Walker Of The Worlds

1626 Unexpected Identity Of The Lord

The Thorn Rage Demon Tribe and the Ram Horned Demon Tribe were both violent in nature, but one more so than other.

The Thorn Rage Demon Tribe was simply unreasonable and would go on killing sprees often. It didn’t help that they liked to kill and eat humans, finding them a delicacy thus making them sworn enemies.

The Ram Horned Demon Tribe was miles better than them.

While they were violent too, they weren’t unreasonable. They didn’t intentionally hunt humans either and simply stayed in their land.

At least this was the case for the majority of such tribes across the universe.

Xukong didn’t know if it would apply to the Rust Sky world too, but seeing the contents of the Stele, it seemed quite likely.

“If the humans and the demons came to a treaty, that was certainly a long time ago. It might even be a time when there weren’t as many immortals in the Rust Sky world.” Lin Mu guessed after hearing it all.

“That does seem likely.” Xukong agreed.

Lin Mu concluded the discussion at this point and thought over how to tell this to the steward. After all, he couldn’t reveal everything to the steward. It wouldn’t make sense for Lin Mu to know all that and would make the steward suspicious instead.

He spent a few minutes in compiling a reasonable explanation while continuing to stare at the Stele. The Steward didn’t disturb Lin Mu either, just thinking that he was working.

“I’ve got it.” Lin Mu finally spoke.

“You do?” The Steward asked plainly.

He wasn’t all to excited about it, as there had been several people who had pretended to know about the Stele. Thus unless he had some substantial information, he wouldn’t confirm it.

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Finally, the calm face of the steward broke, and an expression of surprise appeared.

“Impossible… A treaty between humans and demons? They were eradicated and no humans will stand with them.” The steward said.

“Of course. That is the case now.” Lin Mu agreed. “From the text, I can tell that this stele is very, very old. Possibly from a time when none of the current powers existed.” He added.

The steward listened silently to the rest of the explanation as the shock within him grew. And after Lin Mu was done speaking, the man continued to stay silent for a few more minutes.

“I… need to report this.” The steward said.

“Does this mean I qualify for the Tyrant Bull Marrow?” Lin Mu questioned.

“I can’t say that now. I need to first report this to my lord.” The Steward answered before taking out a communication jade slip.

Lin Mu could tell that the man was contacting someone and let him do so. Though he was also feeling curious about who this lord was.

‘Considering the value of the stele itself, it should be someone that is unfazed by it. There aren’t many immortals that wouldn’t be tempted by the idea of a peak grade immortal weapon or tool.

Hmm… they should be ministers or other high officials at least.’ Lin Mu reckoned.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

Lin Mu watched the steward communicate using the jade slip, for ten minutes, at the end of which the man’s expression changed to that of being stunned.

“What is it?” Lin Mu asked, seeing that the man was now looking at him straight.

“You’ve been asked to wait.” The steward replied.

“Wait? For who?” Lin Mu furrowed his brows.

“You’ll know shortly.” The steward did not answer, though his reason for that was unknown.

It could have been either because he was scared or was instructed not to. Lin Mu didn’t mind it and now looked toward to meeting this so-called lord.


And just two minutes later, Lin Mu felt the barrier surrounding the External Greeting Hall flicker. An energy fluctuation passed through it, allowing Lin Mu to know that someone new had appeared.

‘They passed through the barrier without being blocked?’ Lin Mu raised a brow.


But before he could check further, the door of the hall opened and in walked a man.

He was dressed in regal robes and exuded a noble dignity. His jaw was sharp while his eyebrows were straight like swords. With a clean shaven face, his long hair hung down from the back, held in place by a golden coronet in the shape of a bird.

But that was not all, as the man’s aura was also domineering. Plus, the immortal Qi fluctuation coming from him were also strong, alarming Lin Mu.

‘He… he’s at the Sixth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal Realm!’ Lin Mu was sure of it.

The energy fluctuations coming from the man could compare to that of General Niu Juo, only losing out on the amount go vitality that could be felt from the half-ogre man.

This combined with the robes that the man wore, Lin Mu realized that he had underestimated this ‘lord’.

‘Shit…’ Lin Mu cursed inwardly.

Thankfully, he kept a neutral face, as the noble man finally spoke.

“So you are the one, who has managed to figure out what’s written on the Stele, huh… Interesting.” The man said with a smile. “Let’s start with introductions before we get to that though.”

He freely walked to the other side of the table and sat down.

“I am Feng Shun.” The man spoke. “The crown prince of the Dao Wind Empire.” He revealed.

‘And it’s even worse…’ Lin Mu inwardly cursed, but didn’t forget to respond. “I am Daoist Mu Lin. It’s an honor to meet the famous Crown Prince.” He then cupped his hands.

“Eh, you can do away with the formalities. Let’s get to the real things shall we?” Feng Shun said with a wide smile. “Tell me… How did you learn the Shamanic Script of the Demonic Tribes?” he questioned.

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