Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 372 made him feel bad

Forgetting that Xu Long was the one who drove him, Lu Tian had driven almost near home.

Along the way, he complained inside at how slow the car was moving.

From what he remembers all his cars were fast, but why is this one…

Glancing down at the steering wheel for a quick second, he was dumbfounded.

How could he have forgotten?!

Taking his phone out, he dials a number and put it on speaker.

["Hello boss! Have you finally remembered me?"]

Xu Long's always out of the world tone comes through like a mistress who had finally received her lover's call.


Lu Tian felt rather awkward for what he did. He clears his throat and stares at the road ahead.

"Go to Lu Corps and move my meetings to the afternoon."

["Aiya, you forgot all about me. I thought you remembered, but you only call me for work."]


Listening to his assistant's womanly voice, Lu Tian felt himself cringe in disgust. Why did he choose a man like this to be his assistant?

"If you don't want 2 months of pay deducted, do as I say."

["Sir yes sir!"]

The moment Lu Tian spoke his words, all Xu Long heard was the words '2 months' and 'deduct'. He quickly returned to his usual face and spoke like a soldier.

Lu Tian shook his head and ends the call. He drives the car through the metal gates and parks the car in front of the house.

Stepping out, his eyes caught sight of a figure in the upstairs window. Seeing that it was wife sitting by the window, he softens inside. Although it was only her back, he felt like this was the best feeling ever.

To come home everyday to see her waiting for him.

Closing the driver door, he proceeds towards the door.

Inside, Yue Ling was sitting on a bench by the window in the open room that looks similar to a living room on the second floor.

She was currently teaching a few new tricks since they are now living in a new and bigger home. So for future references, it would be better for him to know what to do in case something were to happen.


In the center of the spacious room, Inu who was laying down abruptly stood up when he heard his mommy's word. He does not sniff around but quickly runs in the direction of the bedrooms.

Until he was not longer in sight, Yue Ling slowly stood up from the bench. In slow and steady steps, she walks in the direction Inu had gone.

All was quiet as no sound can be heard. She carefully approach one room after another. From the layout of the house, there is a total of eight rooms upstairs.

Poking her head into each one, she scans the inside for Inu.

Through each room, she does not see him at all. When she first started training him, he understood her words, but when it came to him hiding, she was able to spot his cute ears, if not then either his nose or his fluffy tail.

However, now was different. She stood in the long hallway and she smiles at the thought of how much he has improved.

"Mommy lost. You can come out now."


Inu's bark sounds as he exits from a room. As Yue Ling turn to him, she sees that it was the study room. Her brows slightly furrow, and she walks towards the room.

"Why the study room?"

Entering the room, Yue Ling looks around and notices that there was no place to hide at all. There was only her and Lu Tian's desks and open bookshelves.

Seeing his mother's confused look, Inu sighs inside. Walking pass her, he walks around to the black desk and shows her his hiding spot.


Yue Ling's eyes turned heavy and she could only chuckle. Out of all the rooms in the house, he chose the study room so he could hide under Lu Tian's desk.

She walks around the desk and sees Inu sitting obediently inside the space where Lu Tian's legs would go when sitting down.

However, she felt her heart soften at the sight of Inu.

When he first met Lu Tian, neither of them could get along, but now it was different. To see him hide in a place Lu Tian frequently uses means he is comfortable with the man. As if he knows now that Lu Tian gives him a sense of security.

"What are you doing in here?"

From the door, Lu Tian's voice sounds in. He had come inside hoping to see his wife welcome him with open arms, but no one was at the door to greet him. Even when he came upstairs, she was not in the spot he had saw her from outside.

Yue Ling turns to look at him and smiles, "Inu and I were playing hide and seek."

Saying this, she turns back to look at Inu before walking to where Lu Tian stood.


Hearing the foreign word, Inu quickly comes out from hiding and follows his favorite human. However, seeing his enemy at the door, he felt distraught as his time with his mommy has come to end.

Lu Tian arch a brow at the foreign word. To some, the word would indeed sound foreign to their ears, but as businessman, he had to study different languages and Czech was one of them.

Thinking of the word she said, he was reminded of the day when they went for a walk to grab dinner at the food stalls. His wife had said another foreign word at the time, and it made Inu attack the man that was behind him.

"Why do you speak to him Czech?"


Yue Ling had just reached his side when she heard his question. Her head slightly tilt in thought then she looks down at Inu who was walking pass by her.

"I found him in Prague three years ago when I went for a photoshoot. He was a stubborn little guy."

She couldn't help but think of the day she found him. It was a month after Shin passed away that she left City Z to go for a photoshoot. As a person still breathing, life had to continue for her, even when she was in mourning. After her photoshoot ended, she had decided to explore Prague.

As she spent half the day there it was starting to rain. Left with no choice, she decided to return to her hotel to pack up, but in the alley near the hotel she stayed, that was when she found him.

He was only a puppy at the time and his white fur was covered in dirt as some parts were mats.

Feeling the loss of a loved one, she didn't want him to be alone like her. So she approached him and decided to bring him inside. However, despite Inu's tiny figure at the time, he was aggressive towards her as she was an unfamiliar person to him.

He probably thought she was a bad person and was terrified of what will happen to him.

Seeing him so scared, her heart ached for the little guys, but no matter what she did, he wouldn't come near her or let her near him. As she tried to sooth him with words, she felt her heart ache more and more.

As a person in grief, she thought about how her parents and grandfather had already left her. Yet, Shin had to leave her too. Her only thoughts at the time was, if she can save another living being from being alone, she will do everything in her power to help it.

Thinking of the past, Yue Ling stares at Inu figure going down the stairs while Lu Tian stared at her.

However, thinking of her choice of words to describe Inu, he had to agree. Even now, Inu is a stubborn little guy when he wants to be.

"How did you get him to come to you?"

Hearing the questions, Yue Ling's bluish green eyes met his. She turns slowly turns away and shrug a shoulder before following after Inu.

"I made him feel bad."

Which was the truth.

Because she had lost so many important people in her life, while trying to get close to him, she ended up crying. She felt she couldn't help Inu from the feeling of being alone. Thus, seeing her cry, it made the little guy think it was his fault and reluctantly approach her with no choice.

And that was how Inu saved her from the feeling of being alone. Not her saving Inu.

Watching her figure leave, Lu Tian felt that his wife and Inu's meeting will make a great story.

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