Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 145: Political Marriages

Chapter 145: Political Marriages

“Erni, what do you mean when you say this Ken guy and Lensa getting in a serious relationship?”

Eren didn’t have much hope from Reen with her naive mind. And he didn’t see how knowing about that thing would help her find a solution for his current mess either. But he entertained her questions anyway:

“Well, it can mean a lot of things, from not-so-casual flings to tying the knot for good. But for families like Riverine and Carren, casual flings don’t exist. Their marriages and relationships are always political and are formed based on mutual benefits.

I would guess that Ken would seriously consider marrying Lensa. That means he’ll forever be tied to another influential family that is located here in this city, which is a strategic place for the kingdom of Edinburgh.

I was just now considering playing spoilsport. You know, create a hindrance between Ken and Lensa. That is in case Ken manages to bring his lady-to-be back from her slumber. But now that I think about it…”

“No, Erni. You didn’t understand. I am asking if Ken being with Lensa would make him unable to be approached by other possible mates?”

“Um… sure. The thing about the political marriage of two powerhouses is that they are almost always based on monogamous relationships. At least for the public eye.

So yes. Ken will have to give up on his bachelorhood if and when he is engaged officially with Lensa.”

Eren told Reen and had another bite of the fast food. The latter perked up after hearing what her master said:

“Is that so? Then wouldn’t it be better if we push Ken into getting engaged with Lensa? Hehe!”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, things would get really difficult for a certain someone you know if Ken can’t be approached for another political marriage.”

Reen smirked at Eren after saying that. She let her master decode what she had already said on his own while she focused on having more chips in one go. Eren was making it difficult for her to enjoy the potato chips sprinkled with roasted lamb meat the inn had delivered to their room.

“Sienna Slughorn!”

It didn’t take long for Eren to figure out what Reen was trying to hint at. He was surprised by Reen’s growing intelligence.

And even more surprised that he couldn’t come up with the same thing on his own. Maybe the rage he had felt from his past timeline’s experiences had blinded him to see things.

“That’s right, Erni. Sienna Slughorn. If Ken becomes engaged, her prospects of tying their two houses go in the drain. At least that’s what I’ve understood so far about how human societies work based on your memories.”

Said Reen nonchalantly. Erni nodded at her while replying:

“You are right. In a way, it is good for us that this protagonist will be linked with the Carrens here rather than getting linked with the Slughorns.

Haha! I want to see the bitch’s face when she comes to know that her pawn was put in the different chessboard altogether.”

Eren and Reen chatted for a while before deciding on a few things about how they should proceed further. The butcher had stopped underestimating his demon beast. Her cunning was in its most primal stages but it was one that he could count on for a change of perspective.


“Brat, what is this kid doing over here? And Ace Almera, you want to come too?”

Devon had asked Ken to meet up outside the inn the next day. So that he could be taken to where Lensa was at. But the former found that the latter was joined by Eren and Almera.

Luckily, Devon had come to the place with a four-seater carriage.

“Yes. Ken is still a team member we have. Adapt Marla would want me to ensure his safety when he is going with you. No offence to your intentions though.”

Devon nodded at Almera after hearing her response. To be honest, he was relieved. At least in their presence, he won’t murder the Riverine kid before he reached the Carren Manor.

The group of four boarded the carriage that was in front of them and made their way to the Carren manor.

The Carren Manor was a big, castle-like architecture that was home to all the members of the Carren clan present in the city. Devon took his guests to one of the most restricted sections of the manor.

A spacious hall with no furniture presented itself in front of Eren. There was a large array diagram drawn in the middle of this hall that was exuding a mild white light. A giant block of ice was seen right in the centre of that array.

The block of ice was also exuding a particular light. But unlike the unchanging mild light of the array, this one was exuding a breathing light effect.

“What should I do now?”

Ken asked Devon without getting overwhelmed by anything in front of him. The latter replied to him while shrugging his shoulders.

“We don’t know, brat. You think one of our kids getting frozen is a regular event for us?”

Ken ignored the sarcasm-laced remark from Devon and fixated his eyes on the block of ice. He could see Lensa’s face clearly and it looked like that was an uncomfortable sight for him to look at.

“Let the boy go near Lensa. The rest of you, stay where you are.”

An aged voice spread across the large hall. Eren looked back and saw a middle-aged elf man walking in from outside. When Eren looked at him, he felt like he had the most serious headache since the time he was sent back in time.

He had sweat formed on his forehead and his eyes felt like they were being stabbed by needles. Plus, his body’s survival instincts were sending warning signals to him to get the hell away from this man.

‘Damn it. A high ranker. Reen, don’t you dare do anything while this rude ass is here.’


AN: Trying to fit in a few more ranking concepts in the next chapter to make them come across more like conversations and less like info-dumps. So things are bound to get slow. Bear with me.

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