Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 375 point ou


The elevator comes to a stop on the highest floor of De L'amour and Yue Ling steps out once the doors opened.

She had decided that once she reaches her office, she would give Hana a call and see how she is doing. She also wants to know how little Shin is.

However, the minute she stepped out of the elevator her plan was stalled. Her eyes darkened at the sight in front of her.

"CEO Han!"

Ming Yue who has such thick skin stood from her secretary seat. She greets the model with a smile as if nothing had ever happened. Like, she had never schemed behind Yue Ling's back and gave the designs to Chen Limei.

After the fashion show, she knew that Yue Ling would go to An Qing and get even with Chen Limei, so she had requested for emergency leave and hid for a few days. Once she felt the model had cooled off, she would return and claim her position as secretary.

Yue Ling stares at the woman expressionlessly. She lift her leg and walks towards her office.

"You're fired. Go collect your last cheque from human resources."

Just as she walks pass Ming Yue's desk, the woman runs after Yue Ling and reaches an arm out to grab hold of her.

"W-Wait! F-Fire? But I didn't do anything wrong!"

However, before Ming Yue's hand could touch Yue Ling, she takes a step to the side to avoid contact with the woman causing Ming Yue to stumble and fall to the ground.

Yue Ling takes a deep breath and turns to look down at the woman.

"You think I didn't know what you have been doing?"

Hearing this, Ming Yue looks up at Yue Ling with widen eyes. However, she was still in denial. Yue Ling couldn't possibly know. She had been so careful.

Knowing what she is thinking, Yue Ling felt like strangling the woman to death. How can such an idiotic person exist in the world.

She sighs annoyingly and decides to lay it out flat for the stupid woman.

"First, you applied to De L'amour on Chen Limei's orders to observe our moves. Second, you snuck behind my back to steal the designs and gave them to Chen Limei. Lastly, you set me up with Ning Xingyu in hopes of sabotaging my image."

Her words fell and she takes a step towards the woman sitting on the ground.

"There is by far more that I can point out, but these three are the main reasons why you are fired."

Ming Yue's head shook at each of her words that felt like thunder to her ears.

Before she knew it, she was already crying with tears down her cheeks. She looks up at Yue Ling with pleading eyes.

"Please, I cannot lose my job. I can't…"

Listening to Ming Yue sobbing words, Yue Ling indeed felt pity for the woman. It was not Ming Yue's fault that she got big headed when she became blinded by money. However…

"You should have thought about that before you decided to scheme against me."

Done with the woman, Yue Ling turns around and walks in the direction of her office.

"I will give you one hour to collect your things. After that, if you are still here, do not blame me for being ill-manner."

The door to Yue Ling's office closes and Ming Yue remained seated on the floor in disbelief. She could not believe this was happening to her.

She had depended so much on the pay at De L'amour and from Chen Limei that she thought everything would be fine. However, Chen Limei is in prison for murder and now, she has lost her only income.

Her head slowly shook, and she helps herself up from the ground. With shaking legs, she walks to her desk to get her handbag.

She must leave… She must go find Ning Xingyu… He will definitely help her.

Thinking this, she does not bother to collect her things and runs towards the elevator. She has nothing valuable here to take, so its better to just leave them.

She also doesn't dare to sit around and wait to plead for forgiveness.

After hearing about what happened to Chen Limei, she knows that if Yue Ling wanted, she could destroy her (Ming Yue) entire career.

Inside her office, Yue Ling gently place the bouquet of flower inside an empty vase on the table. Staring at the flowers, she reach for her phone and calls Hana.

["Hello! Mami? Hello? Is this Mami?"]

Quickly as the call rang through, a tiny little boy's voice sounds from the other line. His words were not clear but enough to understand.

Hearing the voice of the cute little boy, Yue Ling's lip curl into a soft smile. Its been a while since she heard his voice.

"Hi Shin. It's me."

["It is you! I miss you! Do you miss me?"]

"Mm. Mami misses you very much."

["Why I don't see you no more? You no like me?"]

She felt as if someone had stabbed her right in the heart hearing the sadness in little Shin's voice. She had always loved the boy and even wanted to kidnap him to Imperial with her. However, she knows Hana and Park Min Lee would have flip the entire country just to find them.

"Shin, I will always like you. You are my favorite little bee."

["Yay! I am still Mami's little bee!"]

Yue Ling sighs a smile and asks him, "Shin sweety, where is your mommy?"

["Mommy? Mommy um… Wait."]

Seconds after the wait, Hana was put on the phone. Yue Ling and her friend talked about the things that has happened since she came to Imperial. She told Hana about the fashion show and Chen Limei, then her engagement to Lu Tian. She didn't forget to tell her friend about the ring too.

Lastly, she finally told Hana about her becoming a mother.

As their conversation drifted, the afternoon turned to evening. Yue Ling finally ended the call and turn to look out the window.

The sun that had been up was now covered by dark clouds as it looks like it's going to rain soon. Just as she stood from the couch, the door to her office was flung open.

Looking at the intruder, she was flabbergasted, but stares at the person.

"Ju Suo, what are you doing?"

Ju Suo's petite figure waltz into her boss's office and spins in circles. Reaching one of couches, she slumps onto it and place both her hands over her chest with a sigh.

"Boss, I am in love and I don't care what anyone has to say~."


Yue Ling stares at the petite woman and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She turns to the door that was left open and sees Lian Ni Shang standing with the same expression as hers.

"Ni Shang, care to explain?"

Hearing her boss ask her, Lian Ni Shang sighs inside and enters the office. She walks over to the couch and kicks the leg part as if to shake Ju Suo awake from Lalaland.

"She's been like this ever since Lin Hui set her up on a date with Jiangyu."

Yue Ling furrow her brows and tilt her head in thoughts. She lowers down to sit again and touch her chin.

"Jiangyu? Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"He is one of your husband's most loyal subordinates."

Lian Ni Shang quickly answers. Looking at Ju Suo, she could only sigh and shake her head.

Hearing her subordinate's response, Yue Ling's brows arch up in surprise.

Now she remembers who Jiangyu is. She had met him one time when she and Lu Tian went out to the food stalls with Inu. However, remembering Jiangyu's larger built, she looks at Ju Suo.

Why does a petite woman like Ju Suo like a bulkier man like Jiangyu?

Wanting to ask, their discussion was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door.

Yue Ling and Lian Ni Shang turn to see who it was while Ju Suo remained lost in her own world on the couch.

Seeing who it was, Yue Ling stood up and smiles to her person.

"What are you doing here?"

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