This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 556 - The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 556: The Calm Before the Storm

In truth, he was right to be wary. The Sanxian Sect had been easily eradicated back in his past life by the Taichu Path, after all.

Back then, those from the Sanxian Sect had nowhere to run because the Blessed Enclave had practically invaded the Earth at the time. Whether it was Earth or the Blessed Enclave, Taichu Path ruled over every place imaginable.

Those from the Sanxian Sect were annihilated before they were able to find anywhere to hide. Lu Xuan was the sole survivor, eking out a meager living.

However, those from the Taichu Path probably never expected a small, unimportant sect such as Sanxian Sect to have ultimately produced a true living dragon such as Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan asked, “Sectmaster Lu, could you tell me about Yan Han’s whereabouts?”

Lu Xiu was still overcome by despair when he was asked the question. It somewhat surprised him; he didn’t know why Lu Xuan brought Yan Han up.

Lu Xiu paused before he replied, “I know about his whereabouts alright.” We received an invitation from the Taichu Path, inviting us to join the Taichu Meeting.”

“The Taichu Meeting? What is that?” Lu Diandian asked in a confused manner.

“The Taichu Path had once moved the location of their lair. The original location of the sect is not in a dilapidated state, but hardly anyone visits the place nowadays. This Taichu Meeting is to be held in that previous location of the sect. The one who organized it was none other than Yan Han.”

Lu Xiu then elaborated, “The meeting is to establish the Taichu Alliance, and I knew that much back then. However, I opted to sit out because it had nothing to do with me. We just wanted to keep ourselves safe.”

A tinge of anger was seen on Lu Xiu’s face as he said, “Even so, I never expected Taichu Path to be brutal enough to come and slaughter everyone from the Sanxian Sect. It was all because I was reluctant to join the Taichu Alliance.”

“Those from the Taichu Path are paving the way for Yan Han’s reign.” Lu Xuan paused for a bit. He immediately figured out what was going on.

After all, it was not the current sectmaster of the Taichu Path who was organizing and hosting the meeting; it was Yan Han himself.

The sect’s intent to pave the way for his reign, was simply too obvious.

It was a privilege available only to a genius who hailed from renowned forces like Yan Han, whose path had long been paved before him. He had all kinds of cultivation resources and methods that he could dream of having.

This path was paved all the way to the pinnacle of supremacy. In comparison, Lu Xuan had to works 100 times more than Yan Han did.

A lone cultivator, one that inherited everything from a renowned sect, brought about totally different outcomes.

Lu Xiu nodded. He was also a sectmaster himself, so he naturally knew how those sects worked. He also would’ve done the same thing if he had to choose somebody to be his heir.

Back then, Lu Xiu had also been benefiting from the support from all walks of life. This was before he ascended to the glorious position of sectmaster, with everyone watching as he did so.

That thought enraged Lu Xiu. Currently, Sanxian Sect was running to escape persecution from the Taichu Path. However, those people were still out to hold the Taichu Meeting and form an alliance.

Lu Xuan said, “Nice. I will go head out to meet him then.”

Lu Xuan’s words completely stunned Lu Xiu, who never expected the former to ever say something like that.

Shouldn’t Lu Xuan be running as far as he could right now?

Lu Xiu believed that Lu Xuan should’ve been doing what the remnants of the Sanxian Sect were doing. Not only was Lu Xuan unafraid, but he also wanted to personally meet with Yan Han instead of running away. Lu Xiu immediately knew that Lu Xuan wanted more than to just meet Yan Han, having sensed a slight murderous intent from him.

He thought to himself, ‘Wait, Mr. Lu didn’t come to the Blessed Enclave to make a breakthrough for higher levels. He planned to get his hands on Yan Han this whole time!’

If that was the case, then all of the Blessed Enclave would’ve likely been turned upside down.

If someone told him that someone else was looking for trouble with Yan Han before that, he would have simply dismissed it as a joke; he believed that there was no way that could’ve ever happened.

Everyone from the Blessed Enclave knew just how renowned Yan Han was.

Yan Han was the one who reigned supreme among those of the younger generations, so much so that he was known as the most talented sacred son of Taichu Path of all time.

Hardly anyone on Yan Han’s level stood a chance against him.

Lin Junxian had almost wiped out the entire Sanxian Sect on his own, yet Lu Xuan dared to say that despite being half way into the Divine Transformation Realm, Lin Junxian stood no chance against Yan Han.

Lu Xuan went so far as to claim that Lin Junxian was utterly helpless against Yan Han.

The only way that was guaranteed to kill Yan Han was if someone at the Divine Transformation Realm interfered.

Otherwise, nobody was capable of fighting Yan Han.

Even though there were also people at the Divine Transformation Realm around, there were also beings like that in the Taichu Path. As such, none of those outsiders would have been insane or stupid enough to act against Yan Han.

Few could withstand the wrath of Taichu Path, after all.

However, Lu Xiu had never before seen anything remotely similar to how easily Lu Xuan killed Lin Junxian back there.

Despite his seemingly unmatched powers, the legendary Yan Han still would’ve probably had difficulty fighting Lu Xuan.

If anyone was capable of beating Yan Han while being at the same level, it was none other than Lu Xuan.

“Mr. Lu, Yan Han is not the only reason why the Taichu Path is so terrifying. The sectmaster of the sect is still backing Yan Han, and that man is a fighter at Divine Transformation Realm. Please think carefully before you act,” Lu Xiu said. He knew that his words did not actually mean much.

However, Lu Xiu had no intentions of seeing Lu Xuan deliver his own head on a silver platter.

The talents that Lu Xuan displayed meant that he might’ve actually been able to make a breakthrough into the Divine Transformation Realm in the future. By then, the relationship between the Sanxian Sect and Lu Xuan would probably enable the sect to survive the Taichu Path’s persecution.

Lu Xuan was Sanxian Sect’s last hope.

Lu Xuan smiled and said, “Thank you for the reminder, Sectmaster Lu. However, what I’m about to do would benefit the Sanxian Sect as well. When I’m done cutting Yan Han down, those from the Taichu Path will probably be too occupied to come looking for trouble with you.”

“Cutting Yan Han down?” Lu Xiu’s eyes were wide open.

That one line almost made him pass out as if he was chucked into an icy cave.

The scene itself was harrowing to even imagine, as that would mean the entire world would’ve been thrown into chaos.

It was true that if that were the case, then those from the Taichu Path would’ve been too occupied to persecute the Sanxian Sect.

The Taichu Path would’ve probably had a hard time solving their own crisis, after all.

Then again, the only way for that to ever happen was if Lu Xuan truly was capable of pulling such a feat.

He had no idea why, but Lu Xiu actually came to believe that Lu Xuan might have just been the one capable of accomplishing such an absurd, impossible feat.

Lu Xiu asked, “Please be careful, Mr. Lu. Would you need my men to escort you to the Taichu Meeting?”

“That won’t be necessary. I know the place well enough,” Lu Xuan said.

He had been to the original site of the Taichu Path back in his past life. Naturally, he knew how to get there.

Lu Xuan disappeared from where he stood as soon as he finished talking.

Meanwhile, Lu Xiu mumbled to himself, “The calm before the storm is about to be over soon.”

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