Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 123: Faerun

Chapter 123: Faerun

The city of Silvermoon had Faeruns as its majority.

They looked like humans except for their pointy ears and exceptional attractive features. They also had a coppery range of complexions that made them stand out from the group of humans.

The Faeruns were indeed species of elves that were reclusive, insular, feral and stealthy in nature. They preferred to remain close to nature and were rarely seen by other races.

The Faeruns had their own customs and beliefs, most of which revolved around the concepts of predator and prey or life and death. They behaved in moderation with other races, including other species of elves. But they were also known to be fierce allies to those they consider their friends.

Most Faerun ladies would join Amazons from a young age because their ideologies synched with the core values of the creed. That’s why the Faeruns held significant sway over Amazons.

The city of Silvermoon was one of the rarest urbanized places the Faeruns would be willing to visit. Otherwise, they would usually be found in their settlements spread across the huge forest that was under the Thimiscera Amazons’ control.

Eren was excited because he had finally found a way to solve his problem with acquiring the precious ingredient Levine needed the most. Friendly contact with Faerun was what he needed to safely get his hands on the Malva Hibiscus.

This was a good opportunity for the butcher to secure his discipleship with Levine. That’s why he let his colt run wild without worrying about his position in the formation. Something that Almera took offence to:

“Eren Idril, what are you doing breaking the formation all of a sudden for? Go back to your previous position at the back otherwise, I’ll take things up with Adapt Marla.”

Almera shouted at the terrorist at which the latter nodded his head and was about to obey the orders he was given but was soon joined by Ken who followed his battle buddy in his misadventures:

“Ace Alema, please forgive us for breaking the formation. But why are we trying to maintain a formation when there’s practically nobody around? We should just enjoy this journey and let our colts run loose on these abandoned paths decorated with greenery from both sides. Hehe!”

Eren had a grim face after hearing Ken’s remark:

‘This **** ***** **** guy! He just had to raise death flags for both of us.’

And Eren’s premonition was right on the spot this time as well.

“You idiots, do what I tell you to do. Do you even know the mission given to us? If you refuse to maintain the formation anymore, then I’ll have to…”

Alema was about to finish reprimanding the two novice rankers she was leading. But before she could do so, the young amazoness sensed a foreign presence surrounding them. But her ranger-specific spells weren’t to be underestimated. She quickly caught onto what was happening and changed what she was about to say to Ken and Eren.

“Listen up, airheads. We are surrounded. Draw your weapons and prepare for battle. Ken, take a position to cover the direction that is in front of us. Eren you are assigned at the back.

I’ll stand in the middle and cover the area in a 360-degree range.

Don’t worry, we only have five enemies. Four of them are in the F-rank while only one of them is in the E-Rank. You handle the F-Rankers and I’ll deal with the E-Rank enemy while providing you cover from behind.”

‘Don’t worry? Don’t worry? Does this bit*ch think it is okay for two LA students in the first year to go against four unknown enemies in the same rank just because one of us happens to be this fu*king protagonist?’

Eren complained in his head while drawing his katars. Ken too wore his gauntlets on. The set of wearables was an F-rank artefact with runes and inscriptions that provided extra boosts to the earth element user.

The rich boy had element-specific artefacts at his disposal. Eren couldn’t be caught off guard by the former’s sudden revelation that he considered being super cool.

Ken had thought that bringing out his trump card at the right place and the right time was cool and epic. What he didn’t know was that someone in their group had an even more deadly trap prepared for the opponents heading their way.

“Look what we have here, lads. Two young thorns around one fresh-looking flower, waiting to be fuc… I mean plucked. Pardon my foul mouth, young beauty. I don’t want to ruin my first impression, you see before we get to know each other.

Let’s do our job here and take our rewards, boys. You will get whatever the brats have on them. And I’ll have… hehe!”

Eren, Ken, and Almera found themselves soon after they prepared themselves for a battle. They soon heard a man in his 40s making that threat-laced proclamation. Eren and Ken couldn’t gauge the man’s strength, but from the way their E-ranker was looking at him with daggers in her eyes, it was clear that he was an E-Ranker as well.

The man stood at one end of Eren’s group. And the four positions manned by young-looking rankers. One of them was a female, the other three were guys in their early twenties. They had formed a Penta-star siege around Eren’s group.

“Who are you? And what business do you have with us? Don’t you know we are from…”

“Ken, shut your mouth and pay attention to the situation at hand. They are not here to answer our questions. At least not yet. So ask them after we’ve dealt with them.”

Ken was about to ask a clicked question when he was interrupted midway by his battle buddy.

“Al.. alright. But what should we do now?”

“As I said. Attack first, ask questions later.”

Eren went towards the enemy female ranker right after he said that. The enemy team was bewildered by the young ranker’s hasty reactions because of which they were caught off guard.

Even Ken and Almera were surprised by Eren’s reckless move. They didn’t expect him to enter the fray as soon as it was presented to him. The guy looked like he wanted to battle it out with someone as if he was on a schedule.

The only female in the enemy camp didn’t know how to react at first. But she soon came to her senses. The young man was still a few meters away from her.

She started casting a body modification spell. Her fingers started getting elongated. Her stature was increasing. The hair on her body started growing rapidly. She was soon going to turn into a humanoid wolf monster.

The female thought that her solo battle with this young and small-statured kid was going to be short-lived. She would soon be joined by any of her accomplices and they would soon take care of him swiftly.

The kid looked like he was well experienced in battles. His actions spoke volumes about his battle prowess. The female wasn’t necessarily going to win because of her heretic spell and higher BTP value.

But she didn’t need to win the round in the first place. All she needed to do was hold her ground and await someone from their team to join her.

It was that simple a matter. But alas, the terrorist didn’t like to play by the book.

He came within a few meters distance from the wolfina and threw something her way before heading to the next guy from her team that was standing beside her.

What the terrorist threw the wolfina’s way was a sealed vial of explosive potion that was changing its colour at a rapid pace.

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