This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 821 - Subduing The Enemy

Chapter 821: Subduing The Enemy

All anyone could think was, ‘The Lightning-Winged Wolf King is dead!’

Nobody expected such an outcome to occur.

Everyone had expected a fight to the death between the Lightning-Winged Wolf King and Lu Xuan, but the battle wasn’t even that exciting to watch.

Some used to believe that Lu Xuan would suffer a lot since he was charging into the enemy’s territory all by himself. It felt as if they were sending their warrior to meet his own demise.

There were also those people with insane imaginations picturing the leaves fall with every step Lu Xuan took.

The true outcome was something completely unexpected. Of course, Lu Xuan still went to Midton alone just as everyone expected and was surrounded by monster kings.

It was sad and painful to watch at first until Lu Xuan suddenly started to kill the monster kings one by one until none were left standing.

It was as if the one who was surrounded wasn’t Lu Xuan, but the monster kings.

Everyone could feel a chill sent down their spines when they witnessed Lu Xuan’s insane combat prowess.

The monster kings that did not join the fight were glad that they didn’t get involved. If they did, they would’ve become part of the mountain of dead bodies on the other side of the screen.

The fight proved to them that Lu Xuan was not someone they could trample over easily. Lu Xuan couldn’t forgive them for what their kind had done to humans.

“How frightening! Who would’ve known that a person like that would be so terrifying!”

The rest of the monster kings agreed. Even when they’d already taken countless lives, they never thought of themselves as being ruthless beings.

Humans were nothing more than ants to the monster kings.

If a human were to trample over a group of ants, would the person label themselves as a ruthless being?

The only ones that the monster kings cared about were each other.

It wasn’t until they witnessed the massacre of their own kind that they felt like the ants being stepped on.

Any cultivators in the Flower Realms, including the monster kings, were able to gain such tremendous power by going through countless life and death situations. Each of these cultivators or monsters was known throughout the Tempest Ocean Realm.

They could not accept that the beings they hailed as kings and Gods had been slaughtered so easily.

It was as if Lu Xuan saw them as nothing more than mere ants.

To make matters worse, Lu Xuan didn’t even give them the chance to beg for their lives. He would kill every single one he came across without mercy; that alone terrified the remaining monster kings.

One monster king said, “I can’t believe someone so scary and ruthless exists on Earth! He’s like Asura’s incarnation! Even if he was surrounded by the monster kings, did he have to kill them all?”

It didn’t say this because it still looked down on Lu Xuan, but because it believed Lu Xuan was now on their level. Perhaps he was even stronger than them.

When Lu Xuan was surrounded by the monster kings, those who didn’t participate in the fight felt that that was the normal thing to do. Now that everyone that went after the man was killed, it was normal for those that remained to feel angry for their fallen comrades.

In contrast to the monster kings’ frustration, the humans on Earth were celebrating.

They were all excited after witnessing Lu Xuan decapitating the monster who’d killed millions of innocent people. With the head of the Lightning-Winged Wolf King ripped off its neck, blood began to pour out and form a red pond.

Those who had loved ones that were slain by the monster were tearfully thanking Lu Xuan through the screen.

“They always took advantage of us for not having a powerful cultivator to protect us! Let’s see who’s going to mess with us now that God Lu is here!”

“He’s right! We also have other powerful cultivators aiding us as well!”

“We finally don’t have to live that hellish life anymore!”

Cheers and cries of happiness spread from every corner of the world.

After killing the Lightning-Winged Wolf King, Lu Xuan slowly turned to the last remaining monster in the ruin: the Flame Horse King. He calmly said to the monster king, “It’s your turn to die now.”

The Flame Horse King instantly felt a chill down its spine as it met Lu Xuan’s glare.

It was the only monster king left. It was surrounded by the bodies of monster kings, including the Four Legendary Monster Kings.

If it could wet itself in fear, it would’ve done so by now.

While it rampaged throughout the corners of Earth, never had it heard that such a powerful being resided on the planet.

Only then did it learn about the true terror of the person being hailed as the Child of Destiny.

Even if Lu Xuan was the Child of Destiny of a lower-level world, his immeasurable power was still something that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Based on the fight’s outcome, the Flame Horse King could tell that they weren’t prepared enough for it; they had greatly underestimated Lu Xuan’s capabilities.

After learning that Lu Xuan might’ve been a cultivator in the Two Flower Realm, the monster kings immediately formed an assault group led by the Four Legendary Monster Kings to take the man down. However, even when facing such a powerful assemble, Lu Xuan could still live through it.

To be more precise, he was able to take all the monster kings down without even breaking a sweat.

The Flame Horse King even began to suspect that Lu Xuan had already formed the third flower and reached the peak of the Three Flower Realm. That was one thing that the monster was sure of. Even if Lu Xuan hadn’t reached the Thrid Flower Realm yet, it didn’t matter much anymore as he could do things that only those who’d achieved the Third Flower Realm could do.

As a chilling wind swept past the ruin of Midton’s base city, the Flame Horse King’s legs gave in. It fell on its knees and pleaded, “Lu God! Please spare me! I’m not with them. I’m actually a huge fan of yours! I came here with them because I want to see the person I idolize in person! You have to believe me!”

The Flame Horse King was literally kneeling on all four of its knees, just like how a knight would kneel to their king.

“I’m here to pledge my allegiance to you! I know everything there is to know about the attack, and I can tell you who’s behind it! I hope you can find me useful!”

There was nothing but silence. No one could’ve expected the aggressive Flame Horse God to have submitted to Lu Xuan so easily and shamelessly.

The monster tried to force a smile on its face, which was notoriously known for normally not expressing any emotion.

“What… What’s happening here?”

“Does this mean… God Lu subdued the Flame Horse King?”

“it’s most likely terrified of him, right? Didn’t you see how he killed all the other monster kings? It’s like he’s a butcher working in a butchering shop.”

The comment section was instantly flooded; it was everyone’s first time seeing how a single man could make his enemy lower their head and beg him for forgiveness by simply overpowering them.

Some people even thought that they were dreaming; they believe they had just seen something that was only possible in one.

It was especially true for those that lived in Great Plains. The scene felt even more like a dream to them. The monster king that had roamed and rampaged the Great Plains was now licking Lu Xuan’s boot like a dog.

It was as if Lu Xuan had full control over the monster.

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