Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1003 - Meeting Wu Hei

It wasn't hard for Lin Mu to find Wu Hei. He was currently sitting in his study while several long scrolls and registers were left open on the desk. 

'Still the same as before.' Lin Wu thought.

But he didn't directly go to Wu Hei, as that could be problematic. Lin Mu also checked who else was present in the mansion. There, he found several more people that were mostly servants and other staff.

'Oh? His mother is here too? Guess he just kept her with him, probably safer that way.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

Wu Hei's mother, Zhen Sui was currently in her room all alone. Her expression seemed to be still and made Lin Mu think that she wasn't exactly right. But just as he was observing her, he found the door of the room opening.


In walked another woman who was actually family to Lin Mu.

"How are you feeling today, madam?" Hei Wan asked.

But she received no answer and Zhen Sui sat silently without moving.


A light sigh escaped Hei Wan's lips as she lightly shook her head. She came sit next to Zhen Sui and muttered.

"One day you'll return to normal, madam. Lord Hei is doing his best to save us." Hei Wan said.

After that, she called for some servants that brought food and fed it to Zhen Sui. The woman was like a puppet and only ate on instinct. 

Seeing it all made Lin Mu feel that something truly happened to Zhen Sui. Lin Mu's spirit sense probed her, but didn't really find anything wrong in her body.

"Her Dantian and meridian are all fine… there are no traces of Gu Yao's control on her either?!" Lin Mu almost exclaimed.

He knew that Zhen Sui had been controlled by Gu Yao in the past as well and only Wu Hei was the one who had managed to break out of it. But his conditions were something that could not be easily replicated and would not work on someone that was already under the effect of the Human Controlling Blood curse.

"Seems like Wu Hei might have tried to break her out of Gu Yao's control and ended up injuring her brain?" Lin Mu guessed.

That was the best he could come up with for now.

Lin Mu's attention spread to the rest of the mansion. He wanted to see if there was any danger there. Lin Mu did find several people that were under the control of Gu Yao or were filled with the same 'muddy' spirit Qi.

'They took those pills too… Gu Legion members.' Lin Mu noted them all.

The strongest of them all was actually a Dao Shell realm cultivator! 

He was meditating in one of the hidden rooms. Lin Mu didn't probe him directly, as he reckoned it might alert him. Though Lin Mu did feel a similar vibe from him as Mayor Tie Niu of the Iron Bull city.

"This must be the protector or rather the warden Gu Yao has put to watch over Wu Hei." Lin Mu muttered.

Lin Mu finally checked Wu Hei with his spirit sense and discovered that he was at the Adolescent soul stage of the Nascent soul realm.

'He did progress quite a bit as well…' Lin Mu thought.

But just as he probed Wu Hei, the man moved.


His eyes darted around and his spirit sense spread out from his body, too. He didn't speak or create an uproar though, instead he watched everything carefully.

"Oh? He actually sensed me? Seems like his skills are not bad either." Lin Mu said, finding it impressive.

There weren't that many people below his cultivation base that would be able to sense Lin Mu's spirit sense around them. Even those at the Dao Shell realm would find it hard, though if he directly probed them, they would definitely find out.

"Guess I'll meet him…" Lin Mu muttered before disappearing.


The next location he appeared in was directly below Wu Hei's floor. 


Lin Mu appeared behind Wu Hei, alarming the man.. His eyes went wide as a white glow appeared on his hands. His fingers tightened into fists and he threw a punch without hesitation.


But then he felt an even greater shock as his hand was caught. It was another hand that was holding onto his hand, and it was like a vice restraining him. No matter how much force he put, he couldn't move it at all.

Wu Hei punched out with his other hand but found it getting caught as well.

"Stop Wu Hei, it's me." Lin Mu spoke.

But Wu Hei still seedbed to be agitated and struggled. 

"It's me, Lin Mu!" he said a bit louder.

Doubt appeared on Wu Hei's face, still not believing him entirely.

"It's really me, look." Lin Mu said as the short sword appeared next to him.

Finally, looking at the short sword, Wu Hei calmed down.

"You… You're really here…" Wu Hei said, a hint of disbelief still present.

"Yeah… I am." Lin Mu said, letting go of Wu Hei's hands.


Wu Hei let out a long breath and sat back down on the chair.

"You really scared me there… I thought the assassin finally managed to get in." Wu Hei spoke.

Hearing this, Lin Mu couldn't help but raise his brows.

"Gu Yao is sending assassins after you?" Lin Mu questioned.

"What? Gu Yao? No, he's the one actually protecting me by putting a Dao Shell realm expert here." Wu Hei answered, making Lin Mu even more confused.

"Hang, tell me from the start." Lin Mu spoke.


Wu Hei took a long sigh and stood up before going to a shelf. He opened the shelf and took out an exquisite jar from it. The jar was made from the finest ceramic and had mountains and clouds painted on it.

Its lid was sealed with a paper talisman though, and faint spirit Qi fluctuations could be felt from it.

"I'm gonna need a drink for this," Wu Hei spoke.

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