The World Online

Chapter 1047 - Counting Down to the Country War

Chapter 1047: Counting Down to the Country War

After laying out all the cards with Feng Qingyue, Ouyang Shuo ended his day of hard work.

Within the Wuji Hall, Yu’er and Luo’er, who were born recently, were sleeping soundly. Maybe due to the fact that they had signed a contract with god beasts, but they slept more frequently than other babies.

Apart from drinking milk during the day, they slept for a large part of the time.

Apart from drinking breast milk, they also drank ten thousand year stalactite mixed with milk. Under the supervision of Saint Physician Zhang Zhongjing, they started to cultivate their bodies since a young age.

When they reached an age where they could start to truly cultivate, they would probably soar quickly.

Song Jia sat right next to the rocking basket, focusing on knitting a wool dress. Since the two of them were born, she had placed all her focus on the two of them and did not bother much about the entertainment holdings matters.

Looking at the dedicated mother in front of them, who would have known that she was once the sect leader of the Dongli Sword Sect, the teacher of the entertainment queen, the chairman of the Mountain and Sea Entertainment Holdings, and a true giant of the wilderness?

When Ouyang Shuo saw her, he smiled, “Once Yu’er and Luo’er reach a month old, you should leave them to a nanny. To stay in the palace all day long is so boring, and it’s unfair to you.”

Song Jia shook her head, “Let’s talk about this after they reach a year old.”

Accompanying the two fellows, Song Jia did not find it boring and enjoyed the peaceful times.

When Ouyang Shuo saw that, he did not say anything else. Looking at his pair of cute children, Ouyang Shuo felt really satisfied and was filled with motivation.

Regretfully, it was the country month time when the two of them were a month old, so Ouyang Shuo could not be there for them.

A quiet night.

Gaia 5th month, 5th year, 25th day, 9 AM, a System Notification sounded out around the world.

“World Notification: There are five days till the annual country war. The country borders are officially unlocked, country war leaders must choose their country war target within two days or it would be deemed as a forfeit.”

The moment this notification sounded out, all the players rubbed their palms. The honor focused country war had finally begun.

Based on the settings of Gaia, the country war choice was one-sided. For example, country A could attack country B and country B did not need to agree. At the same time, whilst country B was getting attacked by country A, it could declare war against country C.

Hence, many countries could declare war on the same country. Of course, Gaia limited that, and this amount could not exceed three countries.

Such a setting brought a lot of uncertainty to the country war.

With country A as an example, whilst it declared war against country B, it might need to defend against country C, D, and E.

Some small countries could come to an understanding and work together to destroy a medium-sized country.

As a result, Gaia needed the country war leaders to make their choice within two days. It was to leave three days for the country to prepare to deal with their opponents.

The country war month would be a global washing of cards.

Different from wilderness battles, this was a country versus country battle. The regional overlords could use this chance to wipe out the small countries around them, and the small countries could attack and destroy the overlord together.

Who would win and who would lose was still unknown.

Such huge uncertainty brought with it many conflicts of interests as well as a strong sense of duty and honor. It was all mixed together. This was destined to be a world war of epic proportions.

All the players around the world were wrapped up in this.

At the same time, to allow Lords who joined in to have no worries, Gaia ruled that during the period, not only were all battles within the country prohibited, other unannounced country wars were prohibited too.

Hence, during the country war month, one could only attack the country they declared war on.

All of a sudden, the plot thickened.

25th day, afternoon, 2 PM, Shanhai City.

Ouyang Shuo used his position as the China region country war leader to gather up Di Chen, and Feng Qiuhuang as well as the 14 Satellite City Guardian Guilds.

The 14 satellite cities in China included the ones in the nine imperial cities, the two Capital City ones as well as the three overseas ones of Great Xia.

14 satellite cities, 14 super guilds; these people basically represented most of the China adventure gamemode player base.

Amongst which, Ouyang Shuo had stocks in eight of them, including Blood Evil Mercenary Guild, Snow War Rose Mercenary guild, Streamer, Jiangshan Alliance, Purple Moon Alliance, Fallen Leaf Alliance, Blood Shadow Alliance, and South Sky Alliance.

The remaining Jianqi Zongheng, 18 horsemen of Yanyun, Jin Yi Wei, Tingyu Floor, Laojun Temple, and the newly added Handan City Satellite City Guardian Guild Purple Lightning Guild were all controlled by Handan City.

From this, one could see that the China region was clearly split into two camps. Although the Shanhai Alliance held the advantage, they could not obtain a crushing advantage.

How to fight the country war was something that Di Chen would have a lot of say in.

These 17 most influential people in China discussed for an entire afternoon before finally settled on the basics of the country war.

Needless to say, the target was definitely Japan. Ouyang Shuo made the decision on the spot on his personal interface. The moment he made his choice, a System Notification spread through the entire China.

“System Notification: China region country war leader Qiyue Wuyi selects Japan as the country war target, effective immediately. All China players, please prepare for the country war!”

The moment the notification sounded out, everyone was naturally delighted.

The China region players had yearned to defeat Japan for a long time, and they were just waiting for this moment.

At the same time, Japan region country war leader Keisuke Honda also received the notification. The top Japanese players obtained the news and started to make their final preparations.

A seismic battle was about to arrive!

Apart from the country war target, more importantly, they needed to select where to gather, troops movement paths as well as how to split up missions.

The truth was placed in front of them. It was impossible for Di Chen to listen to Ouyang Shuo command him. The hatred between the two sides meant that they would not be able to trust one another.

Rome was not built in a day.

The best way would be to let both camps choose an attack path each and attack on their own.

Japan was an island state and was made up of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu; these four main islands as well as seven thousand small islands formed a long and narrow shaped land.

Imperial City Edo had a million guards and was located in the central region.

After the discussion, they decided that Di Chen would lead the Handan City camp troops and disembark at Kyushu and go up north, wiping out Shikoku, and then going into Honshu to fight.

Ouyang Shuo would lead the Shanhai Alliance troops to start from Hokkaido in the north, and then they would go down south to attack Honshu.

Both troops would meet up in Edo and complete the final blow.

Since Japan was an island country, their attacks needed many ships to carry over their troops. Considering this problem, Great Xia set up four gathering points along the river, Beihai Bay, South Mountain Bay in Yashan City, Jiaozhou Bay in Zhenhai City, and Binhai Bay in Fengtian Prefecture.

Apart from that, Ouyang Shuo was planning to discuss with Great Sui about opening up Quanzhou Bay.

On the side of Handan City, they opened up three ports, Hailu Port in Jingdu Province, Shencheng Port in Donghai Province, and Zhoushan Port in Jiangnan Province.

Any ambitious Chinese adventure gamemode player could proceed toward any of these gathering points from the 25th onward.

During this period of time, Great Xia and Handan City would be in charge of dealing with the ocean transportation problem.

As they were splitting into two groups, whoever could gather up more players would find it much easier. Hence, Di Chen and Ouyang Shuo both chose to void all teleportation costs.

Just this alone was an enormous expenditure for the territory.

Based on Ouyang Shuo’s prediction, the country war month would be greatly different from normal country wars due to the leadership structure on the battlefield. To prevent the command system from failing, the best way would be to use the territory army to face up against territory armies and adventure gamemode players fight against adventure gamemode players and not let them mix. If not, things would become really inefficient.

Japan had ten million adventure gamemode players; it was a power that could not be underestimated.

After discussing everything that night, Ouyang Shuo planned out the entire country war month plan and posted it on the forums for the Chinese players to read and prepare in advance.

Ouyang Shuo did not think about hiding it from Japan. First, it was impossible, and secondly, there was no need to.

5th month, 26th day, Xia Palace.

Dealing with the big picture, Ouyang Shuo summoned the members of the Grand Council for a discussion.

Without a doubt, the Great Xia Army would be the main pillar of this country war. They needed to plan well and choose the most suitable forces to send.

First, the navy.

Emperor Squadron, Yashan Squadron, Pacific Squadron; and Binhai Squadron; they were all listed.

It was easy to see that the hardest step in the country war would be disembarking. The country war troops had to set up a stable site before they could transport troops up the shore.

If not, everything was useless.

The Japanese players could probably understand this point and would stop at nothing to prevent the Chinese from disembarking.

The battle between the two sides would start with the navy.

Hence, Ouyang Shuo decided to send out the strongest Chinese fleet in history. This fleet would be two times larger than the one for the Battle of Annan, making history.

Next, it would be the army troops.

Guards Legion Corps, City Protection Legion Corps, Dragon Legion Corps, Tiger Legion Corps…

Every one of them flashed across his eyes, but how to make the choice was a difficult decision.

At this very moment, a System Notification sounded out in his ear.

Ouyang Shuo was stunned on the spot.

The sudden change totally broke his arrangements. An unforeseen storm was sweeping right at Great Xia, catching Ouyang Shuo off guard.

Ouyang Shuo took in a deep breath, staring at the maps around the Grand Council as his eyes turned cold.

Du Ruhui and the other officials, seeing the king suddenly fall silent and stare solemnly at the maps, realized that a huge change might have happened. All of them exchanged glances and did not dare to break the king’s train of thought.

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