Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 370 greatest news

Able to find the bathroom thanks to Lu Tian's help, Yue Ling felt like a drunk person sitting in front of the toilet as she vomits the food she consumed.

Inside the bathroom with her, Lu Tian squat down beside her and gently sooth her back with one hand while the other held her hair back from falling into the toilet.

It truly pains him to see his wife go through all this, but Ye Zhongwei had mentioned that it is normal for some women to go through this during pregnancy.

He swore inside, when the little brat comes out, he or she better love his wife for having to go through all of this.

Yue Ling breathes heavily as she finally feels herself feeling a little better after vomiting. She moves away from the toilet as Lu Tian's hand that was soothing her back reach for a towel and hands it to her then flushes the toilet.

"Thank You." She wipes her mouth and smiles apologetically to him, "I'm sorry for doing this to your parents…"

Lu Tian shook his head and helps hers tie her hair with one of his mother's hair ties. Then he helps her stand up, "What are you sorry for? You're pregnant, Ye Zhongwei said this is normal for some women."

Feeling much butter, Lu Tian and Yue Ling walked out of the bathroom to head back to the dining room.

Madam Lu had already warmed the Bird's nest soup and placed it on the table in waiting. She and Old Lu were worried about Yue Ling. Could she have eaten something wrong? Was she allergic to one of the dishes? Did she catch a cold?

As they thought of many questions, they see their son and Yue Ling enter the room again. However, the worry feeling they had was suddenly wash with a heart aching pain.

Yue Ling who had her hair down when she first arrived now had her hair tied in a loose and low ponytail. Looking at Madam Lu and Old Lu, she smiles apologetically to them.

"I apologize for what happened. A nausea feeling washed over me."

Madam Lu stares at the young girl with a complex feeling of all sorts. When she saw Yue Ling enter the room with that simple hairstyle, she swore she had saw her good friend, Ji An Ling. If it was not for the difference in their voice and height, she would have thought they were the same person.

Suddenly, a thought hit her. Her friend was not tall, but her husband was...

'Han' Yue Ling… Ji An Ling's husband's name was 'Han' Min Joon.

Could she be their daughter?

Thinking this, Madam Lu chuckles inside. How could Yue Ling be their daughter… Ji An Ling and Han Min Joon's daughter's name is Mami. Plus, they may have the same surname, but there are other family names with Han.

Knowing what his wife must have thought about, Old Lu gently place his hand over hers. He knows how much his wife misses her dear friend who passed away, but it is just as much as how he thinks about his friend, Min Joon.

"Mother, did you warm the soup?"

Lu Tian's voice sudden interrupts his parent's thoughts. He gently helps Yue Ling sit down on the chair then sat in his chair.

Looking at his parents, he felt something was off, but he did not push into it.

"Yes. Yes, the soup is ready."

Hearing her son, Madam Lu nods her head and reach for the bird nest's soup. She stood up from her seat and walks over to the other side and hand it to Yue Ling.

"Child, I apologize, I must have fed you too much food. The soup is a little hot, but warm enough to drink."

Yue Ling smiles another apologetic smile at Madam Lu and takes the bowl of soup. She hopes that what happened did not offend her.

"Thank you. I suddenly got a headache from the smell of the fried shrimp. I hope I did not offend you by any means."

As she drank the warm soup, she felt her body feeling even better with warmth. If she can, she want to drink soup every day during the cold winter.

Madam Lu's eyes shook upon hearing Yue Ling's words. She glance at the plate of fried shrimp and felt it was rather strange. The aroma was fine, so….

Her eyes widen at a thought then she laughs to herself and shook her head.

"Aiya, don't scare this old lady with such words. I almost thought you were pregnant."

Saying this, she walks back to her chair next to her husband. However, the moment she sat down she saw her son's face.

Lu Tian looked at both his parents. His expression was like he was hesitant to say something but seeing his wife had finished drinking the soup, he reach for it and set it down.

Doing so, he held her hand and looks back at his parents, but this time with a stern expression.

"I know this is sudden, but Yue Ling is pregnant."


Old Lu was stupefied as he almost fell out of his chair. He held onto the table to steady himself, while Madam Lu stare with an agape mouth.

Were they hearing things? Did Lu Tian say Yue Ling is pregnant? How is that even possible? Is this a time to joke?

As Old Lu commence in thoughts, Madam Lu's eyes widen and her expression changed with a huge grin. She abruptly stood up and knocks the table without a care.

"I'm going to be a grandmother?!"

She points to her chest and her eyes beam even brighter than ever, but she stares at Lu Tian and Yue Ling for a confirm answer. As if she wanted to hear it a second time.

Lu Tian nod his head in answer, whereas Yue Ling could only smile at Madam Lu's happy expression like a little child.

"I'm going to be a grandmother! I'm going to be a grandmother!!"

Madam Lu jumped in joy with both her arms dancing in all directions. She runs over to Yue Ling to give her a big yet soft hug in pure happiness.

Turning to her husband, she didn't care if he was still in a daze. Grabbing his shoulders, she shook him with all the strength she has.

"Old man, did you hear? I'm going to be a grandmother! Me! Finally the heavens have heard my prayers! I finally have a grandchild!!"

Stuck in a daze, Old Lu allowed his wife to shake him. He slowly looks at his happy wife, then he turn to look at his son and Yue Ling. He didn't know how to feel at this moment.

Happiness? Disbelief? Joy?

Are those even the right words to express his feelings right now?

His lower lip trembles uncontrollably and he grabs one of his wife's hand to stop her from shaking him. He shut his eyes and wail in a loud sob as his other hand points to his chest.

"Wuu… I'm finally going to be a grandfather. Dear, did you hear? Wuu… I'm going to be a grandfather!"

He did not care if his image of a prominent person was destroyed. At this moment, he can only cry tears of joy at such wonderful news. Forget how the world sees him, he's going to be a grandfather!

He and his wife has long waited for this day! Not only are they getting a daughter-in-law, they are also getting a grandchild!

Yue Ling and Lu Tian stares at the two older people and neither could decide how to react at this moment. Their head turn at the same time to look at each other and a chuckle escapes both their lips.

The news quickly broke out inside the Lu family household as Madam Lu went to brag about it to everyone. How can she not flaunt such great news, if she could, she would go to the media and brag to the entire world. Of course, she wouldn't because that would be crossing the line.

As the evening turned into night, Yue Ling and Lu Tian decided to leave. They bid Madam Lu and Old Lu goodbye and enter Lu Tian's car.

Watching the car drive away, Madam Lu sighs with one hand over her heart.

"Such great news… even better than the gift."

However, her eyes turned moist with slightly trembling lips.

"So similar…"

Old Lu snort at his wife's words. Better than the gift? This entire time, they hadn't even opened the gift, but she is right. This news is better than any gift.

However, as he thought this, he heard her whisper of 'so similar.' Two simple words, but it was enough for him to understand.

He stretch his arm to hold his wife closer and stares at the back of his son's car exiting the driveway.

"Indeed very similar."

Even though Lu Tian's car was no longer in view anymore, neither Madam Lu nor Old Lu turn to go inside. As much as they don't want to think about it, they felt Yue Ling resembled their good friends too much.

She had so many features similar to their deceased friends.

Madam Lu suddenly remembers something and turn to look at her husband.

"What about Grandfather Ji's granddaughter? Do you think Lu Tian should still meet her?"

Old Lu ponder in thoughts for a long minute. It would have been nice to marry his son with his friend's daughter. Not because of his father's dying wish, but because he wanted them to be a family. He wanted to take care of his friend's daughter in return for their years of friendship.

However, he also knows that some things are not meant to happen.

A deep sigh escapes his lip and he looks at his wife.

"We already gave our words to Old man Ji. They will meet at his birthday, but nothing more and nothing less. Lu Tian is happy, and he has found us a great daughter-in-law."

Hearing his words, Madam Lu sighs a smile. She indeed wanted Lu Tian meet Mami in hopes of marriage, but her husband is right.

Lu Tian is happy.

From young until now, she has never seen him smile so softly at anyone and yet, today, she has witness it.

Yue Ling is able to bring the better side out of him.

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