Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 420 a loyal follower

Lu Tian stares down at his assistant and he couldn't describe the feeling he was having. However, one thing he knows for sure is that his assistant is indeed a man not from this universe.

Standing next to the father of her child, Yue Ling also stares down at Xu Long. However, her expression held bewilderment unlike the man.

She had always thought the people around her had weird personalities, but comparing to Xu Long, her team can be considered normal.

Clearing her throat to hide the urge to laugh, she smiles to the assistant.

"Assistant Xu, if you are hungry, we bought food."

Xu Long stares at his boss with an agape mouth. When he heard his lady boss, he turns to look at her. The second he saw her smile his mind went blank.

Her smile alone is very pleasant, and he can see why his boss dotes on her so much.

However, behind that smile that can make any man's heart flutter, he knows that she is doing her best not to laugh at him.

Just as he thought this, he finally realized he is sitting on the floor.


Awkwardness poured over him like a bucket of ice-cold water. He slowly helps himself up and decides to ignore the eyes of everyone.

If possible, he would like a hole to magically appear so he can hide in it forever.

First, Yiqing hugged the floor and now it's him sitting on the floor looking for food.

Now the lady boss and her team must be thinking the people on Lu Tian's side are a bunch of weirdoes.

After Xu Long's brief moment of self-embarrassment, everyone gathered around to eat the food brought by Yue Ling and Lu Tian.

Even more surprising was when they found out that it was Lu Tian who decided to buy them food and the delicious food was bought from Elegancy.

Everyone has long heard about the five-star restaurant and knows how hard it is to even book a reservation. To think they would be eating such fine dining food.

As each person finished eating, Yue Ling and Lu Tian had already finished their lunch before everyone.

Yue Ling was not that hungry, so she only ate a little as the same with Lu Tian. Of course, the reason why Yue Ling ate was all because Lu Tian's eyes never left her unless she consumed something.

Approaching the three monitors Liu Shan had set up, both individuals sat in the chairs and looks at the many camera recordings.

Yue Ling's bluish green eyes scans each image like an eagle soaring the clear blue sky.


From behind, Qi Li's voice sounds as he approach the couple. Lifting his hand, he points to an image on the monitor to the left.

"That car has been parking there the past week without moving."

Yue Ling glance to the image pointed by Qi Li. It was a black Mercedes but an older model with dark tinted windows. If anyone were to pass by the car, they would have difficulty looking inside.

For the people walking through the street, the car would look like a normal vehicle owned by someone working nearby or making a quick stop. However, since Qi Li pointed it out, she trust his judgment.

From the moment he became her subordinate, his eyes has never been wrong. One look and he is able to tell who is the enemy.

Staring at the car on the monitor, Yue Ling's eyes slightly narrow.

"Did you see the driver?"

Just as she asked her question, everyone else had finished throwing their lunch away. Gathering the table with the monitors, everyone listens for Qi Li's answer.

Not caring about the eyes on him, Qi Li scans all the images on each monitor until he found the right one.


He points to an image on the monitor to the far right.

Glancing at the image, Yue Ling furrow her brows. From the background of the image, it was the coffee shop across from Uncle Zhi's shop.

There were people walking pass but sitting down on a chair outside of the shop is a fat man wearing sunglasses and reading a newspaper. He looked very normal and blended in well with the crowd. One glance and no one would suspect him at all.

"He parks his car in the same spot at 8am. He'll sit outside the coffee shop until the employees ask him to leave."

Qi Li's voice sounds again as he points to the monitor in the center.

"Once he leaves the coffee shop, he moves down to this restaurant and waits until everyone leaves Uncle Zhi's shop then he leaves."

It was a very simple looking restaurant with customers always stopping by for lunch and dinner.

Yue Ling stares at the three images that were pointed out by Qi Li. She then looks back at the image of the fat man and her eyes narrow.

"Did you do a background check?"

"I did."

This time, it wasn't Qi Li who spoke, but Liu Shan who stood to the left of the man wearing glasses.

He takes a step forward and reach for his laptop. Turning it to face him, his fingers dance over the keyboard and an image with information appears on the screen.

Turning the laptop screen to his boss, his voice sounds.

"His name is Xu Zheng. He is 47 and a loyal follower of Chu Li Xiang."

Yue Ling nod her head as she listens. At the same time, she also reads the information about the man name Xu Zheng.

Seated in silence next to his wife, the space between Lu Tian's brows crease into three lines.

Since Xu Zheng is connected to Chu Li Xiang, this sudden attack must have something to do with him putting Chu Li Xiang behind bars.

However, if that is the case, why attack Uncle Zhi's shop that has no connection to him?

"I think this is more than revenge."

Uncle Zhi's sighs his words and lightly stroke his chin as he tries to add the details together.

"That's right."

Liu Shan quickly agrees with a nod. His fingers dance over his laptop again and looks at his boss.

"When Lu Tian told us to search every person in Imperial, I was able to find this."

He press the enter button on the keyboard and a few more images appear on the screen.

It was Chu Li Xiang and Julia before she died. Both individuals are seen meeting with a woman in private.

Though the photo was in black and white and the woman's back was turned to the camera, Yue Ling knew the figure very well.

Her eyes turned murderous as one corner of lip faintly curls up into a devilish smile.

"Ning Mei."

Yiqing and Shaofeng who stood near Liu Shan by chance saw the look in Yue Ling's eyes. Both men quickly shiver in goosebumps.

Their lady boss's expression when she is like this is more terrifying that their boss's.

No wonder she is the leader of Fate. Her eyes alone is enough to send a person to King Yama's door.

Good thing she is friend and not foe.

Oblivious to the two men's thoughts, Liu Shan taps on the keyboard and more images pop up on the screen.

"They day after Uncle Zhi's shop was attacked, Ning Mei went to this hotel."

He points to an image of Ning Mei waiting outside of a hotel, then his finger moves to another image, but this time of a scrawny man with a haggard look.

"I ran a background check, this man is Gongi. The same man Lin Hui gave chase to during the incident with Doctor Xie at Imperial Military Hospital."

He then points to another photo.

Unlike the first two of Ning Mei and Gongi arriving separately, this photo captured the two entering the hotel together.

"The two met in private after Chu Li Xiang's arrest to discuss something."

As Liu Shan continues to explain the details, Yue Ling stares at each image on the screen.

The next image was a recording that showed Ning Mei and Gongi entering a room and from the time frame shown, anyone can guess what must had happened inside. However, the following recording was only of Gongi leaving out the room alone and putting away what looks to be a thick envelope in his pocket.

As Liu Shan finished explaining, his head turns to look at his boss.

"There's one more thing."

Yue Ling turns her head to face him when she heard his words. She did not say a word, but her silent expression was enough to tell Liu Shan to continue.

Staring into her bluish green eyes that can trap a person's soul, Liu Shan felt hesitation engulf him.

His eyes subconsciously looks away from her but was quickly met with the quiet Lu Tian's dark pupils of the devil staring at him.


Frozen in place, Liu Shan wish so badly to cry but lack the courage to make any tears. Taking a deep breath, he decides to say it.

"Ning Mei had hired Chu Li Xiang and his men to kill you for 200 million yuan."

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