Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 78: Di*k Destroyer

Chapter 78: Di*k Destroyer

A fleeting shadow could be seen traversing through the dense vegetation of a forest at amazing speed. It had feet covered in lightning. Every step it takes would generate an electric illumination that was visible even during the daylight.

This shadow was none other than Eren. He was executing Blitz Steps to increase his speed. First, it was to avoid any possible repercussions heading his way due to his talk with Marla. He knew about Almera and how she behaved. Second, it was to get to a specific spot to start off completing his missions.

Eren had accepted an array of missions that varied in their type, difficulty level, location, and ETCs (estimated times of completion). Ideally, he needed to be careful about doing any of these missions recklessly, but he had Reen with him.

Eren asked Reen to assume a random girl’s avatar that she had eaten in the past. He gave her clothes and a mask to wear. He wore a mask as well.

It would be better if Reen took action after she had assumed the shape of a human rather than shapeshifting in the middle of a crisis. She didn’t need any artefacts to wear, so Eren didn’t give her any.

“Where are we going, Eren?”

Reen asked in a 16ish year girl’s voice. She was following Eren normally even while he was using Blitz Steps, sans any effort. Apparently, she didn’t need any movement spell to keep up with an F-Rank’s spell.

“We are going to our first mission site. The first mission is to collect 7 claw sets of F-Rank wind wolves. We can also exchange their other body parts at Besanc for more merit points.”

“But I’m hungry, Eren. I’ll need to feed on their bodies.”

“You can eat all the pack of wolves, except any seven needed for my mission. We’ll also have you eat anything you want during our travels. Let’s quickly go to the pack’s known lair now. We are short on time.”

Reen had her saliva dripping out of her mouth after Eren confirmed he’ll feed her with those innocent wind wolves.

It’s been a while since Reen had her last good meal. She had started eating human food now after Eren fed her some as a trial. She didn’t dislike it. But she found out that human food didn’t give her the same type of satisfaction as her natural food.

The demoness slime quickly established her mental connection with Eren again to read his memories and route of the place. She quickly grabbed Eren and lifted him in her arms before running off in the same direction at breakneck speed. She just couldn’t wait anymore now that her feeding time was this close.

The duo quickly reached the place. Eren saw two wind wolves dispatched as sentries by the pack. He got down from Reen’s princess-carry and told her to stay back and let him deal with it.

Reen was unhappy Eren was going to toy with her food but she obeyed nonetheless. She got back and let Eren handle them.

The wolves saw the intruders and howled quickly after to let others in the pack know about the situation. They adopted a defensive position.

Reen was still masking her aura and a lot of her powers. But the beastly senses couldn’t be fooled. The beasts immediately came to the conclusion that Reen standing at the back was a bigger threat than the kid who was trotting about in front of them.

Eren retrieved his pair of daggers from the storage before wielding them in front of him. He was ready to execute Blitz Steps again.

Eren still couldn’t use Blitz Steps at its fullest possible potential. That was because it gave him tunnel vision at high speeds.

The tunnel vision made it difficult for him to land his blows on opponents with precision. Therefore, in his previous timeline, Eren had used Blitz Steps only when he intended to travel from point A to point B at extreme speeds or when dodging an incoming attack heading his way.

The past-Eren rarely used Blitz Steps during his attacks. Because it made it difficult for him to face any incoming counter from a different direction in case his attack is somehow parried or deflected.

Eren has decided that he’ll overcome the spell’s shortcomings in this timeline. He needed practice and more practice to achieve this difficult feat. Today was as good a day as any to start with the same.

Eren saw the wolves were afraid of Reen standing behind him. They were trying to buy time so that the reinforcement could join them.

Eren needed to act fast if he wanted to take care of this mission without Reen’s help. He couldn’t let the reinforcement arrive before the two wolves are dead and done for.

Blitz Steps was executed. The wolves saw Eren’s feet getting coated in tongues of lightning before he almost vanished in front of them. But the beastly instincts allowed them to feel a puny kid had closed in on them from behind.

The beasts were about to turn around and face their intruder but one of them howled quickly after, unmistakably dripping in an insurmountable amount of pain.

Eren had cut the balls of one of the sentry beasts from behind them. He also chopped off its thing and smiled with unmasked cruelty in his eyes. Like his long-awaited dream has been finally committed.

The wolf that had its cojones and thing cut off jumped off in the air quickly after and started running madly. The other beast was first startled and then alert by the sudden turn of events.

The altered beast quickly shifted his position and secured his groin in the opposite direction. He used his claws to attack the vile creature that was targeting their balls and malehoods.

Eren was ready for the beast’s attack. He used both the daggers in his hands to block the attack. But the wolf had covertly launched a wind blade attack in that move. The mana powered ethereal wind blade couldn’t be parried with Eren’s daggers and it landed on Eren’s chest.

Eren’s shirt tore up quickly as a result. But the F-Rank chainmail armour he was wearing inside blocked the attack from harming his body.

But the armour couldn’t block the impact the wind blade had generated. Eren was thrown in the air at a distance before landing on the ground.

Now Eren was 10m away from the altered beast. The agitated beast had joined him by then and was growling at him with hateful eyes.

The beasts had forgotten about Reen in the heat of the battle now. They only cared about the fight’s outcome. Eren knew things had gotten difficult. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. This was the best battle to test the thrill of close combat style while venting his frustration from the previous timeline.

Eren threw both his daggers in the air right above the beasts’ position. The altitude was high so it would take some time for them to land on the ground.

The sudden daggers throw distracted the beasts a little and they couldn’t help looking up, eyeing the weapons that had the power to harm them. Before they could check the position of the vile creature who was the owner of those daggers though, they realized he had again seemingly vanished from his previous position.

Eren appeared right over one of the beasts’ heads and touched its forehead with his right index finger.


Eren spoke the name of the attack to subconsciously execute it in the right way at the right time. A beam of lightning was generated from the tip of the same index finger that was touching the beast’s forehead.

The beam easily pierced the beast’s hide and his skeletal obstruction before destroying the brain matter within. But it couldn’t be contained in that space. The beam was seen piercing the other side of the beast’s head, coming out from the bottom of its jaws.

The beast that faced the Rayo point-blank was dead then and there but its body was yet to hit the ground. Eren knew the beast that had its malehood chopped was going to attack him soon after.

He used the dead beast’s pierced head as a platform to jump in the air. He executed Blitz Steps at the same time to make his jump gain more altitude.

Eren executed Blitzortung as soon as he grabbed the daggers that he had thrown in the air beforehand. A layer of lightning soon covered him. It generated a repulsive field around him that nullified the wind attacks launched by the other beast.

Eren got to behind the dead beast by then and slashed at its balls and penis with his daggers. Only then did the dead beast’s body hit the ground.

Eren still had Blitzortung active but he knew he wouldn’t be able to maintain it for a long time. He quickly launched a frontal assault on the remaining beast without worrying about the incoming attack.

The beast launched wind blades after wind blades with its limb swings but they were all deflected by Eren’s defence type spell. He quickly closed in on the beast, used one of his daggers to parry the claw attack from the beast, and the remaining dagger was lodged in the beast’s head through its jaws from down below.

Eren’s defence type spell vanished. But the beast was also no more by then. The wind wolf’s di*k-less body was dropped on the ground hard in front of its slayer.

Eren could hear the approaching pack as it had started surrounding his position. He knew he was soon going to face an entire pack, but he wasn’t worried.

“If you want to blame anyone for the way you died, blame that fokin wind wolf that bit my di*ck off and killed me in my previous life. I’ll demand repayment from your entire race for that blasphemy, you di*ck destroyer race of wolves.”


Author’s Note: Who remembers the very first chapter of VEH? ?

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