This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 848 - Going Alone

Chapter 848: Going Alone

They would’ve never seen Lu Xuan kill the Dark Eagle King. It was a sneak attack!

Although many people began to feel some fear towards Lu Xuan’s Chaos Heaven Stabilizer Bell, it didn’t change the fact that they saw Lu Xuan as just a despicable person who relied on a powerful cultivation treasure to ambush and kill the Dark Eagle King.

As long as they were more careful, it wouldn’t matter.

“Let him come to me. Since he dares to come alone, then we’ll let him know how mistaken he is!”

An important figure in the moon base quickly said, “That’s right. Now that the entire world follows him blindly, Earth will be in our hands as long as he is killed!”

With the situation as is, everyone naturally understood that Lu Xuan was the pillar supporting the entire earth. As long as Lu Xuan died in their hands.

Perhaps the entire earth would collapse without any resistance, and there would be no chance of them fighting at all.

Lu Xuan flew smoothly from the earth to the skies above the moon. On the near side of the moon stood a base of significant size.

Lu Xuan opened his Delusion-breaker Eye to see pairs of eyes staring back at him with murderous intent. Many terrifying beings were waiting for him deep in the base.

Every presence was even more terrifying than the Dark Eagle King.

As true masters, they were unimaginably strong!

Many of them were powerful existences that even Lu Xuan feared. He needed to handle them with his full strength before he had broken through.

That’s right; he had to do so before he had broken through!

After months of hard cultivation, Lu Xuan had successfully condensed the Spirit Flower and cultivated the Spirit Flower to the point where it could rival the Essence and Auric Flowers.

He had truly stepped into the realm of Three Flower at One’s Prominence!

Upon stepping into the realm of Three Flower at One’s Prominence, all of his questions had been answered.

Unless a Consolidation Realm master came, he had nothing to fear.

Currently, Earth’s situation was not suitable for Consolidation Realm masters to arrive.

If Consolidation Realm masters wanted to come, they would’ve had to face the backlash of Heaven’s Path. Once this happens, their fates would’ve been left a mystery.

Lu Xuan disembarked the evasive light and entered the lunar base. Unlike the scientific bases established by earth’s civilization, this lunar base was obviously established through the use of cultivation methods.

It displayed various cultivation methods and had even filled the surrounding hundred miles with air through the use of a barrier, ensuring that the air would not dissipate.

Lu Xuan saw powerful cultivators and monster kings waiting in this base, forming the appearance of an ancient city.

“This Lu Xuan is so courageous to try and appear before us like this. Isn’t he afraid to die?”

“This damn human, I’ll tear him to pieces eventually!”

“Nobody expected him to succeed in killing the Dark Eagle King. I’m surprised that such a person even exists on Earth!”

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came from within the ancient city. A monster king with a tiger’s head and a human’s body strode over, its powerful aura creating a dense mist.

The horrifying presence easily enveloped the entire city.

This was the Tempest Ocean Realm master that laid in wait within the ancient city on the moon.

The tiger-headed human-bodied monster king looked coldly at Lu Xuan. He was very tall, at least nearing seven meters. He looked at Lu Xuan like an adult looked at a baby.

“Are you Lu Xuan?” The tiger-headed beast king stood tall, looking down at Lu Xuan.

“That’s right, I am!”

Lu Xuan floated up and looked at the tiger-headed beast king from the same height with a calm expression.


As the tiger-headed beast king looked at Lu Xuan coldly, the horrifying aura on his body became more and more intense. It was too strong, maybe even stronger than the Dark Eagle King earlier.

“A mere human being from an aboriginal world… To have cultivated to this level, you can be considered an anomaly. With your aptitude, you were originally qualified to join us, but you shouldn’t have gotten so greedy. Who do you think you are to want to dominate Earth? Do you think you’re some kind of Consolidation Realm master?”

The masters of the Tempest Ocean Realm nodded in agreement to the tiger-headed beast king’s words.

Aside from the Dark Eagle King who had a blood feud with Lu Xuan for killing its son, most of them had no grievances with Lu Xuan.

However, Lu Xuan’s act of blockading the earth had prevented them from entering the earth. This undoubtedly changed their view of him.

Earth was a world that was rapidly recovering, and such a world was full of countless opportunities.

Many masters who were unable to go further in the Tempest Ocean Realm had all obtained considerable gains on Earth to go even further as cultivators.

In such a situation, Lu Xuan had blocked off the earth and prevented them from entering. Of course, many people thought he had crossed the line with this.

Lu Xuan glanced at the tiger-headed beast king and said, “I’m not a Consolidation Realm master, but that doesn’t matter! I know that many of you are unhappy with this, but I am here today just to set some rules. Anyone who wants to kill me today can try!”

When the tiger-headed beast king heard Lu Xuan’s words, his expression was extremely cold. He said, “Lu Xuan, who do you think you are? How long do you think the Holy Nun Gate can protect you? Their leader never cared about you; even if you died, do you think she’d be willing to lend you a hand?”

The tiger-headed beast king assumed that Lu Xuan was acting so boldly because he had Lin Ziyi behind him; he was nothing more than a pathetic fraud.

Still, everyone also knew that Lin Ziyi herself was very passive. Even when Xiaoyao Hou had offended her before, she had barely hunted him a few times before stopping. Even then, she wasn’t trying her best to chase after him.

Otherwise, how could Xiaoyao Hou have escaped from a Consolidation Realm master? If it was a vengeful master instead, they would’ve chased him to the ends of the world to take him down for good.

Xiaoyao Hou would probably have died long ago!

The tiger-headed beast king coldly said, “Oh, wake up already. Even if you die here today, nobody will stand up for you. I’ll kill you here today, then I’ll slaughter all of Earth’s cultivators. Earth is just a mere aboriginal world to steal my opportunities. What do they think they’re doing? Are they trying to defy us?”

The Tempest Ocean Realm masters nodded in agreement again.

They had long regarded the Earth as something they could easily take for themselves, yet Lu Xuan dared to block their way forward. It was undoubtedly a hatred similar to murdering one’s parents.

The tiger-headed beast king coldly continued, “You think someone as insignificant as you can stop me? Although I don’t know how much luck you have, I do know that the inheritances of the Tempest Ocean Realm were not part of it.”

At that moment, quicker than speech itself, the tiger-headed beast king directly struck out. A terrifying claw swept out like meteors piercing the sky, instantly appearing before Lu Xuan.

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