Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1047 - Tilting The Scales Of Battle-II


Daoist Hua took a deep breath and condensed an orb of spirit Qi between his palms. By cupping them together, he shaped the orb and created what looked like a long hook.

The spirit Qi bursting from his body formed into a thin chain that attached to the hook and the patriarch swung it towards the Dao Treading realm Gu Legion members who had just summoned their Dao Shells.

"Not so fast!" Daoist Hua said as he activated his ability.


The long hook soared through the air and latched onto the Dao Shell that was closest to it. The Dao Treading realm Gu Legion whom the Dao Shell belonged to tried to dodge it, but the hook was like a needle being attracted to a magnet.

The Dao Treading realm Gu Legion member whose Dao shell was hooked was shocked and tried to resist.

"LET GO!" He said, but his control over the Dao shell was weakening.

"Vein Ripper Hook! TEAR!" Daoist Hua ordered.


Suddenly the chain attached to the long hook tightened and started to pull.


The hook directly tore open a wide crack on the Dao Shell, inflicting damage on the Dao Treading realm Gu Legion member as well.


  The man coughed out blood due to the backlash, but didn't stop what he was doing. In fact, now that the Dao shell had another bigger crack, the Dao Embryo within it managed to leave even quickly.



The strange puddle like Dao Embryo let out a cry which was really annoying and irritating.

"PIERCE!" The Supreme elder didn't let this chance go and controlled the Noon Moon Paling to release another attack.

This attack was the strongest it could unleash and was a light beam that condensed into a spear and shot towards the Dao Embryo.


The Light spear pierced the Dao Embryo with ease, making it cry out in pain. 

This was a very strange and unusual scene for all of them, as they knew very well Dao Embryo didn't behave like this. Even if they had some level of sentience, it was at most on the level of a spirit weapon.

A Dao Embryo was part of a cultivator and couldn't become fully conscious, as it would go against the laws of nature. Rather, it would be really bad as it was the same a split personality being created in a person's mind.

For cultivator this would be similar to a mental demon being born. And since it would be their Dao Embryo itself, which could very quickly affect their cultivation base, it would cause even greater damage.

If it could wrest control from the cultivator, it would pretty much cripple the cultivator and return them to the Nascent soul realm if not out right kill them.

But just as the five elders were feeling good about dealing damage to the Dao Embryo, it started to writhe more.


A mouth opened up on the Dao Embryo and it started to consume the Light Spear that was struck in it. The supreme elder and patriarch watched with surprise as it successfully managed to consume the light spear.

And not just that, it actually recovered from the injury that the very same light spear had dealt it.

"HAHAHA! YOU ALL WILL NOW SEE THE TRUE POWER! THE TRUE POWER OF THE UNHOLY BLOOD PUDDLE!" The Dao Treading realm Gu Legion member whose Dao Embryo this was laughed madly.

One could see that the backslash had created some mental effects already and there was a great chance the man would not be able to recover from that easily. His aura was already getting unstable.


But while all this happened, it had also given the three Dao Treading realm Gu Legion members enough time to open their Dao Shell's and let out their Dao Embryos.


An irritating cry was let out by all four Dao Embryos. It was loud enough that even the disciples in the distance could hear it. 

"Disgusting fiends!" Daoist Hua cursed and threw the long hook towards the Dao Embryos.


Its speed was still rather quick and a Dao Embryo got caught in it immediately. But just as the patriarch was about to pull the hook and tear the body of the Dao Embryo, something different happened.


The other three Dao Embryos all rushed towards the Dao Embryo that was being attacked and merged with it.

"What in the name of heavens…" Elder Sun said, feeling a little afraid.

The aura of the Dao Embryo spiked, and a very repulsive feeling rose from it. 


The chain attached to the long hook was stretched taught and the Dao Embryos, which had now combined, started to pull the hook into it.


Daoist Hua directly landed on the ground and dug his feet into the ground, making it so that it was hard for the Dao Embryo to pull further.


But just as he was starting to defend, a bunch of attacks suddenly hit him.

"HAHAHA! Do you think we'll just let you do whatever you want? FEEL THIS!" One of the Dao Treading realm Gu Legion members taunted as he threw out several spirit weapons.

Since the Dao Embryos were now attacking independently from the Dao Treading realm Gu Legion members, they were free to attacks as they wanted. This was the same as gaining a new member and a new stalemate had now been reached.

In fact, the situation was now tilting a bit towards the Gu Legion again.

Daoist Hua was stuck there, trying to pull back the Vein Ripper Hook while the five elders used the Noon Moon Paling to prevent the Dao Treading realm Gu Legion members from getting close to them.

But even then, the four of them were now gaining ground. They had adapted to the attacks of the Noon Moon Paling and were able to dodge better.

"Your end is near Noon Grass sect!" The Gu Legion members taunted.

But just as they were about to attack with full force, a sound echoed.


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