Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 485 hurt yourself?

After hours passed by, Yue Ling laid out her reason for returning to the underworld. She looks at each person in the room and her lips part to speak.

"I'm sure everyone here is wondering who this person is, but a warning in advance. Anyone who dares to help with person will be bound with the same fate as his."

Hearing her words of warning, all nine leaders in the room shiver in cold sweat.

She looks like a very innocent and fragile women, but they, of all people know what she is capable of.

Once she has given her words, she will not take it back. Even if the person has a long history with her, she will not give way to them if they help this person she is after.

From behind her, Qi Li takes a step forward. He leans towards her and whispers in a voice that only she can hear.

Listening to his words, one corner of her lip curls up into a smile almost identical to a sneer. She nods her head and looks to the leader of Red Moon.

He is a bulky man in his thirties. His head is shaved spotless as the light in the room shines upon it.

"Tao Meng, it seems the rules of Fate are too much for your men to handle."

Hearing her mention his name then his men, Tao Meng furrow his brows. Didn't he give his men a clear warning before coming here?

Looking at Yue Ling, he held an apologetic expression.

"I am truly sorry for my lack in disciplining my men. I hope you forgive them for stepping out of line."

He doesn't know what she will do, but what he does know is that the leader of Fate values the life of her people. If anyone dares to touch a strand of their hair, she will kill without mercy if not turn them into a cripple.

Despite his useless men offending her, he hopes that she will give him face and let this slide.

Yue Ling stares at the man without a response. Qi Li had informed her that the person Red Moon wronged was Steward Yang.

The man who had been by her paternal grandfather's side since the foundation of Fate and the man who had watched her father and her grow up.

However, thinking about something, she smiles to the man.

"I won't ask for much as long as Red Moon apologies to Steward Yang."

Hearing her words, no leader in the underworld would not want to lose face by apologizing. However, Tao Meng turned pale. Not because of her sudden proposal in an apology, but who his men had offended.

He has never encounter Yue Ling in person, but he has encountered the former leader. He also knows that Steward Yang is a very important figure in Fate.

Taking a deep breath, he nods his head in understanding. "You have my word. I will have my men give Steward Yang an apology."

Yue Ling kept her smile without change. Looking at each person one more time, her voice sounds.

"The person I am looking for is Chu Li Xiang."

At the mention of his name, everyone turned to look at Chu Qiang.

None could believe that it is Chu Li Xiang. However, some of them weren't surprise that it is the man. He has been causing trouble in the underworld wherever he went.

Chu Qiang ignores the stares as he did not seem to care about the look the leaders were giving him. He leisurely rise from his seat and bows to Yue Ling.

"Black Dragon has cut all ties with him. If it is his life you are after, you may have it."

Steelhead stares at Chu Qiang then to Yue Ling. He felt sweat begin to form on his head as he has been helping Chu Li Xiang in the dark.

He was quick to realize why a small gang like his was invited to this meeting.

Fate must have suspected them. Yue Ling wants to make it clear that if he or anyone from Blue Axe continue to help the man, it will be the end of them too.

He also thought it was strange why Chu Li Xiang would suddenly want to work with him. Now he understands why.

Blue Axe and Black Dragon have always been enemies. Being cut off from Black Dragon, who else can the man (Chu Li Xiang) go to other than the enemy for help.

Thinking this, he made a quick decision. He will end all connections with the man. Even if the business between them will succeed, he will not put Blue Axe in jeopardy.

He stood up from his seat and gestures a polite bow to Yue Ling.

"Blue Axe has been in contact with him the past week. However, you have my word that after tonight, all interactions with him will cease.

Following the man everyone quickly rouse from their seat to give her their words in not helping Chu Li Xiang.

The last to stand was Gao Jie. He sat between Chu Qiang and Steelhead as he stares at everyone. Seeing that everyone was quick to understand the terms, he had no choice but to reluctantly stand up.

He is afraid of what might happen to him if he didn't follow, but Chu Li Xiang had promised him a massive amount of money and women as long as the trafficking deal goes through.

Glancing at Yue Ling, his eyes slightly narrow. Even if some people here address her as the leader of Fate, is she really the notorious person the underworld fears? How can he be so sure?

His head lowers in a bow and he spoke to her like he was a loyal follower.

"Mami, you have my words. My Snakehead will never help someone who is on your death list."

His words were full of earnestly, but deep inside he was cursing. Since she is standing in front of him, he has no choice but to kiss up to her. Of course, that didn't mean he will keep his words.

After all, she will never know his plan.

Unfortunately for him, Yue Ling and everyone from Fate already saw through the obese man.

However, pretending to not notice the man's ill intentions, Yue Ling calmly stood from her seat. Looking at each person, she kept her smile.

"Since we've all come to an understanding, the meeting ends here. I hope you all have a good night."

Without waiting for their response, she turns for the door to leave. She had said what she needed.

Those who decide to listen to her warning, she will ignore. As for the one who decide to go against her, she will make sure they suffer the same fate as Chu Li Xiang.

Just as she reach the door, she pause in her steps and turns back to look at Gao Jie.

"Mr. Gao, if you are not in a hurry, may I please have a word with you in private."

Gao Jie's eyes lit up hearing the word 'private'. His thoughts turned sinister and malicious as he grins ear to ear. Is she inviting him to her bed?

However, not wanting everyone in the room to envy him, he laughs in a heartily tone with his stomach jiggling.

"No need for privacy, whatever it is you need to say, you can say it here after everyone leaves."

Yue Ling stares at the man with an expression full of indifference.

"Indeed we can discuss this matter in this room."

Her eyes slowly blink and the corners of her lip curls up.

"But as for what you are thinking, I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed."

Another laugh sounds from the obese man as he did not put too much thought to her words. He mistook it as her being shy about letting others know of what she wanted to do with him.

However, unlike the fat man, everyone else shook their heads. Gao Jie is too full of himself. Did he not realize that Yue Ling's smile did not reach her eyes?

Fei Tao ignores the pig and place his hands behind his head. Walking over to Yue Ling, he sends her a charming smile.

"I'll wait for you downstairs since I have a feeling you have something to say to me."

Qin Yi and Li Wei also follows in pursuit. Both people had something they wanted to discuss with her, but seeing how she has business with Gao Jie, they'll wait.

As each leader began to leave the room with their subordinates, the door they had yet to step out from suddenly opens.

A young man wearing a black suit enters the room. His hair combed to the side in a mixture of neat and messy paralleled well with his handsome features.

One can see a white gauze bandage wrap around his neck, but the wound between his forehead and hairline is visible to the naked eye.

Unlike the five people standing behind Yue Ling, he did not wear a mask. He nonchalantly approach Yue Ling and stops at her side.

Fei Tao stares at the man and a wide grin appears on his face. He takes a few steps towards the person and punch the man's chest in a brotherly manner.

"Shan, what happened to you? How did you hurt yourself?"

Yue Ling did not look at the person who suddenly enter. Her gaze remained on Gao Jie's figure.

"Mr. Gao, I heard my subordinates ran into you at Glory."

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