Walker Of The Worlds

1404 Belong To The Indigo World Hegemony ?

Lin Mu’s nerves were stretched taught and he wondered just how he had been caught.

‘No wait… I haven’t even done anything. There should be nothing that could be the cause for this. Even the entry was open for everyone.’ Lin Mu started thinking rationally.

And when he did he calmed down. Under the mask, his face straightened and his eyes glimmered with confidence. He looked at the person who had called him out, finding him to be a middle aged man dressed in the same type of clothes as the rest of the Staff.

The only difference was that his chest had the motif of the Black Candle Pavilion and his cultivation base was also quite strong. Just from the pressure that Lin Mu had felt, he could tell the man was at least at the fifth or fourth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm.

He was part of the higher level staff of the Black Candle Pavilion as well.

“What’s the issue?” Lin Mu said calmly.

“Why is someone of your status going to sit with the normal guests? The Indigo World Hegemony’s private suite is here.” The man pointed to a specific room. “You are the only guest from Indigo World Hegemony today, so you’ll have the suite to yourself.” He added.

The man’s voice wasn’t too low or too high, thus many people had looked over at that time.

“Someone from the Indigo World Hegemony’s here too?”

“Damn, just what would they come here for?”

“I know right? They should have access to better stuff through their own connections.”

“If someone like that is here, how will we even have a chance to win something. They’ll just outbid everyone.”

“Outbidding? Do you think others will bid once they see him bid? No one will want to offend the Indigo World hegemony like that.”

Hearing this, Lin Mu had several questions pop up in his mind.

‘Indigo World Hegemony? What? How am I a part of them?’ Lin Mu couldn’t figure it out.

“I don’t know either.” Xukong said as well.

Lin Mu thought over it for a few seconds before deciding to just ask the man. He had done nothing, so he just wanted to see what could give rise to such a misunderstanding.

Besides it seemed like this identity might be of help to him. He thus followed the man to the private suite and discovered that it actually had a formation screen that showed the scene of the auction inside.

‘Good and private…’ Lin Mu thought.

“If you want to bid you can just say it and the array will respond accordingly. You can also chose to get something directly at a buyout price if you so wish to do. The catalog of today’s items is available through the screen as well.” The man explained.

Lin Mu quickly understood it all and nodded his head.

“And if you need anything else, you can contact us with the plate on the seat. We have several ‘services’ available if you so desire.” The man added. “Is there anything else you want to inquire?” He questioned at the end.

“Yes, I do.” Lin Mu said in a plain voice. “How did you know I am from the Indigo World Hegemony?”

​ “There is no way I would not recognize the ring on your hand. If I didn’t I would be not be deserving of my position as the auction manager. Half of my work is knowing who’s who.” The man revealed.

‘The ring?’ Lin Mu raised a brow knowing that the man was talking about the second ring he had on his hand.

It was the spatial storage ring he had obtained and had been repaired by Jing Wei in the past.

“You might have disguised and changed the ring, but I can still recognize it.” The auction manager chuckled.

“I see… I just wished to be a bit… discreet.” Lin Mu replied.

“You do not need to worry much here. We shall not allow anything to happen to someone of the Indigo World Hegemony under our roof.” The auction manager stated.

“That’s good then.” Lin Mu was pleasantly surprised. ‘Looks like this Indigo World Hegemony is some really big power if the Black Candle Pavilion is being respectful like this.’ He reckoned.

Lin Mu watched the man leave before sitting down. It was at this point that Xukong spoke again.

“You do know what this means right?” Xukong questioned.

“Yes… the ring belonged to the man who brought the Invader to Xiaofan world. That… Merchant. Now we know which power he belongs to.” Lin Mu’s face darkened.

He had not forgotten the tragedy that was caused by the Invader. And while he had taken revenge on Gu Yao and the Northern Tribes, it would still not bring back his parents or all those that had suffered.

It also made him a bit more careful about the Indigo World Hegemony.

‘If they can sneak in someone like that into the Xiaofan world and send the Shadow Gloom Bone lord as well, then who knows what else they can do.’ Lin Mu thought. ‘Not to mention, they also had the Great Slumber Bear with them.’

Just the fact that they could capture and bring around a Great Slumber Bear with them meant that their power was quite great. After all, while the bear that Lin Mu killed was a weakened juvenile its mother would still be around.

A fully grown adult Great Slumber Bear was a beast that could even exceed the immortal realm. If someone could snatch a cub from it, that would mean they either killed it or managed to trick it somehow.

But this also made Lin Mu confused as to how a mere Nascent soul realm cultivator had a strong beast like the Great Slumber bear in his grasp.

‘It’s a shame that I only saw his skeleton. If he had an entire body left, I might have been able to glance at some clues.’ Lin Mu thought to himself before tapping the plate on the armrest.

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