Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 368 you can look

Inside the main living room of the Lu family house, Lu Tian sat down on one sofa while his father sat on the one across from him. Both men quietly sat as each person sips on their own cup of tea.

As a father, Old Lu was worried about his oldest son. Unlike his youngest son Lu Han, his oldest Lu Tian tends to keep to himself from the world. He has a few close friends, but he mostly kept himself busy with work every day.

Then again, who can blame Lu Tian. The moment he took the seat of CEO at Lu Corps, everything had been placed on his shoulders.

As for finding a wife for their oldest son, there has been quite a few prestige families who have proposed marriage, but Lu Tian always turned them down. He would always find something to back his reason.

Like the last girl they introduced to their son, she looked like a pure and innocent girl. She was the daughter of a friend, but she was only after the wealth that surrounded Lu Tian. Good thing Lu Tian did not fall for her and found proof to turn that family down.

Thinking this, Old Lu sighs inside. It is so hard to find a good family nowadays since some would go to any means just to get their hands on the Lu family fortune.

Suddenly, his oldest son, who never involved himself with any woman, suddenly said he found a woman he is going to marry.

At first, he was not too sure about Lu Tian's words since he's seen quite a few dramas with his wife involving 'contract lovers'. However, he decided to respect his son's decision. Since it is the girl his son chose, he is happy to accept her.

His wife had attended the fashion show to observe the woman their son chose. When she came back, she told him that she wants the girl as her daughter-in-law no matter what.

He was astonished hearing such words but decided to see for himself since his wife had invited them to the house.

When Lu Tian and Yue Ling arrived, he did not go out to greet them, but he did stand by the door to observe the scene. Even though the day had turned into evening, it was still bright enough for him to see the look on his son's face when they arrived.

Unlike his usual cold demeanor, he had on a soft expression. One he had never seen his done make before, but it was a look that was enough for him (Old Lu) to tell that his son was serious.

Not only that, putting the two individuals next to one another, they looked like a pair match made in heaven.

However, he needs a confirm answer from his son. He does not want to welcome someone who will end up leaving his son in the future.

Old Lu lowers his cup and calmly place it down on the table separating him and his son. He looks up at his oldest son and breaks the silence.

"Are you sure she is the one for you?"


Lu Tian quickly answer with a nod and place the cup in his hand down. He looks straight into his father's eyes with a stern expression.

"I want no one else but her."

Seeing the look on his son's face, Old Lu could tell that Lu Tian was serious and not joking. He takes a deep breath and turn to look at another part of the house. From a far, he can his wife and Yue Ling laughing together in harmony.

"Have you met her parents?"

He couldn't help but ask. Yue Ling is a well-known figure in Imperial, so her parents must not be ordinary. To raise such a remarkable daughter, he would like to meet her parents as well.

Just as he thought of meeting his in-laws soon, he did not expect his son's next words to struck him.

"Her parents died when she was young."

Old Lu looks at his son with a grief, yet shock expression. He open his lips to ask another question, but before he could utter a sound, Lu Tian's words continues and answers the question.

"Her only elder was her grandfather, but he passed away a few years after her parents."

Left with no room to ask more questions, Old Lu slowly not his head and sigh. He really pities Yue Ling to have to experience such cruelty.

He turn his head to look back at the two women and he could only sigh again.

Never would he thought that Yue Ling, who is a prominent figure in the industry had to go through such tragedy. Still a child but had to face life on her own.

He had planned to ask her parent's names, but since Lu Tian told him this, he decides not to.

Bringing up the topic of one's deceased loved one is too cruel.

Old Lu stares at the cup of tea he placed on the table. Thinking of something, he looks at his son.

"If you are certain that she's the one, then your mother and I will take on the role as her elders from now on."

Saying this, he gesture his hand for them to stop talking about the topic. He has heard what he needed and stood up to leave the main living room to join his wife and future daughter-in-law in the other room.

Lu Tian stares at his father departing figure and he faintly smile. Since his father said those words, then it means they have accepted Yue Ling into the family. If anyone were to speak ill of her, then they would be speaking ill about the Lu family.

Satisfy with this, he also stood up and follow after his father.

Oblivious to the discussion between the father and son duo, Madam Lu and Yue Ling enjoyed their own time in another room almost identical to a living room, but smaller.

"See this one. This is Tian when he was five years old. His expression from then and now are still the same."

Madam Lu laughs and shows a photo in a frame to her precious daughter-in-law.

It was a photo of five-year-old Tian dressed in a long blue changshan. He was slightly chubbier as a child. He held one hand behind his back and the other hand in front while holding an opened white fan. His expression was cold as ever, as if wanting to stab the eyes of whoever took the photo.

Yue Ling glance at the photo and she chuckles with Madam Lu. Lu Tian's expression from young really does look the same as now. However, the chubby five years old him in the photo looked so cute that it makes anyone want to pinch his cheeks.

Entering the room, Lu Tian follows behind his father, but he arch a brow at the view of the two women giggling over something.

However, the thing that caught his attention the most was how close the two women looked even though they just met. If someone else had walked into the room, they would have thought Madam Lu and Yue Ling were a pair of mother and daughter.

He sighs at the sight of the two most important women in his life getting along.

From what he knows, his mother is kind to everyone, but it is very rare to see her take a liking to someone she just met.

Madam Lu: "Don't tell him I showed you this photo. He hates it when I show our guests his photos when he was a child."

Yue Ling: "Mm. I won't tell him."

Hearing the whisper between both women follow by a giggle, a faint smile curl on his lip. He did not hesitate to walk over to see which photo his mother had showed his wife.

"What are you looking at?"

"Ah Tian!"

Yue Ling yelp in surprise hearing Lu Tian's sudden deep voice. She turns to look at him, but only to be met with his face right next to hers.

From the side, Lu Tian was curious to see which photo it was, but the moment his eyes landed on it, he was dumbfounded. Of all the photos in this room, it had to be this one!

He quickly snatch the photo away from his mother and put it back on the shelf. Except he made sure the photo was turned away. The space between his brows crease into three lines and he slightly purse his lip.

"What is so nice about looking at photos of me when I was young?"

Both Yue Ling and Madam Lu rolled their eyes hearing him. His expression made it seemed like it was a crime to look at these photos.

However, Yue Ling sigh in regret and quietly mumble, "But you looked so cute when you were younger…"

Just as Lu Tian was about to move his hand away from the photo, his good ears heard her mumbling words. His expression remained the same as always, but his ears flushed red.

She thought he looked cute as a child?

He quickly turns the photo around again and smiles to her.

"If you like it, you can look at it as much as you want."

The three people in the room: "…."

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