thank you patriarchs.” Hua Langya and elder Liqiang said.

”And what about Jing Luo? Has he come out of his ancestral land yet?” Patriarch You Yi questioned.

”No patriarch, but we’ve already sent a few elders to the supposed locations. They will inform them the moment they come out.” One of the high elders of the Long cloud sect replied.

”Good… Jing Luo is the closest person to Lin Mu. He might be the only person who might have a way of finding and contacting him. And if Senior Jing Wei can help us, then it might become even easier.” Patriarch You Yi stated.

The discussion of the alliance members continued for a while as they tried to come up for solutions.

Lin Mu had created a situation none of them had expected or ever thought of. 

But while the alliance was troubled, the same could be said for the Gu Legion.

In the headquarters of the Gu legion, Gu Yao was having a meeting with his subordinates too.

”How is this possible? We lost everything in the West ocean sect. All the resources were wiped out and so were our people there.” One of the subordinates said.

”First the loss in the Noon Grass sect and now this…” another member said.

Gu Yao had his eyes closed, his thoughts unknown.

A few minutes passed like this while his subordinates talked and gave various reports. The supply lines of the Gu Legion had been temporarily broken, with the West Ocean sect getting wiped out.

They were getting around a third of their resources from them and thus it was a rather large blow to them.

”Enough!” Gu Yao suddenly spoke.

”Lord…” The members all went silent.

”This… person… is dangerous for us… we need to speed up our efforts.” Gu Yao spoke.

”What do you suggest, my lord? We are already stretched thin after using the disciples of the Ripple mist sect. Around half of them have already been exhausted.” One of the subordinates spoke.

”Doesn’t matter. Use all of them if you have to. I want ten more Dao Treading realm experts!” Gu Yao ordered.

”A-as you command, my lord.” The subordinates replied.

Gu Yao’s words were the law and none of them were going to reject him or go against him. They were truly devoted to the man and would stop at nothing to fulfill his commands.

Gu Yao left the meeting after that and reappeared in his personal hall.

He looked opened a secret stairway and went down, appearing in a new area. In here, a large formation array was working, as pale red energy gathered in a large pool.

”Soon… I just need more time…” he muttered.

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