This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 587 - Destruction of the Taichu Path Shocked All

Chapter 587: Destruction of the Taichu Path Shocked All

Wang Yun was clapped to death with a single slap.

He was incapable of standing against Lu Xuan at all.

Lu Xuan laid a beatdown like no other.

Wang Yun was completely overwhelmed.

All of the cultivators from Taichu Path fell into despair. Lu Xuan ran over every obstacle in his path since the beginning of his attack. He made it look so easy as if he was an adult beating a child who refused to listen to him.

They were utterly incapable of resisting the lightning dragons from Lu Xuan’s ‘Dance of the Dragons’ spell. Needless to say, they stood no chance of taking on Lu Xuan himself.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

“Kill him and avenge the sectmaster!”

“Stall him! Wait for the grand ancestor’s return!”

A few people shouted, imploring them all to wait for Ye Xuan to return. Many regained their hope right away, realizing that not all had been lost just yet.

Their grand ancestor, the man at the Divine Transformation Realm, was still out there.

They would have all been saved once that grand ancestor at the Divine Transformation Realm returned. This demon disguised as a human, who had destroyed the sect, would’ve also been put to death after being tortured in the most brutal and most excruciating means possible.

To put it precisely, that was their only option.

Lu Xuan’s white-clad silhouette came down on the disciples with his Dragonslayer blade in hand.

He was moving at blinding speeds.

He was capable of bringing over 100 blasts of sword aura with just a single swing of his arm, enabling him to almost conjure a screen of swords in midair. It was a harrowing sight to behold.

No amount of training would be of any use in front of such a screen of swords.

It seemed to almost take seconds to lob off the heads from one whole mountain.

It didn’t matter what realm someone was in. It didn’t matter whether it was a single person or a group of people. The end result would’ve always remained the same.

Lu Xuan turned himself into the most terrifying of killer gods.

He poured all of his rage, enmity, and frustration into his attacks. After all, Taichu Path was what took his family away from him back in his previous life.

None of those disciples probably knew just why Lu Xuan resented the Taichu Path so badly.

The histories between the two ran deep.

There was the revenge for having his sect obliterated. Lu Xuan sought revenge for having his sect obliterated and his family killed.

While it was the Luo Clan that brought about his family’s demise back in his past, Taichu Path that was behind all of it.

Had it not been for Taichu Path, he would’ve still had a family back then. He would not have spent his entire life wandering around the world.

He gained a new life in that lifetime as well as his family. As such, he absolutely would not allow anyone to wreck his family.

He saw Taichu Path to have been lower than vermin. Those people had destroyed his family back in his past life once.

Even so, they were about to do the same thing again in his current lifetime. Even though it was currently just a possibility, he still saw fit to prevent that from ever happening.

“Die. All of you!”

Lu Xuan’s expression was cold. There was no mistaking the intense murderous intent in his words.

He would have spared anyone else, but he would’ve never forgiven Taichu Path for what they did.

“Yan Han! Show yourself!”

Lu Xuan covered the entire mountain with his will as soon as he finished killing a mountain filled with Taichu Path’s disciples. He scanned the place several times, but he still failed to find Yan Han.

He took a single step and disappeared from the mountain right away.

He moved as if he had teleported.

When he reappeared, he found himself in yet another mountain.

The entire site of Taichu Path had now been turned into an inferno. The lightning dragons were still going about on their rampages, whether they be whole or otherwise.

Terrifying explosions were seen time and again as the lightning dragons self-destruct. The terrifying amounts of electrical power dissolved in massive shockwaves, spreading all over the place.

With the lightning dragons rampaging around and Lu Xuan now going on a killing spree, the entire site of the sect looked like it was the end of the world for them.

Lu Xuan was looking for Yan Han’s whereabouts, spreading his will to the limit as he searched for the other man in a frenzy.

One part of his reasoning for showing up at Taichu Path’s site that time was to look for Yan Han and take out that menace once and for all.

However, it seemed like Yan Han had disappeared from the entire place altogether instead.

Lu Xuan was finally able to confirm after searching for a long time that Yan Han was currently not in Taichu Path. There was no way he could have evaded Lu Xuan’s detection otherwise.

He finally realized after interrogating a disciple of the sect that Yan Han was indeed not in the sect.

The injuries that Yan Han suffered had been too grievous for Taichu Path to have done anything about it. As such, he was sent to another sect in the Blessed Enclave known for its healing arts: the Shenyao Sect.

That meant that Lu Xuan missed what he came for.

At that moment, what happened at Taichu Path had finally alerted many nearby that sect’s site.

Many saw the towering flames and light, along with terrifying bolts of lightning flashing about. Massive explosions also rang out every now and then.

“Could it be… was someone attacking Taichu Path?”

Someone asked in shock, though it would’ve been more accurate to say that that person was deeply frightened.

There had been several smaller sects near Taichu Path’s location, but it went without saying that those forces could not compare with Taichu Path in terms of scale.

The very reason that they chose to set themselves up near Taichu Path was hoping to gain their protection.

This was the first time in centuries that such fierce battles were seen on Taichu Path’s home ground.

At that moment, everyone was finally able to confirm that someone truly did attack Taichu Path.

“How could anyone attack a sacred ground like that? Why weren’t there any signs at all?”

Cultivators of the smaller forces were all left puzzled.

Based on what they knew, the attacking party needed to be a sacred ground if they wanted to attack another sacred ground.

That was even more so when it came to attacking a sacred ground like that of Taichu Path. Nobody had ever heard of Taichu Path being in such serious conflict with other sacred grounds as of late.

Even if there were such conflicts, the forces amassed should’ve at least been in the thousands.

If that were to happen, there was no way for any of them to have been able to overlook the attack. However, none of them knew anything about the attack before.

Then again, the attack did happen which exceeded their perception of things. The terrifying attack did erupt in Taichu Path’s site without anyone knowing anything beforehand, after all.

One could see from afar that Taichu Path’s site was completely shrouded in dark, heavy thunderclouds.

What actually just happened? Many began to wonder, but they still sent their scouts to look at things right away.

While the scouts did not dare to get any closer, they had no problems assessing the situation from afar.

The scouts of those smaller sects came back with news that quickly shocked them all.

A fight did break out in Taichu Path’s site, yet no one knew who they had been fighting against.

There were no signs of large-scale invasions. The scouts only saw the disciples of Taichu Path fighting against terrifying lightning dragons measuring hundreds of meters at that moment.

The entire place, which had originally looked like a paradise of sorts, had been reduced to the sight of an inferno.

Everyone who was close enough to have known about the fighting all thought the same thing: ‘What actually happened there?’

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