Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 418 Ge Yun Li

A middle-aged woman with a captivating smile walks in the direction of Yue Ling and Lu Tian. She wore a flowy long sleeve dress in the shade mauve. It flows over her legs down above her ankles. Though she appears older in age, she still looked young and healthy.

Seeing the woman, Lu Tian lightly nod his head in a polite greeting. Next to him, Yue Ling smiles to her.

However, the longer Yue Ling stared at the woman, she couldn't help but feel she's seen her somewhere or at least someone who looked similar.

The woman happily approach the two with a wide grin. Once she was in close distance, she stood on the other side of Yue Ling and held the model's hand. Her gesture was like it was the most naturalist thing to do.

"Aiya, look at you. You are even prettier than the last time I saw you."

Yue Ling stares at the woman in silence. She doesn't mind the friendly gesture, but she doesn't remember meeting this woman before.

"Have we met before?"

Hearing her question, the woman was struck speechless. She kept her smile and was going to say something but stops herself.

How could she have forgotten than the first time she met Yue Ling, the two did not meet face to face. Instead, she (the woman) was actually peeking from the kitchen while snapping some photos to send to Madam Lu.

However, even if that was the case, shouldn't Yue Ling know about her since she is with Lu Tian?

Thinking this, she looks away from the beautiful model to the aloof man on the other side. How could this evil being not tell Yue Ling about her?

"Tian, why doesn't she know who I am? Did you and your family forget to mention my name, hmm?"

Met with the woman's sudden eyes shooting daggers at him, Lu Tian lightly shook his head and heaves a sigh.

"Yue Ling, this is my aunt, Ge Yun Li."

Hearing this, Yue Ling nod her head and smiles apologetically to Lu Tian's aunt. Just as she was about to apologize for being impolite in any way, Aunt Ge Yun Li spoke first.

She stretch her arm behind Yue Ling and lightly hits Lu Tian on the back as her heartful laughs follows.

"What aunt Ge Yun Li? I have been your Aunt Zhao for the past 32 years."

She scoffs at the man then held Yue Ling's hand again. However, unlike her attitude towards Lu Tian, she smiles sweetly to Yue Ling.

"I am the sister-in-law of Lu Tian's mother. So my child, just call me Aunt Zhao."

As she spoke her words, she did not leave any room for Yue Ling to speak. Without wasting any more time, she pulls Yue Ling towards the restaurant.

"Come child, the weather is too cold today. It's not good for you."

Madam Lu had informed her of the joyous news, so she cannot let a pregnant Yue Ling stand outside and endure the cold.

If the Lu family knew that she had kept Yue Ling out in the cold for a long time, she will never hear the end of it.

Left near the car, the wind lightly brush against Lu Tian as he watched both women disappear inside the Elegancy. Neither even bothered to ask him to follow.

Standing in silent, he lowers his head and stares down at his now empty hand. The armth of his wife's hand was replace with coldness.

He sighs aloud at the thought of so many people always stealing his wife from him.

One minute, he's holding her hand and in the next, she's already taken away.

All he wants to do is hold her hand, is that so hard to ask?

Sighing again, he decides that he will need to buy a handcuff and cuff her next to him.

That way, she will always be within his sight at all times. Not only that, if someone wants to take his wife away from him, they will have to bring him too.

Satisfy with this decision, he takes a step forward and strides towards Elegancy to follow his wife.

As he entered the restaurant, he noticed that the temperature was very warm. It was a lot warmer than usual. However, there was no other customers other than them.

"Tian, over here!"

Yue Ling's cheerful voice calls out to him with one hand waving. Aunt Zhao had her seated near the window so she could look outside while they waited.

Met with her smile that never stops melting his heart, Lu Tian softens inside. Walking to her table, he takes a seat in the chair across from her.

"Should we have lunch before leaving?"

The plan was to grab food from Elegancy and leave, but if his wife wants to eat first, they can leave after.

Knowing that he is only thinking about her, Yue Ling smiles and shook her head.

"It's fine, everyone is still waiting for us."

Just as her words fell, from the corner of her eyes, she could see Aunt Zhao's figure approaching their table.

"The food is almost ready."

The middle-aged woman sits down next to Yue Ling near the window. She looks at Yue Ling and couldn't help but think about Ji An Ling. Indeed like Madam Lu said, both mother and daughter do look very much alike.

Although she and Yue Ling's mother were not close, they were of the same age and she knows that Ji An Ling was a very beautiful woman. Many of the young men at the time admired her. However, she chose the pretty boy Han Min Joon who was her childhood friend.

Brushing her thoughts aside, she sighs inside. Reaching to hold Yue Ling's hand, she asks.

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? Not even some appetizers?"

Yue Ling faintly smiles and shook her head, "Aunt Zhao, thank you, but I am really fine."

"Mm, mm." Aunt Zhao sighs a nod. As much as she wants Yue Ling to eat something, she cannot force the girl.

A person knows their body than anyone else and judging from the looks of it, Yue Ling appears to be healthy and in great shape.

Deciding not to push the topic further, a smile curls on her lip.

"My daughter would be so jealous when I tell her that I met you today."

"Your daughter?"

Yue Ling asks as Aunt Zhao nods her head.

"Mm. My only daughter is the same age as you."

Thinking of her spoilt daughter, Aunt Zhao smiles at how she wish the brat was here too. She notices Yue Ling's dark long hair that almost resembles silk and she sighs.

"That child of mine, she used to have beautiful long hair like you. She told me she would never cut it, but for some reason, she has been keeping her hair short like a boy."

Listening attentively, Yue Ling couldn't help but ponder in thought about the description of Aunt Zhao's daughter. The image of her new friend with a Pixi haircut appears in her head.

"Aunt Zhao, is your daughter's name, Ya'Er?"

At the mention of the name, Aunt Zhao's eyes lit up with sparkles. Her hand holding Yue Ling's gently tightens.

"You know my Ya'Er? I thought she was only exaggerating when she said you are her friend."

Yue Ling chuckles and nod her head, "We met not too long ago and became friends."

As the two women immerse in their own conversation, Lu Tian who had been ignored again arch a brow. He thought back to the day his cousin bragged to him about her new friend.

He scoffs a smile inside and decided he will need to have a talk to this cousin of his. If she had mentioned his wife's name at the time, he wouldn't hesitate at all to agree to meet this friend.

Good thing Zhao Ya'Er did not introduce this 'friend' to Lu Han or else all hell would break loose.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, the food is packed and ready to go."

A voice suddenly interrupts the three people and each person turn to see who it was.

Standing a table away was a young waiter. He was the same waiter who had served Yue Ling and Lu Tian the day Lu Tian gave Yue Ling the necklace, Balance.

The moment the young man saw Yue Ling, he gasps in surprise and covers his both.

"I get to meet Han Yue Ling in person a second time."

Lu Tian frowns at the lovestruck boy. Not wanting those eyes to continue staring at his wife, he abruptly stood up.

"Aunt Zhao, we are leaving."

Yue Ling smiles in greeting to the boy, but when she heard Lu Tian's sudden words, she was flabbergasted. Shaking her head, she turns to look at the middle-aged woman.

"Since the food is ready, Tian and I will be taking our leave."

Aunt Zhao could only nod her head in understanding. However, glancing at this nephew of hers, she scoffs inside.

From the many years that she has watched the boy grow into a fine young man, never once had she seen him lose his temper.

However, it's a pity that he lost his cool because he is eating vinegar over a young fan boy.

As she thought this, her brows slightly furrow.

If he is like this, what will happen when they (Yue Ling and Lu Tian) welcome their child into the world? Will he be eating vinegar over his own flesh and blood too?

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