Walker Of The Worlds

1443 End Of Lockdown And Limitations Of The Sleepscape


“That should be enough…” Lin Mu placed another talisman on the stack he had next to him.

He had spent the past three days in making Minor Diamond Mountain Talismans.

This was what he had done in the past five days since the lock down was initiated. The first two days were spent in learning to shrink formations, but that had reached a limit. Thus Lin Mu switched over to another formation to do the same.

The Diamond Mountain Talisman was one of the recent ones the had bought and had wanted to learn it anyways. So this was the same as shooting two bird with one array and Lin Mu decided to do this.

But so far, he had only managed to memorize the methods for all the grades of the Diamond Mountain Talisman, while being able to make Minor and lesser Diamond Mountain Talismans.

Which was exactly what he had done. He was focused on improving his speed and proficiency by starting with the lowest ranked version that was the Minor Diamond Mountain Talisman.

There were nearly a hundred of them in front of him and were all stacked in a neat pile.

They didn’t have much of a value here, but they were still decent for Lin Mu to practice with. Besides, they didn’t cost much for Lin Mu to make. He was simply drawing them using the basic talisman paper, which was cheap to get.

“This is more than enough. You should move onto the lesser version next.” Xukong suggested. “Though it should also be the end of the lock down soon.” He reminded.

“Oh, yeah!” Lin Mu calculate the time that had passed and realized that it was almost that time. “Guess I should wake up now.” He stated.

“You should, yeah. Check on up the situation of the city and if it is good, you can leave.” Xukong agreed.

“Mmhmmm,” Lin Mu nodded his head and closed his eyes.


In the next moment, he opened his eyes in the real world.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mu spread his immortal sense, checking the situation around him. The first thing he sensed was the presence of his tamed beasts.

The Yin Yang Twin Serpents were still sleeping on the pillow next to him, and Little Shrubby was out in the garden. The beast was also cultivating and faint energy fluctuations could be felt from him.

Of course, Lin Mu didn’t even think of being able to sense the Saintess and simply looked ahead. Out of the courtyard, Lin Mu sensed a few servants going about their day, along with a couple of guests belonging to the inn.

Lin Mu could hear their conversations too, and learned some news.

‘Hmm… so the lock down has been lifted.’ This was the first thing Lin Mu noted. ‘Though the thief hasn’t been caught. There were no clues so far, and many are assuming that the thief had long since left the city.’ He heard next.

With these two sets of information, Lin Mu knew for sure that he could now leave.

“Seems like five days is the limit of how long they can close the city. This is a big port city after all, any delay in trade will cause losses. Even the city lord’s heart would ache from this.” Lin Mu muttered to himself.


He slid open the door and walked towards Little Shrubby.

The beast was in his smaller form and was curled up in a sunny spot. Small embers could be seen flickering on his fur from time to time and immortal Qi was also floating around him with a few wisps being absorbed steadily.


Little Shrubby was roused after sensing Lin Mu’s presence. “Master?”

“Mmhmm, it’s time for us to leave.” Lin Mu informed.

“Okay~” Little Shrubby stood up while stretching his body.

His sharp claws popped out for a moment during this before hiding back in his paws.

“Saintess?” Lin Mu called out, knowing that she should be around.


A couple seconds later, he saw the air flickering and a figure materializing.

“You are ready to leave?” the Saintess asked.

“Of course.” Lin Mu nodded his head. “I’ll take the twins and then we can leave.”

Lin Mu went back to his room and scooped up the twins, who were still sleeping. He slid them into his robes, and let them continue to sleep. He would normally keep them in his sleeves, but for now, his robes would have to do.

“I’ll send you to the Sleepscape for now, Little Shrubby. It’ll be better that way.” Lin Mu spoke.

“Okay!” Little Shrubby rubbed his head against Lin Mu’s hand.

In the next second, Little Shrubby turned into a red blur and faded away into nothingness. This was the effect of Lin Mu sending him to the Sleepscape and it was quite different than storing something in a spatial storage tool.

Lin Mu had spatial perception, so could sense the object moving between the real world and the minor void.

But when he sent something in the Sleepscape, it seemed different. There was no change in the spatial fabric and neither were there any spatial disturbances. Things would simply… ‘disappear’.

Of course, this could be seen as an advantage, as others wouldn’t be able to sense this at all. This was also the reason why Lin Mu was interested in keeping Little Shrubby in the Sleepscape.

He had even tried sending the twins in the Sleepscape but was unable to. After a little discussion with Xukong, Lin Mu figured out the reason. While the Sleepscape could accommodate beasts, there was a limit to it.

He could either send Little Shrubby in, or one of the twins in. But not both twins or all three of them.

It showed him the current limit of beasts being at 1.

And as far as Xukong could guess, the limit would increase with his cultivation base.

“There we go, let’s head out then, shall we?” Lin Mu left the courtyard and flew up, while the Saintess followed along with him in her invisible state.

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