This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 101 - The Soul-snatcher Sect Is A Goner. I’ll Make Sure of It!

Chapter 101: The Soul-snatcher Sect Is A Goner. I’ll Make Sure of It!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

All that sharp pain gushed to his mind within an instant, almost knocking him out right there and then.

 Qiu Qianying thought Lu Xuan’s flimsy punch would have made sure that his fist was reduced to a bloody mess when the two punches connected. However, it was Qiu Qianying who had ended up having his entire arm blown up instead.

 Qiu Qianying was sent flying. He banged straight into the wall behind him before rolling down to the ground.

 Everyone was dumbfounded by what had just happened.

 Everyone was able to tell that Lu Xuan was definitely quite formidable when he decided to be; otherwise, he would not have dared to act at that moment.

 However, no one expected him to have been that formidable.

 That one punch from Lu Xuan rendered Qiu Qianying’s arm into mush. The unassuming attack actually packed a formidable force behind it.

 The crone and the man with sharp features had yet to cheer Qiu Qianying’s impending victory on before seeing their young master being sent flying.

 Everyone stared at what just happened with dumbfounded eyes.

 No one present would have even dreamt of something like this happening at all.

 The one being sent flying was a Level Six Martial Arts Legend, after all. It the type of person that Level Five Baodan Grandmasters would not have imagined being able to beat themselves, after all.

 However, that one being had his arm blown up by a single punch from Lu Xuan. It was a frightening scene like none other, making him look like a true legend.

 Even Shi Danze, who had followed Lu Xuan around, was totally stunned by what he just saw, so much so that he was almost frightened to death.

 He had only heard of Lu Xuan’s feats from his master, Zhang Hongyang. The way Zhang Hongyang spoke of Lu Xuan made the latter seem like a superhuman. Lu Xuan had sounded like a god of war.

 Shi Danze hardly believed any of that back then, thinking that his master had been exaggerating, wanting to save face. Shi Danze had done the same before, after all.

 Having made a breakthrough into Level Six later on, putting him at the Martial Arts Legend Level, meant that he was hardly any weaker now than his master had been in the past.

 It was precisely due to such a breakthrough that he was able to feel all that raging power contained within his body, enabling him to beat at least ten of those on his past level.

 As such, Shi Danze came to believe what his master said back then even less, that Young Master Lu Xuan was able to severely injure him with just a single punch and that three Martial Arts Legends were reduced to mere playthings for Lu Xuan.

 What kind of ridiculous fairy tale was that?

 Shi Danze totally did not believe that anyone would be able to make such a mockery of three people at his level.

 However, the reality that was happening right before him said otherwise. He finally believed it all.

 Boy, I was stupid back then, he thought.

 While he had indeed gained a lot within the month following Lu Xuan, he had never seen Lu Xuan fight even once. While he believed Lu Xuan was very formidable, he totally did not expect Lu Xuan to be this strong.

 Is he even human? he wondered.

 Shi Danze had been reduced to Qiu Qianying’s plaything when they fought, with Shi Danze easily being overwhelmed.

 He knew he would hardly stand a chance when fighting head-on against the likes of Qiu Qianying. Yet, that frightening Qiu Qianying was hardly able to stand after taking a single attack from Lu Xuan.

 It became obvious to Shi Danze that what his master said back then had not been empty talk. There was not a single bit of exaggeration, and all his master said had been derived from objective observation.

 Qiu Qianying barely managed to rise. All that smugness on his face from before had disappeared altogether.

 He finally understood right there and then that he had encountered a superbly frightening monster.

 It was just like the ones he had seen in the past.

 He had no idea how Lu Xuan managed to achieve such a level of cultivation, but his brain was no longer in a state capable of processing such things.

 Lu Xuan took one step after another at him, every single step seemingly a steady beat stomping his heart, making his heart race frantically.

 That was an awful feeling. It was as if there was a breath stuck in his lungs, and he was unable to get it out.

 It felt as if someone grabbed hold of his heart and squeezed it to their fancy, making it difficult for him to even draw breath.

 It was something he had never experienced before. He was never in such tremendous pressure, even when he faced those monsters who were his seniors back in the sect.

 “Who the hell are you? What kind of beef do you have with the Soul-snatcher Sect?” Qiu Qianying cradled his damaged arm with his good one, glaring at Lu Xuan.

 “Do I need a reason to beat down the likes of you?” Lu Xuan asked gently, but that question smashed onto Qiu Qianying’s chest like a sledgehammer.

 That condescending attitude made him feel very irked.

 “I think there must have been a misunderstanding!” Qiu Qianying gritted his teeth and continued, “If it’s about the woman, I’m fully willing to back away right now!”

 Qiu Qianying had fully realized just how terrifying Lu Xuan was at the moment. Getting on the bad side of such a monster would do him no good.

 While Ling Fei was so beautiful that she piqued Qiu Qianying’s interests, the world was in no shortage of women to begin with. He hardly felt anything about losing her. The only thing that probably gave him a heartache was losing that top grade Gu Curse bug.

 He had intended to come and claim what he thought to be his, but at the moment, he was forced to give up.

 But then again, that would have been preferable over losing his life.

 “Hahahaha, you scum of the Soul-snatcher Sect do talk alike. You sh*theads are indeed masters at being tongue-tied indeed.”

 Lu Xuan laughed away as he was reminded of those two others from the Soul-snatcher Sect. What they said hardly differed from what Qiu Qianying said right there. They were all the type of people who bullied the weak and feared the strong.

 “You’re probably thinking of running away and settling the score at a later date, eh?” Lu Xuan said plainly. Qiu Qianying’s pupils contracted somewhat, as Lu Xuan had seen through him right then and there. Avoiding a confrontation that one had no chance of winning was the clever thing to do, after all.

 “Too bad you won’t have such a chance,” Lu Xuan said calmly. A blade materialized out of his spirit qi, which he held in his hand.

 “You… you’re a National Guardian…” Qiu Qianying only realized at that moment why Lu Xuan had such an easy time running him over.

 Lu Xuan had not been who Qiu Qianying had expected him to be initially. He expected Lu Xuan to be a Martial Arts Legend just like him, yet the latter turned out to be a National Guardian instead, which was even more terrifying.

 Only people at the National Guardian Level would be able to coalesce their might in their bodies into spirit qi, after all.

 But then again, it was still too late for him. The qi blade in Lu Xuan’s hand swiped down swiftly and sent Qiu Qianying’s head flying away from his body.

 Qiu Qianying was unable to fathom how he had died. The name of the Soul-snatcher Sect that he had seen as almighty proved utterly useless in saving his life.

 “Young Master… You dare to kill our young master. You’re done for! You have nowhere to run to. You won’t be able to escape our master even if you’re a National Guardian!” The crone turned insane after seeing what happened. She saw with her own eyes how her young master had died right in front of her. If that had happened back in the southwest, an all-out war would have broken out.

 “You won’t be the only one to die. Your family will die alongside you. They’ll die because of what you did!” That crone laughed hysterically. It was as if her mind had gone haywire.

 An arrow materialized from spirit qi was sent straight to her throat, killing her before she was able to ramble on any further.

 “The Soul-snatcher Sect, eh? Aye, they’ll be snuffed out from the world of cultivators soon enough. I’ll make sure of it!” Lu Xuan’s expression was cold as he said that. A ferocious glint was seen in his eyes.

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