Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 104: Power of Cheesy Pick-up Lines

Chapter 104: Power of Cheesy Pick-up Lines

“I get creative sometimes when I see beautiful women like you. Okay, this is something I came up with just now while talking to you. Listen to this:

Girl, are you a delayed kingdom tax?”

Ron Damian asked Julie as they had just seen each other. The latter was again intrigued by the former’s approach:

“And why would you ask that?”

Julie asked while raising her brows and a hint of a smile on her face.

“Because you’ve got FINE written all over you!”

Ron delivered his jab with a smirk of his own!

Julie couldn’t help but laugh wholeheartedly at Ron’s weird and extra cheesy pickup lines. But the guy was lucky. Because extra cheesy was exactly how Julie liked things to be.

“Hehe! Okay, one more and we shall finish our talk at the bar!”

Julie looked meaningfully at Ron after saying that. Her subtle message was clear. Ron needed to seal the deal with his last chance so that they could spend the night together. Or he was going to have to talk to his bottle of rum. Either way, the talk at the bar was over.

Ron seemed like he got the drift. He got semi-serious and gave her another verbal jab:

“Alright! Here’s the last one: Girl, are you a haunted house?”

Julie didn’t seem to like this delivery. Because all the other jabs Ron had given her talked about and praised her beauty. But this question was too odd for those types of positive answers. She thought the guy had gotten off the track but she gave him a chance anyway:

“I’ll bite. What does that mean?”

Ron smiled faintly after hearing Julie’s obvious question. He kept quiet for a while to build anticipation. And it was working from the looks of things. He delivered his finishing punch when he felt the time was ripe:

“Because I’ll scream when I’m in you.”

Julie was surprised first after flashing a hushed smile. That smile soon turned into a burst of genuine laughter. She had been convinced:

“Alright! Tell me, Ron, where are we going next?”

“Hehe! My lady deserves only the finest of things. Let’s go to Grand Hiyat. I’ll call the carriage.”

Grand Hiyat was another famous establishment located in the centre of the city. It was preferred as a go-to stay by most nobles and important business tycoons who are passing through the area. Renting a room at the establishment highlighted Ron’s heavy wallet even more.

Of course, Julie wasn’t stupid. She knew a private guard couldn’t afford to spend money like what Ron was doing in front of her. So she asked him about the same. But it seemed like Ron was came prepared with the answer knowing full well he’d be asked something like this:

Ron told her in a hushed voice that he and his employer were dealing in contraband artefacts found in the black market. He was in charge of dealing with the buyers and delivering goods. And in return, his employer would share a part of the profit coming from those shady deals with him.

Only then did things make sense for Julie. She didn’t judge the guy for dealing in the black market. She was used to doing those things in her early years anyway. Even now, her unrestricted lifestyle wasn’t exactly what one would call ideal.

One wrong thing about Ron assured Julie that everything else was fine. Human interactions were weird that way. One would always try to find fault in a seemingly perfect-looking person just to feel better about themselves. Unblemished characters seemed to always create suspicions in peoples’ heads.


“Oooh la la! So this is the luxury room of Grand Hiyat. I must say, I’m impressed. Tell me honestly Ron, how many women have you brought to this place before?”

Julie whistled a little after entering the luxurious room Ron had booked for them. There were embroidered drapes, an elegant interior with intricately carved furnishing, and a king-sized bed with a seemingly fluffy bed.

Every little item or shade of the said item was meant to bode well with the overall visual style of the room. The illuminance was sombre and mellow. And there was a faint scent of sandalwood present inside the room.

In short, the ambience in the room was just right for passionate intimacy.

“Well, to be honest with you Jules, I haven’t brought anyone here. Hehe! You’d be the first.”

Ron said this while resting himself at the window seat that was decorated with floral printed sheets and lush pillows. He took out another bottle of wine from his storage. This was another expensive, E-Rank wine made from one of the finest ingredients.

Ron traced his fingers along the edges of the cork. Seemingly pondering over something as played with the merlot bottle in his hand.

“Why would you lie now, Ron? You and I both know you are a butterfly. I’m not averse to it because, hehe, I also have my wings to fly. But the least we can do at this point is be honest about each other, you know.”

Julie smiled and sat beside Ron who was looking outside the window, gazing at the moons and stars. He didn’t look at his intimate-partner-to-be and only chuckled before replying:

“I’m not lying Jules. I said I haven’t brought anyone “HERE” in the luxury room before. I usually book normal rooms at the Grand Hiyat. So you’re technically the first partner to be brought into the luxury room.

I just thought you were special so I went the extra mile. Hope you liked my gesture.”

Julie was satisfied with Ron’s answer. She wanted to say she did like the gesture. But somehow she felt that the mood demanded silence.

Therefore, the E-Rank lady decided to observe the guy for now.

Ron brought out two wine glasses after a while. And filled them up just enough so that one could swirl the content within without it spilling over. He placed one drink Jules and picked up the other.

Ron swirled his wine ever so lightly in a clockwise and then in a reverse clockwise motion. Only then did he kiss the glass with his lips before gulping the E-Rank potion down, one sip at a time.

Every action of Ron spoke that he was used to the life of luxury. The wine he drank, the clothes he wore, and the uncaring attitude to go for the most expensive choice in everything worth having meant the private guard had a successful career as a middleman in the black market.

‘I’ve caught a rich whale this time it seems. Good for you Julie. Now if you could just make him spend more money on you with tonight’s performance, that’d be great.’

Julie thought to herself. She already started to make plans on how to suck Ron dry of all his money.

What she didn’t know was that Ron also had his designs on her.

Ron Damian was none other than Eren Idril in a disguise!


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