Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 118: Squeezable Nuts

Chapter 118: Squeezable Nuts

Eren got up from his initial position and headed straight to meet the berserker’s charge who had been slowed down to a snail’s speed from his perspective. The butcher ducked down and let the guy’s fists pass from above his head.

Ron was a knuckle user. And his element was the wind. He would create quakes in the surroundings even with his fists landing on the thin air. That’s how he had deflected the barrage of incoming attacks from Eren’s teammates despite being surrounded.

And he was going to make the same fists to tackle Eren before the latter got a chance to execute his lightning-based spells on him. But he had underestimated the little terrorist in front of him.

All Ron could see was Eren seemingly vanishing into nothingness before appearing right under his torso. And the guy had already launched his attacks before he could change the position of his fists.

Eren grabbed Ron’s almost-metal-like balls and executed Blitz Bolt once again.

This vile creature didn’t care about any decorum. Or a silent agreement between men not to target each others’ groins. He just grabbed the nuts and let his lightning run loose in that sensitive region.

No matter how charged a berserker was after drinking their potion, they would physically and mentally get frozen in this situation. Ron wasn’t an exception to this statement either. And the fact that his metal element spell worked against him in this condition made things even worse.

The metal armour spell was broken. The guy’s nuts became squeezable again. And squeeze Eren did. Without a moment’s delay.

Ron’s sharp scream was heard by the entire crowd. He was kicked from his standing position because of Eren’s way of manhandling him in a close combat range.

‘Although I must have made a lot of mistakes, this close combat style is fun! I’m enjoying it. Hehe!

The butcher was quite happy with himself. His grin could be seen by his current victim and it created a deep impression in his mind.

‘Whose evil spawn did we just battle? Is he even human?’

Ron had a fleeting thought before being overwhelmed by his pain receptors. Because Eren started doing the same thing to Ron as he did to Dino. His punches found a new face to land on.

The skin on Eren’s knuckles was thoroughly mutilated despite coating the fists with mana. But he didn’t care.

Yet, Ron wasn’t helpless like Dino. Nor was he that weak. And he was also wearing his knuckles at the time. He too punched Eren’s face. But too bad, the punch couldn’t land. The terrorist was still too fast.

Eren knew his Sedated Perception was taxing on his mana storage which was now running out of juice. Therefore, he deactivated his time-element spell and let some punches hit him and his face.

But that didn’t make him back away either. He replied to those punches with even more punches powered by his Blitz Bolt.

All the students standing in the crowd as well as those who were inside in the ring at the time could see were two guys locked in a fistfight with each other. With one laying flat on the ground and another sitting on his chest. The other unconscious guy was sleeping his ass off just beside them.

Eren’s face had also gotten bloody with only a few punches landing on it. This was due to the knuckles’ blunt force. But that didn’t discourage him.

Eren had reserved a separate portion of mana for his healing spell at the end of the fight. So he wasn’t worried about getting hurt. He smiled and showed his bloody teeth to Ron before launching another spell. The last additional spell his liquid-stage mana-core could support before almost running out of mana.

Blitz Shield!

Eren activated his only defensive skill at the last moment. It made him impervious to Ron’s knuckles for a limited time. Of course, the force behind the fist would still register an impact. But that was not enough for the terrorist to stop terrorising his victims.

For the next few moments, only Ron would get injured due to Eren’s punches. And he would throw blood in the air from his mouth. Ron’s punches only pushed the butcher away and made him almost get up from his chest.

But that vile creature would just use that chance to punch right at his chest before resuming his earlier position. This time, Eren didn’t have the luxury to keep Ron awake. His own mana was running out.

He needed to wrap things faster. He wouldn’t get completely blind in his revenge and get injured severely for his stupidity. And he didn’t underestimate Ron.

That’s why Eren dealt a decisive blow to the guy at last and launched the last Blitz Bolt while grabbing the guy’s forehead. Of course, he controlled the output to make him only lose consciousness.

Ron stopped moving after Eren’s last attack was launched. Eren let go of his victim’s forehead and sat right beside his unconscious body.

The butcher took a deep breath. And smiled devilishly.

‘Those who say revenge is foolish haven’t enacted it in the best way possible. I just took my revenge and I feel great. Upbeat even. Haha!’

The butcher executed the healing spell in his arsenal next.

Blitz Heal!

It had become his habit to think of countermeasures. So he had already made sure to reserve the last vestiges of his mana for this.

His facial injuries started repairing themselves as the tongues of lightning danced over them. It took a while before the major injuries became the minor ones before almost vanishing from their spots.

Eren had closed his eyes during this time for a better spell execution. He only opened them when his spell was completed and there was no more mana inside him to support the spell any longer.

The first thing the butcher saw was that he was surrounded by his teammates. It looked like they were trying to not meet his eyes. All except Becky. And Renita would only peek at him from time to time. Seemingly when he wasn’t looking at her.

“Why are you looking like all of your cats have been killed at the same time? We won. Put a smile on your face.”

The butcher tried to act normal while trying to ease the tension. He didn’t care about his teammates’ feelings. But they were needed for his next set of plans after all. And he had done all that he had done in public. Although total anonymity wasn’t possible, the butcher still wanted to underplay his character’s brutality in his audiences’ heads.

“See. Didn’t I tell you? His aura has always been cold like the cold-blooded maniac he is.

We could have finished this match easily without him delivering this much pain and suffering to our opponent. But look at what he did.”

Becky wasn’t happy with Eren’s way of handling things. She voiced her displeasure with her harsh words in the spur of the moment. But she had forgotten that there was someone in their team who could be harsher with his words. With the same glib tongue that he had used for various purposes till now.

“And whose fault was it that I had to act the way I acted? It was yours. Almost all of you. Except for Renita. You couldn’t even prevent one guy that was given to you.

Ron not only managed to break a three-person siege but also covered so much distance between me and him without you being unable to interrupt him. At all.

I did what I did to take care of these guys faster. You are underestimating them if you think that they’d go down easily just because they were hit by some of your spells. And that’s what happened with you guys.

Becky, Jake, and especially you Steve. I’ll sum up all your performances in one word:


Jake and Steve dropped their necks after listening to Eren’s berating. They weren’t totally at fault. They were inexperienced at fighting battles after all. The books and the training won’t necessarily make you a great fighter unless you keep on fighting and gaining experience. An experience that they lacked.

But Eren didn’t pull back his punches even this time. He created a false standard for them to match up to. So that they’d work even harder than before. All while making peace with his way of handling things.

The tank and the berserker kept quiet. But the mage still had some spunk left in her:

“Oh yeah? You say all that was necessary. But why did you keep Dino awake and make him not fall unconscious?

We were still fighting but we could still see that because it was going on for so long. You could have joined us to handle Ron if it wasn’t for the madness that you unleashed on Dino.”

‘Oh! This feisty fish is too intelligent for her own good. Should I, let’s say, take her out of the water later on?’

Eren thought to himself before shaking his head inside his mind and in reality. He shouldn’t act impulsively just because someone questioned his actions. Otherwise, he’d spend his life burying dead bodies and covering his tracks.

“That was also because of you guys.”

The compulsive liar came up with another blend of bullshittery and truth right on the spot.

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