This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 689 - Immortality of the Divine Tortoise

Chapter 689: Immortality of the Divine Tortoise

As Lu Xuan gave chase, he saw wreckages of puppets scattered everywhere throughout the whole trip. He roughly estimated that over 100 guard puppets had been destroyed, leaving scenes of wreckage all over the place.

He then burst forward for quite a bit and sensed a gust of powerful wind washing all over him. The violent turbulence in the air felt like raging waves.

People could still feel the aftermath of the battles.

Upon activating his Delusion-breaker Eyes, he was able to see a battle raging from tens of kilometers away.

The one fighting was none other than that young man in blood-red attire.

Lu Xuan watched as that man threw a bloody claw that tore apart the core of a puppet.

Shattered pieces of puppets were everywhere beneath his feet.

Standing in front of the man was a humongous beast of some sort, seemingly made of some kind of unknown metal that made it incredibly resilient. One could even tell that those were not even ordinary metal, as it emanated a terrifying killing aura all over it.

“Geng Metal of the West!”

That metal was very effective in the crafting of weaponry. Many high-level cultivators preferred to use Geng Metal of the West as a material for making their weapons, as they could have been easily used for dishing out massive damage.

This applied to that beast, which was enormous and was extremely resilient. The young man in blood attire kept dishing out attacks, yet that beast remained unfazed.

On the other hand, every attack from the beast brought about terrifying martial will; each one was like a sword slicing through the air.

Having undergone extremely high-leveled training, that man was anything but ordinary, as well. One could have even said that he was far above Zhou Daoping, whom Lu Xuan had already killed some time in the past.

At the very least, that man had to have been at the seventh tier of the Divine Transformation Realm. That alone meant that he was something else altogether

People with such a level of training were deemed the extremely few of the best amongst Divine Transformation Realm cultivators.

Even if Lu Xuan were to go all out as he currently was, he still wouldn’t have been able to take on that man. He was only at the second tier of the Divine Transformation Realm. It would’ve been challenging to close the five-sublevel difference between them.

Lu Xuan was only confident of being able to escape from that other man as long as the latter was injured.

“This puppet is quite intriguing.”

Upon looking at the puppet, he knew that the master of that lair was apparently very well-versed in puppetry for being able to actually craft one such puppet. The common ones were difficult enough. The Geng Metal beast could’ve actually stood a chance against the young man dressed in red if it took the fight seriously.

At the very least, the two would be butting heads for a while.

The beast puppet was guarding the path of the canyon, standing in the young man’s way. The aftermath of the battle spread all the way to where Lu Xuan was, making him realize that a fight was occurring before him.

Upon seeing the beast fighting the young man, Lu Xuan came up with an idea. He could’ve simply let the young man stand in the beast’s way, having the two of them keep each other busy.

He could then take the chance to circle them while they were distracted. He knew that the Blood Phoenix Fruit was in some nearby medicinal farm.

That was his true purpose for making that trip.

While there did not seem to be that many high-level fighters around the basin, eerie situations still broke out everywhere in the area. This was especially so in Yunlong Village’s case; even Zhou Daoping’s level of cultivation alone was already considered to be astounding.

Despite his powers, Zhou Daoping was still only second-in-command. As such, it became obvious that there were still people who were more powerful than Zhou Daoping.

Taking into consideration both that young man in blood-red attire and the other man who attacked Lu Xuan, it was easy to see that so much out there looked extremely bizarre.

It seemed that underneath the calm exterior of the region, some terrifying being hiding in the shadows ruled over the land.

The man that attacked Lu Xuan before was of an unfathomable level of power. Despite being so far away, he nearly destroyed the Auric Flower above Lu Xuan’s head.

That man emanated an aura that reminded Lu Xuan of the deep-sea snake monster he encountered earlier. That man was almost as powerful as that creature.

While that man was not quite yet at the ninth tier of the Divine Transformation Realm, he was not that far from it either.

He was definitely more than just one man, and there was definitely some massive organization behind him.

Although Lu Xuan was still new to the Holy Sun Continent, he had gotten himself involved in similar situations. As such, he needed to become stronger as soon as possible.

He set his sights on that Blood Phoenix Fruit. He would’ve stopped at nothing to claim it for himself.

He immediately activated a method called the Immortality of the Divine Tortoise, which was considered to have been extremely powerful. Legend has it that eons ago when the celestial path collapsed and the universe exploded, some unparalleled fighter searched throughout the universe for that Divine Tortoise. That fighter then cut off the tortoise’s limbs and used them to create the celestial pillars.

The pillars supported countless planes, therefore supporting everything that existed.

The Immortality of the Divine Tortoise was some unmatched power that was created by some unparalleled being all those years ago. It was a comprehensive set of methods.

Lu Xuan managed to get his hands on it. One of the methods included in the set would’ve allowed one to shut out all of one’s aura and keep their vital signs concealed. Under such a state, this method alone would’ve allowed one to extend their lifespan by a century even if they were on the brink of death. It went without saying that such a way of extending one’s lifespan would’ve brought one into a state of limbo, shutting out all external stimuli and locking one’s state as it currently was.

That was what Lu Xuan used when he escaped the deep-sea snake monster’s attack back then. Now, he was about to use that same method again.

He used the Immortality of the Divine Tortoise many times back in his past life. As such, he was very familiar with it and managed to shut out his presence right away. This allowed him to be essentially undetectable, circling the battlefield and make his way to that medicinal farm at the back.

With that young man keeping the beast busy at the front, he was able to easily sneak past the sensory perception of the two sides.

The two of them were so busy trying to kill each other that they remained completely oblivious to the fact that someone else had managed to sneak into that farm behind right under their noses.

Lu Xuan speculated that the young man was most likely there for the farm as well.

As soon as he entered, he sensed the spiritual qi in the place mixed with a medicinal fragrance.

All manner of thick medicinal fragrances washed all over him.

He scanned the place and found that some barriers above the structures at the front of the place had been penetrated. From the looks of things, it seemed to have been that way for many years.

That was probably the result of those Great Ancestors working throughout the years to breach the place.

However, none of them could get far into the farm. Judging from the power that the Geng Metal beast displayed, those Great Ancestors had most likely exploited the time lag. They took the opportunity to break through the barrier before the beast and the puppets were able to get near, taking away some herbs with them in the midst of the chaos.

The Blood Phoenix Fruit was one of such loot. They probably knew that they were incapable of successfully planting the fruit, which might’ve been why they did not uproot the entire plant.

They came inside to take the fruits whenever the secret realm of Tianhai City opened every now and then.

It seemed that the Great Ancestors knew what they were doing.

He scanned the place until he saw the Blood Phoenix Fruit. One herb had a blood-red color, which oddly resembled a blood-red phoenix that was about to take flight.

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