Undefeated God of War

Chapter 528 – Ambush

Chapter 528 – Ambush

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

At the Honorable Martial Group, the atmosphere in the 3rd Gold Branch was very heavy.

The Light Blade Army was formed with the 3rd Gold Branch as its backbone, and news of the Red Leaf Army being wiped out already spread. That made the 3rd Gold Branch extremely nervous, without a question, the next target was definitely the Light Blade Army.

“What do we do?” You Li asked.

Compared to Sean’s 10th Gold Branch, the 3rd Gold Branch was much stronger. The current gold branch was already not like the past, the 9th Gold Branch was destroyed, the 7th Gold Branch had suffered heavy losses, and were at their last breath. Although the higher ups had decided to rebuild the 9th Gold Branch, and give the 7th Gold Branch more support, but at the current moment, they still did not have any improvement.

It was not only that, the number of gold ranked martial artists being exhausted was extremely shocking, the strength of each branch suffered different levels of loss, building an army also became the only option for each of the Branches.

“Shou Xin has built a Star Treasure Stronghold.” The Vice Master heaved a sigh of relief: “He used all their treasures to build the Star Treasure Stronghold.”

“That’s good!” You Li relaxed, revealing a smile on his face: “Constructing defensive structures is Shou Xin’s forte, since Shou Xin had already decided to defend to the death, it would not be so easy for others to penetrate his defense line.”

“Yes, Shou Xin’s ability to construct defensive structures is incomparable, no one can compare to him.” The Vice Master laughed: “Furthermore, this time, Shou Xin had constructed a truly unprecedented Star Treasures Stronghold!”

“Oh, how unprecedented is this scale?” You Li asked curiously.

The Vice Master extended out two fingers, his tone filled with an obvious exclamation: “Over 2,000 treasures! Shou Xin was truly willing to give up his hard earned savings!”

“2,000 pieces!” You Li was in awe, he then burst out laughing: “That is definitely a well fortified defense! I would truly like to see the expression of those saints there, hmph, Tang Tian thinks that by bringing a bunch of independent saints, he can do whatever he likes, too naive! Wait till our saints starts appearing, they will know what is a real saint all about.”

The Vice Master had the same sentiments, in their eyes, the Independent Saints were poor and low in standard, other than their spirit domain, they had nothing. He praised: “Exactly, if the saints had not gone to the [Temple] before, just with our branch’s saints it would be enough to wipe them all out!”

The gold branches had a huge number of gold ranked martial artists, hence they frequently had martial artists being bestowed as saints, but following the regulations of the Martial Group, every single Honorable Martial Group martial artist that was bestowed as a saint had to enter the [Temple].

The [Temple] was the final target of every Honorable Martial martial artist, as long they could enter the [Temple], then it would mean that they could almost have everything they dreamt of.

The [Temple] was a secretive and grand place, even they had no rights to enter. Even if it was a high status Honorable Martial elder, if he had not stepped in the saint domain, he was unable to enter the [Temple]. Only Saints had the privilege to enter the [Temple], this was the Iron Rule of the Temple that had been in place for over 1,000 years.

“We will watch how Tang Tian breaks his head in Shou Xin’s hands!” You Li laughed heartily: “With this battle, Shou Xin’s reputation will definitely soar!”

The entire 3rd Gold Branch were in endless joyous clamor.

The Honorable Martial Group in the past had a great deal of restrictions, promotions were difficult, but following the growing intensity of the wars, outstanding military service had been raised to an unprecedented stage. With the Light Blade Army’s merits, as it’s core, the status of the 3rd Gold Branch would definitely soar as well.


“I heard the 10th Gold Branch’s [Light of Autumn] have had great progress.” The Vice Master pointed out.

You Li nodded, acknowledging the information. The annihilation of the Red Leaf Army had struck the 10th Gold Branch greatly. If Ye Shou Xin could win the battle, then they could possibly take the chance to swallow the 10th Gold Branch’s position, if that happens, their strength would soar greatly.

Ye Shou Xin, we will all rely on you!

You Li said quietly in his heart, he knew the importance of the upcoming battle, as of now, all the Honorable Martial Elder’s gaze were fixated at the upcoming battle.

Paper could never cover fire, and the Honorable Martial Group also had not thought of covering their tracks, they immediately announced the news at the first available moment, causing an uproar in the entire Heaven’s Road.

Tang Tian had led over 40 saints to massacre the Red Leaf Army!

With such explosive news,it spread across the entire Heaven’s Road like wind, all the various major constellations were at a loss of words. Honorable Martial Group severely criticized Tang Tian’s actions, framing Fu Ying, and the saints who were forced under Fu Ying were all his accomplices, they helped Tang Tian set up and harm Fu Ying and the Honorable Martial Group.

Honorable Martial Group hence declared that they would use any means necessary to punish Ursa Major Constellation.

Leo Constellation expressed their welcome for Ursa Major Constellation at the very first moment, and even proclaimed that they might support Ursa Major Constellation. This declaration immediately made Honorable Martial Group deem them as enemies, compared to Ursa Major Constellation, Leo Constellation was an enemy of a different level.

At a point of time, the Heaven’s Road was extremely lively with the sudden violent developments.

Everyone’s attention was unknowingly attracted to Tang Tian and the 42 saints that he was leading, no one had ever thought that in another land, another battle was about to raise its curtains. While the Light Blade Army was still looking for the mechanical army, Bing had already led the mechanical army back to Ursa Major Constellation without anyone realizing.


An army of mechanical spirit weapons were flying along the mountain range closely at a very high speed.

“Keep up! Do not lose the group!’

Ah Lun gathered his strength to encourage his companions, he felt as if his whole body had become numb, his lungs burnt like they were on fire. For three days and nights, without water, they forced themselves to travel without break and rest at a fast speed, even he who was extremely persevering, felt that he was close to his limit.

Suddenly, a figure flashed past their vision, Ah Lun was extremely agile, his mechanical spirit weapon soared down and grabbed the mechanical spirit weapon that had lost control.

The martial artist inside the mechanic spirit weapon had already fainted, without saying another word, Ah Lun carried the other party’s mechanical spirit weapon on his mechanical spirit weapon’s shoulder.

He glanced at Sky Tiger in front of him, but did not say a word, the number of fighters in the group had decreased by a fifth, they had all fainted.

“We have arrived!”

Bing’s tired voice travelled to everyone’s ears, as though it was a heavenly decree, all the mechanical spirit weapons fell to the ground, lying down everywhere.

“You have one night of rest.”

After Bing spoke, Sky Tiger stopped moving and became quiet. Everyone had reached their limits, and before a minute had past, the sound of snoring came out.

The light of the morning sun came up, waking Ah Lun up. He immediately climbed up, only to see Sky Tiger at the entrance of the Mountain Range observing around.

“Prepare for battle!”

Bing’s order, made the entire army nervous, everyone started to prepare for battle.

Bing looked at the Dawn army in the distance, the Dawn Army was still a distance away, and the entire army could only see one black dot.

Finally caught you guys!

The Dawn Army was advancing unrestrainedly, it made them advance at a quicker speed.

Bing sneered, the other party obviously did not take Ursa Major Constellation seriously, to advance through the day and night, without sending any scouts ahead, without any fear, advancing towards the heart of Ursa Major Constellation’s, in the direction of Bear Head City with all their might!

Bing did not find it weird at all of the opponent’s confidence.

With gold ranked martial artists as their structure, extending even to their captains, the entire army was truly a Gold Grade Army. But, you guys think that an army is simply formed by taking outstanding martial artists and gathering them together? You guys have truly underestimated what an army is, and underestimated war!

When Bing flew back from the hole, the team had already completed their formation.

Looking at the Mechanical Army in front of him, Bing was slightly gratified. The three days and nights of crazy pursuit, to allow them to win the advantage of initiation for the upcoming battle. The opponents would absolutely not expect that they had already circled to the opponent’s front.

Bing did not tell the troops anything about this. He looked at the army which he had built with his own hands, and gradually opened his mouth.

“I do not want to mention how important this battle is to Ursa Major Constellation. I just want to tell you guys that you do not have a route of retreat, the ground beneath their feet, is your territory! This is Ursa Major Constellation, this is your home, the future of your loved ones, is deeply connected to this land. You guys still remember Lupus Constellation right, who wants to go back? Who wants to return to that barren and infertile Lupus Constellation?”

Bing’s voice was indifferent, but he made everyone’s expression become serious, his breathing became rough and heavy, both his eyes filled with blood. Nobody had forgotten Lupus constellation, the despair of living so poorly, the petty and low lives they led. Today, their tribe had already started to live their dream lives, their bright future.

Return? To make them return to where they came from, that was definitely impossible!

Within the mechanical spirit weapons, Ah Lun’s body was trembling involuntarily, he thought about his life in the past, that life that could never fill his stomach, those days which he could never see hope, just like a dark sky.

Right now, it was just like living in heaven.

His fists clenched involuntarily, his veins twitching, he swore in his heart, don’t even dream of taking this away from me!

“Your Master has fought for this fertile and beautiful land for you, so, now is the time for all of you to defend it!”

“Are all of you ready?”

“Use your blood and life, to defend your home, your loved ones, your pride!”

Bing did not show any smile or happiness on his face, his expression was serious and strict, just like an ice-cold rock, the sharpness of his armor clearly revealed his abilities, reflecting a deep light aura on the mechanical spirit weapons in front of him.

There were no landslide or tsunami worthy roars, but there was hoarse breathing, yet like a drum beat that was slowly getting worked up, yet like a storm that was gathering, everyone was screaming in their hearts and minds, their bloods boiling like never before, burning every inch of their meat and skin!

No route to retreat!

Bing stared coldly at the young soldiers, compared to the opponents who were gold ranked martial artists, they were far apart. However, he was filled with confidence, because these were a bunch of faithful, brave youths, they all possessed their own conviction to fight.

He suddenly thought of Ah Xin, thought of Screw, thought of them in the past, how they would face these youths.

It was just because of those faintly discernible reasons, just for those laughable and stupid beliefs, it was for warmth of the fire burning in their hearts, it was for protecting those people they could not lose!

In the grey memory, facing the unequal and formidable bronze tide, it was like facing a bronze jungle altogether.

Sky Tiger raised his blue arm.

“Move out!”

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