Undefeated God of War

Chapter 546 – The Expensive Diplomatic Mission

Chapter 546 – The Expensive Diplomatic Mission

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Little Fool had never met such a loser in his whole life, all of the sacred and precious treasures of Senior Gui Wu, were definitely not inferior to a large scale treasure deposit. But just like that, the fool had gifted them all away cleanly.

Spirit Treasures that were able to catch senior Gui Wu’s eyes were spirit treasures that had gone through the test of time, and were definitely heaven shaking treasures.

Everyone was holding things in their hands, their expressions were still from being overwhelmed. Ding Man was frantically pinching her own hand to make sure she was not dreaming. Liang Feng was extremely distracted, suddenly crying out loud. This cry, immediately caused a chain reaction, as everyone starting to cry out loud inside the conference room.

To martial artists, stepping into the saint rank and being saints was grand and celebrated. But only after stepping across the door, would they know that the world behind was not as beautiful as what they thought. On the contrary, the world of the saints is even more cruel and more intense. They were the lowest of the lowest in the world of the saints, they had to be even more careful and had to conduct themselves well. All of the spirit techniques that made them salivate, and any bronze spirit treasures, were dreams.

Now, they were holding the treasures that they never dared to even dream about. Every single one of the treasures they were holding had left their names in history, and behind each name were legends.

All of the bitterness and suffering, were currently surfacing from their hearts, all the different feelings welled up in their hearts, caused them all to lose their voice and cry bitterly.

Compared to the treasures in their hands, they were too petty and low.

Little Fool remained unmoved, he felt extremely angry at Tang Tian’s ‘wasteful’ behavior. All the treasures inside could be exchanged for the loyalty of even stronger and outstanding saints. To him, the saints in front of him were completely worthless.

In comparison, Crane, Ling Xu and Jing Hao were able to keep calm at the unexpected situation. There were times Crazy Tang would be so stingy and greedy that it made others angry, and there were times that Crazy Tang was so generous as though he was some rich tyrant, so when will these two different personalities appear? That depends on where Crazy Tang’s state of mind was at at the time, what string he was standing on.

Tang Tian’s face was one of shock, he did not understand why everyone was crying, I thought I gave them good things….

Crane noticed Tang Tian’s surprised face, and could not help but reveal a smile. When looking in terms of benefits, Crazy Tang’s actions is something that no normal and intellectual person would choose to do. But, Crazy Tang’s mind, at times, was just that simple.

Maybe that’s the reason why I am not willing to leave this place, this genuine warmth, this extreme stupidity, with the simple mindset of “enjoying blessings and enduring misfortunes together”, is the most difficult quality to get in the world.

Bing was also watching the scene, his face revealing a faint smile, and thought of the Commander. In truth, from the start, Tang Tian’s companions were never the most outstanding or refined.

Ling Xu was a wandering spearman, and was a hired thug, Crane was a disciple from a fallen sect, and Jing Hao, was one of the talents in Honorable Martial Group that also died down. Sai Lei was a small shop owner from Three Spirits City. Old Man Fei, was also not well off. Bell was just a super ordinary Onyx Horse, Pi Pa just a sick young lady, Long Shou Jing was Draco Constellation’s scapegoat…..

Relying on this group of people whom, in other people’s eyes, are just worthless trash, they made Ursa Major Constellation to where it was today.

LIng Xu was now a mighty saint that no one dared to approach, and was viewed as the revival of Silver Frost Mounts. Crane was the second saint of Crane Sect, and had conquered the hearts of all in Sagittarius Constellation. So long as he was willing, he would become the Constellation master of Sagittarius Constellation. Jing Hao had cultivated the rarely seen sword spirit, as long as he did not die, he held the qualifications to become the strongest sword saint. Sai Lei had become the number one Mechanic Grandmaster Engineer. Old Man Fei had become a famed person amongst the blood meridians experts, and had the famous blood meridians workshop under him. Bell had become Ursa Major Constellations intelligence head, while Pi Pa and Long Shou Jing had become the backbone of Ursa Major Constellations internal affairs, and any major powerhouses were all willing to pay a hefty sum to take them away.

All these nameless and obscure people, were currently famous outside.

Bing knew, that the true nucleus of the group, the true spirit, was the boy with his face of surprise.

Truly an outstanding leader that took the lead!

Bing secretly praised, in terms of talent, there were many people who were more outstanding than him. But how many of them could be able to have the same achievements as him? To do such a stupid thing as to give out all the spirit treasures, any person with average intellect would never do that, let alone all those shrewd and ambitious people. But, Tang Tian had done it, and the light in all the saint’s eyes, Bing was extremely familiar, for it was like in the army.

This light in the eyes, will slowly manifest further in the eternal untiring run.

Bing who came from the Southern Cross Army knew, any ordinary person, upon metamorphosing, would produce the same dazzling eyes.

Walking along the road of Bear Head City, seeing all the high spirited passersby, Elder Xiao stopped in his tracks, and said: “In Yan Yong Lie’s generation, I had come to Ursa Major Constellation, and the Bear Head City back then was flourishing more back then. But, compared to the current Bear Head City, it’s style was lacking so much. The Bear Head City of Yan Yong Lie’s generation was considered a relaxed and beautiful place amongst the people. But look at the place now, everyone is high in spirits and everyone is talking about training.”

Elder Hua who was by his side spoke: “That’s right, what stirred the people, is the sudden growth of Ursa Major Constellation, and is truly unstoppable. I truly want to meet this Tang Tian, and see exactly what demonic powers he has, to be able to completely change Ursa Major Constellation. This Ursa Major Constellation is already an overlord class.”

Suddenly, a mechanical spirit weapon whistled past above their heads.

Another Elder immediately asked: “What model is that mechanical spirit weapon, I have not seen it before.”

Elder Xiao’s gaze was also attracted by the beauty and structure of the mechanical spirit weapon, but, he had done his homework before coming, and said: “That should be Ursa Major Constellations latest model [Edge A: Violent Bear]! I heard that it was still in development, i never thought it would already be a prototype.”

The group of elders looked at the disappearing figure in the sky with their eyes red.

The Mechanical Army’s victory over the Raging Inferno Army and Dawn Army had pushed the fighting ability to an all new high with regards to mechanical spirit weapons. Mechanical martial artists were the most suitable types for an army, as mechanical spirit weapons could be allocated in a large scale, and this advantage was something that treasures could not replace. It was just that the mechanical techniques had declined for a long time, and all the powerhouses had no confidence in mechanical techniques, including Libra Constellation that had already made the resolve to walk the mechanical techniques road, who, in truth, did not like what they were doing either.

All the way until the Mechanical Army’s victory, did that finalize the resolve of the higher ups in Libra Constellation.

So, Libra Constellation had pushed out a large scale diplomatic mission, with over 500 people, including 7 clan elders. In the recent few hundred years of history of Libra Constellation, this was unheard of, showing how much they viewed Ursa Major Constellation.

“I heard that even that Lion Lei Ang has thoughts of allying through marriage.” Elder Hua laughed.

Elder Xiao did not laugh, his face turned gloomy as he nodded: “Yes, Scarlett came with Andre.”

Elder Hua was surprised: “Scarlet, you mean the number 1 beauty of Leo Constellation, Scarlett? Lei Ang actually was willing to do that!”

“What’s there to be willing or not!” Elder Xiao was slightly furious: “If my own daughter was that beautiful, I would definitely bring her here! Marrying to such a heroic Master, it is a dream I never want to wake up from. Lei Ang definitely desires for Scarlett to immediately hook, line, and sinker Tang Tian.”

“We must definitely not let them get him!” Elder Hua’s tone suddenly gained the praise of the other elders.

Elder Xiao scoffed: “It won’t be that easy. Tang Tian’s is dead set on Qian Hui, and the entire Shangguan Family people have all migrated to Ursa Major Constellation. Furthermore, Shangguan Qian Hui is not dead, and this is something not many people know. This time, Lei Ang has made an error in judgement for sure, he wants to seduce Tang Tian, hehe, he definitely isn’t our opponent.”

“Don’t tell me we have some trump card?” An elder could not resist to ask.

“Trump Card?” Elder Xiao laughed: “That’s right, and that is profit. Everyone look at this Bear King CIty, although it is full of energy, but it is still lacking isn’t it? Ursa Major Constellation is just built, Tang Tian doesn’t come from any strong background, he has been through so many battles, and is definitely extremely poor now. The treasures of Libra Constellation, I don’t believe Tang Tian will not be moved!”

“Haha! That’s true!” Elder Hua laughed: “All these poor souls, once they see these treasures, I bet they will definitely salivate.”

“Haha, I hope they won’t swallow these treasures into their stomachs!”

The group of elders started to laugh out loud.

Ursa Major Constellation has a longer history than other constellations, but compared to the old Ecliptic Palaces tyrants such like Libra Constellation, Ursa Major Constellation is far behind by over 10 thousand km. in the history of Ursa Major Constellation, there was never a time where an Ecliptic Palace grade figure had came in.

Although the elders were jealous of Ursa Major Constellations mechanical techniques, they still thought that Ursa Major Constellation is just a lucky peasant. All the treasures they had that were not available on the markets, would definitely cause the peasants to be collectively shocked and lose their voices.

So in the entire diplomatic group, everyone was filled with anticipation for their mission.

“Is this a diplomatic group?”

A saint flew in the sky and looked at them.

“We are Libra Constellation’s diplomatic group.” Elder Xiao said courteously, the saint’s qi was not ordinary, and his strength was definitely not weak.

“Libra Constellation!” Liang Feng was surprised: “Please follow me in!”

He took the lead, the visit of the diplomatic group was extremely sudden, Hand Towel and Pi Pa had just received a few messages from various powerhouses, the two of them had never had the experience of such matters, and thus became chaotic.

For the sake of not being too casual, all the saints were sent out to receive the diplomats.

Elder Xiao’s gaze unconsciously swept past Liang Feng, and was immediately startled, his gaze was attracted to the strangely shaped jade pendant strapped to his waist. That jade pendant looked like two fishes interweaving with each other, one of the fish had silver white pupils, the other had jet black pupils, the jade pendant had a light aura that kept flowing, and in between the two fish was a scarlet compass that had a fine marked scale carved into it.

Elder Xiao who had an encyclopedic memory felt his heart jump, for in his mind, a name suddenly appeared.

[Pisces Life or Death Compass]!

But his face quickly became normal, he laughed at himself in his heart. I truly have lived too long, how can the Pisces Life or Death Compass of the legends appear here?

It must definitely be a counterfeit.

But, even if it is a counterfeit, it’s aura is so similar, I am afraid it’s price is definitely not cheap.

Tang Tian is so willing to spend money on these saints, Elder XIao thought secretly.

Liang Feng brought the diplomats over, and saw Ding Man who was guarding at the side, heaved a sigh of relief and said: “I’ll leave the rest to you!”

Ding Man laughed: “No problem!”

She turned her head, only to see Elder Xiao blankly staring at the scarlet glistening red necklace on her neck.

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