This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 695 - The Tables are Turned

Chapter 695: The Tables are Turned

Lu Xuan intended to beat Zhou Sulong to death.

That realization instantly left Zhou Sulong flustered. Normally, he was the one who went about beating others to death in the past. Now, however, someone else was trying to do the same thing to him.

What was even more terrifying was the fact that he sensed that Lu Xuan was capable of doing such a thing.

Even if he was at his peak, he probably still wouldn’t have harmed Lu Xuan that much. He would have placed himself at an advantage, but he still couldn’t kill Lu Xuan.

That meant that Lu Xuan was fully capable of running away. He could actually escape unscathed right under Zhou Sulong’s nose.

Despite that, Lu Xuan chose not to do so. He simply waited where he stood, ready to teach Zhou Sulong a lesson for being so arrogant.

It became clear that Lu Xuan planned everything to turn out this way all along; he had wanted to kill Zhou Sulong right from the start.

He exercised brutality without even the slightest hesitation.

Zhou Sulong knew that he finally ran into someone who stood a chance against him. Such a person would absolutely not let their quarry off easily once they have made up their mind.

Lu Xuan then casually asked, “Weren’t you talking about killing me earlier? Are you gonna do anything at all about that?”

Lu Xuan’s aura immediately burst and conjured his golden dragon primordial spirit, casting a frightening aura of pressure over Zhou Sulong.

Zhou Sulong instantly sensed a terrifying pressure looming over him, like a Divine mountain coming down on him.


He spat out blood yet again as that pressure almost brought him to his knees. He felt as if even the air around him was about to be crushed by the pressure. He was unable to even absorb the ambient spiritual qi around him.

That terrifying pressure sealed everything off. He felt like he had been thrown into quicksand, where moving for even a second proved difficult.

Zhou Sulong almost passed out right away from the pressure. It was only after his level was dropped to the peak of the sixth tier of the Divine Transformation Realm that he learned just how terrifying Lu Xuan actually was.

He felt like he was dealing with a monster that he had never seen before, something that came out of ancient times.

He was confident in taking on even a sacred son of unmatched power from sects and clans out there. As long as his opponent was at a much lower level than him, there would’ve never been a situation in which he was so cornered.

Some power indeed.

The air was so stifling that he felt like spitting out blood again. His current level of power was already considered impressive compared to others at the sixth tier of the Divine Transformation Realm. It was like comparing mere streams to raging rivers.

However, that man before his eyes showed him that raging rivers were nothing to write home about. This man was more like a boundless ocean in comparison.

“It looks like I need to go all out then!”

Zhou Sulong grit his teeth and straightened himself. He knew that if the situation stayed this way, that pressure alone would have been enough to him even if Lu Xuan just stood around doing nothing.

He had no choice but to give his all in the fight.


A terrifyingly devastating power burst from within him, instantly repelling the massive pressure being exuded from Lu Xuan.

His primordial spirit was brought to the front, materializing behind him right away. That spirit was a blood-colored figure: it was a god of blood.

That was an unmatched god of blood that his line trained to develop. While the process varied between people, their primordial spirits would’ve always been the same god of blood. Legend said that there had been a sea of blood somewhere when the world first came to be. A god of blood then emerged from the sea of blood, who then went on to reign supreme all over the world. Many legends and methods were left behind in the world. The primordial spirit developed right in front of Lu Xuan.

The god of blood emanated immense pressure all around it, resisting the golden dragon behind Lu Xuan’s back.

“Soul-crusher Blood Claw!”

Zhou Sulong let out a massive roar right away as he threw that claw attack at Lu Xuan. The air around him was sliced. That terrifying power seemed to have conjured a massive cloud of blood in the air almost instantly.

He did his best to suppress the toxins and prevent them from encroaching his body further, all while fighting Lu Xuan at the same time. He had hardly ever exerted himself that much. One could have even said that he put all his effort into this.

Lu Xuan then grabbed at the air without looking and immediately tore apart that Soul-crusher Blood Claw coming at him.

Both of his arms glimmered with golden light, which took the form of dragon claws that were capable of tearing everything in their path.


At that moment, Zhou Sulong somehow managed to appear in front of Lu Xuan. That claw attack he threw earlier was nothing but a feint. What he was doing now was his true finishing blow.

That bloody claw went after Lu Xuan’s throat like a seal of some sort, aiming to tear apart his throat upon contact.


Lu Xuan roared right away. All the air around him instantly spread out in all directions in the form of frightening shockwaves. The air shimmered with vibrations of golden light, making it seem as if dragons were swimming around in the air.

“Golden Dragon’s Roar of Annihilation!”

That roar burst in Zhou Sulong’s face while he was right in front of Lu Xuan. Zhou Sulong then shrieked in pain, utterly incapable of getting close to Lu Xuan. The power of the roar instantly sent him flying, preventing any of his attacks from getting near Lu Xuan. All of his attacks simply crumbled before that Golden Dragon’s Roar of Annihilation.

Zhou Sulong’s body flew in the air like a kite with its line snapped. Lu Xuan then disappeared from where he stood and caught up with Zhou Sulong before long.

Lu Xuan was moving so unbelievably fast that he might have as well teleported. He then stomped down on Zhou Sulong’s chest with his leg.


As soon as Lu Xuan’s leg reached his chest, Zhou Sulong was unable to resist at all. His body crashed to the ground below hard like a meteor falling from the sky. The ground on which the crash happened trembled slightly, kicking up dust clouds well over 30 meters in height.


Zhou Sulong felt as if that one attack had broken all of his bones. It felt as if that stomp could shatter a mountain, like a legendary Divine dragon going about stomping down everything in its path.

Just then, the toxins in his body spread even further. By then, he could no longer suppress all the toxins in his body due to his extensive injuries. This allowed the toxins to burst at a frightening rate that was much higher than before.

It took mere seconds for the toxins to spread all over his body. He felt nothing but intense pain all over him. His senses were failing him as all of his organs were attacked by the poisoned blood, causing them to fail at a frightening rate, and his lifeforce leaving him just as quickly.

“I can’t afford to just die like this!”

Zhou Sulong glowered at Lu Xuan in utter frustration. He could tell that when it came to power levels, he could have gained the upper hand given that he was of a higher level. If he was able to fight Lu Xuan at a steady pace, he would have never been reduced to such a pathetic state even if he could not hurt Lu Xuan at all.

He was too confident in himself and dismissed Lu Xuan’s threat right from the start, which was what allowed Lu Xuan to successfully ambush him with the Seven-star Poisonous Centipede, eventually leading to his death by poisoning.

Zhou Sulong was officially dead after shouting his last words. His dead body became pitch-black mere moments later, making him look like a piece of charcoal.

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