Undefeated God of War

Chapter 500 – Prisoner on Death Row

Chapter 500 – Prisoner on Death Row

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

The world of the saints was even more vast and extensive than what Tang Tian had imagined. He suddenly had a feeling, that he was being plunged into a whole new world, everything was new and there were things he did not understand.

But he was not worried or afraid at all, instead, he was brimming with curiosity, everything was very meaningful.

Ancient Cold City’s situation was miraculously fair, everyone had some sort of worry, but even with Clan Elder Mu or Clan Elder Rong Bo, no one did anything reckless. At least it was not like when Ye Zhao Ge was in Lupus Constellation, with that sort of fear, or homicide that seemed to be as easy as killing grass.

Tang Tian did not know why, but he was to lazy to think about it.

He took a big detour and returned back to camp. It could be said that he had a rewarding journey, his harvest was abundant, far more than he had imagined. Little Fool was swallowing the saint spirit, while Tang Tian was eagerly reading the spirit book he bought.

After being bestowed as a saint, there was knowledge which was indescribable, so spirit books came into the market. Spirit books were records of methods by saints.

The creation of spirit books was not complicated, with the spirit as a medium, mostly what people used were fragments of fighting spirits. All these fragments did not have much use, but was able to sustain large amounts of information.

And the spirit book was not some high grade object, and was merely shallow knowledge of saints. But in fact, saint objects were not cheap, for an information type spirit book, its price was already 100 million starcoins.

But it was something Tang Tian needed the most.

He had many suspicions, and was able to look for answers in the book. For example he knew what was a saint spirit, after a saint dies, the majority of them would not leave a saint spirit, because a saint’s martial spirit had already become a spirit domain. Just that under a few special situations, the saint would leave behind their martial spirit, and that would be the saint spirit.

The biggest use of a saint spirit was to raise the spirit value and expand the spirit domain.

The spirit domain was like a farmland of the saint, and spirit techniques were like the crops planted on top of it, the bigger the farmland, the more crops the saint could plant.

When Tang Tian reached here, he then understood the importance of spirit value, so it was territory under one’s control!

Not only did the training of spirit techniques need sufficient spirit value, it also needed a profound understanding of the spirit techniques. Spirit techniques will continue to grow and upgrade, and require even more spirit value. If there is not enough spirit value, even the spirit technique would be difficult to improve further.

Little Fool’s previous spirit value was just enough to learn Blink.

And apart from spirit treasures having formidable power, they are also varied, and their biggest advantage is that it did not require spirit value. To a saint, every spirit value was extremely important.

A pained look surfaced on Little Fool’s face, his body was trembling uncontrollably.

Tang Tian was frightened, and immediately connected with Little Fool, he was able to feel Little Fool’s pain. Little Fool’s adorable face was distorted terribly, a mist started churning on him, like a beast was struggling out and causing his face to change irregularly.


An angry voice filled with anguish and rage came out, it was extremely gloomy and hoarse, completely a different person!

Little Fool’s body was transforming into a mist, and churning and raging violently.

Not good!

Without thinking, Tang Tian extended his hand into the mist.


Returning to their residence, Ye Zhao Ge hesitated for a moment, then said: “elder, do we need to….”

His extended his thumb up to his neck and portrayed a killing signal, Today his Elder was put in a difficult situation, most likely his heart was filled with resentment.

Rong Bo laughed, and said: “Zhao Ge ah, you are still young, so you like to directly kill people. But you must remember, when you can kill people without using your blade, try your best not to use your blade, especially if you are in a difficult situation.”

Ye Zhao Ge’s expression changed, he thought back about what happened, after a long while: “Don’t tell me, Elder you…”

“Do not believe your eyes.” Rong Bo laughed: “Is Dawn really that important? No matter how you think about it, it is not even worth a fifth of the saint spirit. People might think that I am stopping it from landing in Onyx Soul hands and lost my wisdom. But in truth, when I knew you lost to him, I have already decided to get rid of him.”

Ye Zhao Ge’s heart shook.

“Failure is nothing much, when I was young, I lost many times.” Rong Bo kept his smile and became serious: “Your talent and hard work is not lacking, your current strength is far stronger than mine in the past. You are definitely not someone who can be beaten, the opponent is not simple, and, I have a feeling, he is our enemy.”

“A saint spirit, exchanged for a potentially dangerous enemy, who has not attracted any attention, it is worthy.” Rong Bo laughed, and said warmly: “That saint spirit was extracted from a prisoner on death row.”

“Prisoner on death row?” Ye Zhao Ge was stunned.

“His name was William!” Rong Bo started to laugh upon thinking of such a happy matter.

Ye Zhao Ge was stunned, his face became white, shock revealing in his eyes.


Outside of Alioth City, fierce battles were engaged endlessly.

Tang Chou’s big army had the dominant advantage, after experiencing the war in Mizar City, although they had a relatively large loss, but the intense battle caused his soldiers to become stronger.

The preliminary wearing in of the army was completed. The Big Dipper martial artists, facing such a large army, were incapable of resisting.

Tang Chou raised his head and looked at the four black dots.

In the fight at Mizar City, they met two saints. The saint that did not know how to fly was quickly killed by them, while the other saint who knew how to fly caused them quite a huge loss. Saints that knew how to fly held a strong advantage in war, they come and go like the wind, light body techniques were incapable of chasing them, and that was something Tang Chou had not anticipated.

Spirit techniques were powerful, far stronger than martial techniques, and in a short period of time, Tang Chou lost over 500 men, which made him extremely angry.

But Tang Chou quickly found the weak point of the saint, and that was his attacking distance.

The enemy was incapable of releasing an attack further than 300m, and when he found this weakness, Tang Chou immediately counterattacked, the army retreated, and adjusted the distance of the army.

The saint preferred fighting one on one battles, so he was of very little threat to the army, but this was enough to cause Tang Chou to feel a great amount of pressure.

Tang Chou was rejoicing in his heart, the saints they met were more of the common type of saints. He had heard that Master had trained in a spirit technique that could blink, and from what Tang Chou saw, were there any other spirit technique better than blink to be mixed in wars?

It would not be like what the legends say, the existence that could explode star rocks right.

To an ordinary saint, there were a few limitations, for example True Power, no matter what spirit technique it was, they all required True Power. And the True Power in a saint was not unlimited.

An army’s advantage was in its number, many ants can kill an elephant, and how to make use of that advantage was the job of the military leader.

Tang Chou looked at the saints in the sky.

The army already held absolute dominance for grand battles, and if the saints were not going to make a move, the battle will become even more to their favor. The saints in the sky were able to overlook the entire battlefield from the sky, and were even more clear of the situation of the battlefield.

The four small black dots started to move.

Can’t hold back anymore? Tang Chou’s eyes became cold.

Nothing could temper a military leader better than consecutive battles. Tang Chou commanded 4 armies, Tang Yi’s Lupus Army, Magic Flute’s Hunting Net Army, Ta Dun’s Plateau Army and Huangfu Hong’s Iron Fist Army.

Aside from Huangfu Hong’s Iron Fist Army, which was a completely new formation, the other three armies were preserved rather perfectly with only the replenishment of new blood. The four men’s strength needed no further explanation, Tang Yi was forever the sharpest blade. Magic Flute’s general situation was the best, he was young and had the highest potential. Ta Dun was firm and unwavering, he was very pragmatic and his defense was extremely sturdy. And Huangfu Hong was a cautious man, he was a very cautious man, his heart seemed to be one for battle, and loved to clash head on.

The Iron Fist Army was made up of mostly mechanical martial artists from Three Spirits City’s Bronze Camp, and also included the group of people that Tang Chou had previously groomed. Huangfu Hong’s old army, which was the Heavy Iron Army, was in truth a part mechanical army. Huangfu Hong had always stayed in Three Spirits City, on one side following Bing to learn, and on another side he joined in to help formulate the cultivation of every echelons, the training plans, gaining a lot of experience.

Bing daring to leave his hands off and follow Tang Tian to Sextans Constellation was because they had enough people to rely on. The four armies were his confidence. Magic Flute might have the potential to become a famous general, but the other three could not, but their standards were still relatively outstanding, sturdy and trustworthy.

Through the consecutive battles, although there were injuries, everyone’s rapport was gradually increasing.

“Front line pull back, Mo Zi Yu!”

Huangfu Hong’s strong voice sounded out through the messy battlefield, causing Mo Zi Yu to shiver.

The front few mechanical spirit weapons all retreated like a tide. The opponents all started to cheer, and also rushed in for the kill. Mo Zi Yu’s mechanical spirit weapon took the lead, welcoming his team that was rumbling towards him, he shouted at the top of his lungs: “Tactic Number 5!”

On his both sides, 200 sets of mechanical spirit weapons followed him in a full burst sprint, the wind whistling by their ears, all of their breathing was heavy, they were excited, the 200 sets of mechanical spirit weapons charging together, the clamor and noise made by them was powerful and satisfying, the rumbling pace became concentrated and started to converge, forming one sound, causing the ground to quake.

The distance between both parties was getting closer, seemingly about to clash.

Mo Zi Yu saw Mo Wu Wei controlling his mechanical spirit weapon who was retreating in front of him, and laughed out loud: “The hard clashes still depends on us!”

The mechanical spirit weapons that were rushing in all started to howl.

The distance between both armies was getting closer, 90m……75m……60m…….45m!

Mo Zi Yu suddenly revealed a vicious look and bellowed: “KILL!”


Both sides roared, their shouts converging into a flood.

200 sets of charging mechanical spirit weapons, all leaped into the air at the same time, dangerously brushing past their teammates, they were like artillery rounds that shot out, flying into the sky, bringing forth a terrifying momentum, they smashed into the ground!

The martial artists who were rushing behind did not expect that, they only felt the sky above their heads becoming dark, and before they could react, extremely dazzling light auras suddenly burst forth in front of them, piercing them to the extent that they could not open their eyes.

Every mechanical spirit weapon brandished out 3 blades, 600 blade auras that spanned over 9m, formed a big net of blades.

They smashed into the tide of people.

In an instant, blood and flesh flew everywhere, countless despairing and terrifying screams cried out at the same time.


200 sets of mechanical spirit weapons landed at the same time, the sound was like a huge sledgehammer slamming down, slamming the people’s hearts. All the panicked Big Dipper martial artists did not notice the posture in which the mechanical spirit weapons had landed.

They had their knees bent, their bodies leaning forward.

The 200 sets of mechanical spirit weapons that had just landed, like 200 bronze weight balls, suddenly shot forward!

The blade aura net, fiercely cut through the human tide, countless arrows of blood shout out like whirlwinds, the densely packed tide of people immediately became a land of fallen people.


200 sets of mechanical spirit weapons once again landed at the same time, causing dust and dirt clouds to form.

Time seemed to have stopped at that moment, the Big Dipper martial artists watched in terror at the group of bronze beasts. The bronze giants were stepping on a river of blood, bodies scattered all over the floor, became the best footnote of the bronze beasts.

Fierce, ice-cold massacre!

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