Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 170: Eren & Renita’s Teamplay

Chapter 170: Eren & Renita’s Teamplay

‘She’s 10 O’clock from your position. Contact in next 10 seconds.’

Eren smiled after he heard that.

‘Why do you always talk to me when I’m in the midst of a battle? Not that I’m complaining. Anyway, Thanks again.’

Said Eren and bolted to the direction the gem pointed him. With the rogue chasing right behind him. He was mostly uninjured except for his nose. And he was pissed on Eren for cutting his nose. It was a humiliating act no ranker would perform on the other.

In his rage, the rogue had forgotten that Eren was not the only one that had entered his domain of fog.

Eren purposefully fell behind to let the rogue catch up to him. Once he was within his range, the butcher executed Blitz Storm once again.

This time the rogue was ready. He coated his body in a dense layer of tangible fog just before the wild streams of lightning hit him. It didn’t do much damage to him like the last time. It only hindered his march and froze him in his tracks.

But that was what Eren was aiming for anyway. He bolted in a different direction while shouting at seemingly nobody:

“Renita, now!”

Renita came out of the fog with both her guns pointed straight at the rogue. She fired at him without wasting a moment as soon as she turned visible.

‘Ah, fu*ck! This bit*ch was hiding here.’

The rogue could only have the spare time to think about this thought before his torso was riddled with mana bullets.

The mana bullets whizzed through the air and landed right on the stunned rogue’s chest and stomach. Renita had purposefully missed the vital spots.

Renita’s bullets were meant for long-range attacks. So when she fired from mid-range that borderline on being close-range, the impact each of the rightly landed bullets generated was not something to be taken lightly of.

The rogue’s body was shaken and pushed back with each bullet hitting him. But that was not all. Eren followed that attack with his Blitz Storm once again. The butcher thought that he was lacking in mid-range spells that targeted an individual at that time.

Eren had used the spell to keep a safe distance from the guy. He knew his attacks won’t be as effective as he wanted them to be. And dragging the match by engaging with the guy was going to be detrimental to him even if he came out on top in the duel.

The Blitz Storm was executed for its stun effect. Not for Eren to get close to the guy. But for Renita.

The ranger made her mana guns disappear into thin air. She too had an AoE spell of her own. One that made Eren almost lose his first match with her.

But Renita needed time to execute that spell. And that time was provided by Eren’s spell execution.

Renita manifested loads of wind shurikens around her with her wind-element spell.

She willed the wind shurikens to target the rogue while guiding them with her mana sense.

The sheer number of wind shurikens made it difficult for the rogue to guard himself against even with his dense layer of tangible fog that kept on getting dissolved and rematerialized. The barrage of wind shurikens soon surpassed the rate at which the fog was getting rematerialized.

The wind shurikens soon made contact with the rogue and his skin was finally pierced due to the lack of mana layer protecting him. The rogue was heavily injured. Renita tried her best not to make any fatal injuries. But the AoE attack was still potent enough to make the guy go on his knees.

Eren didn’t show any mercy. He approached the fallen guy quickly, grabbed his head, and executed Blitz Bolt.

The fog tried to create a weak defence against his contact. And it tried to climb Eren’s hand.

But it soon stopped ascending on Eren’s arm before getting dispersed into the surroundings. That was because Eren’s Blitz Bolt had landed on its intended target. The rogue was finally zapped out of his consciousness as his body lost the strength to stay on the knees.

The unconscious rogue was still supported by Eren’s hand as he still held his head in his vice-like grip. The rogue landed flat on his face soon after Eren released his grip. His cut nose started bleeding again, making the battleground have a taste of his blood.

The rogue had circulated his mana and made it saturate on his wound to stop the bleeding temporarily during the battle. But that mana control was lost when the guy lost consciousness. And his cut started acting normally again.

But the mutilator who had cut the rogue didn’t care about his opponent’s well-being. That would be the job of the academy. He quickly signalled Renita to follow him. And headed outside the waning domain of fog with his ranger on the tow.

When the duo came out, it witnessed a discouraging sight. Sharmin, the team’s only tank, was on his knees. His earth shield was getting crumpled by the barrage of fireballs executed by the opponent team’s mage.

The opponent’s mage didn’t have to take any risks. She was protected by her team’s tank. And was supported by her healer teammate.

Ron and Dino tried alternatively to attack the opponent’s tank. But the mage’s spells were flexible. Sometimes simple was the best. It held especially true for classes like mages who depended heavily on their spell’s execution time.

The fire element made it difficult for the dual berserkers to approach the trio who stuck together. Their metal skin spells would send the berserkers’ senses on overdrive. They would feel that the temperature of their skin would rise sharply every time the fireball spells hit them.

So they stopped their attacks and went on defence. They supported their tank while making use of his earth shield to keep safe from the mage’s fireball. But the tank could only handle so many insistent attacks.

He soon ran out of mana and his shield crumpled. The enemy’s mage had beads of sweat on her head. But she wasn’t as tired. Nor was she out of mana. That’s because her healer teammate supported her mana consumption with supporting spells of her own.

Ron and Dino made the same conclusion after looking at the situation they had found themselves in.

They needed that wretched close combat expert’s help.

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