The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 168 - Join The Go Club

Chapter 168: Join The Go Club

Noah said on the phone, “I need you to approach someone.”

“Who?” Claire plucked a vine leaf and played with it in her hand.

“Angus Garcia, the current head of the Garcias. A tube of antibody vaccine is going to be transported from the Li Kingdom. He is involved in this matter. We have to intercept this tube of the vaccine. I will send you his details.”


Immediately after she hung up the phone, a message popped up on her phone.

It was a file sent by Noah.

Claire clicked on the file. It contained Angus’s detailed information. The man in the photo was handsome. Being able to become the head of the Garcias at such a young age, this man should be quite capable.

Claire glanced quickly and noticed the last line of text.

He loved Go and was the disciple of the chairman of Autumn Go Club, John Franklin.

She went back to the Taylors’ house. The servants were preparing dinner in the kitchen, and everyone else was drinking tea in the back garden.

Claire didn’t bother to try to blend in. Leaning on the sofa in the lobby, she held her cell phone, and studied the material sent on Angus.


At this moment, Evans stood on the second floor and beckoned to her. “Are you interested in playing two games of Go with me?”


Perhaps she could start from Go.

Claire’s eyes flickered, then she stood up and put the phone in her pocket.

They went to the study on the second floor.

Claire sat down in front of the game board.

According to the rules, she used the black stones and moved first, while Evans used the white.

The censer on the desk was burning and exuding a calming scent.

Evans smiled and said, “Girl, it’s so fun to play Go with you. I’ve been looking forward to playing it with you again.”

Claire didn’t say a word, resting her chin in one hand. Holding a black stone in the other hand, she was thinking about how to make the next move.

Evans said triumphantly, “Little girl, got stuck?”

With the slightest carelessness, she was going to lose this game.

However, in a short while, Claire relaxed her frowned brows and put a black stone on the game board.

Then, she looked up at Evans with a wicked smile. “Sorry, three captures in a row.”

Evans’s eyes widened instantly.

This girl… suddenly captured three of his stones in a row?!

The result was in. Claire won!

Unwilling to admit defeat, Evans messed up the stones on the game board with his hand. “No way! Let’s play another game.”

The other side.

Phoebe was drinking tea in the back garden, but she hadn’t seen her Grandpa and Claire for a long time. Suddenly, she had a bad feeling.

She left the garden and went to the second floor. When she passed the study, she happened to see the scene inside.

Claire and Grandpa sat face to face, playing Go.

Grandpa looked excited, with a big smile on his wrinkled face, talking a lot more than usual.

“Oh, you darn girl, you want to trap me again, right? I won’t be fooled.”

The old man, who had always been dignified, now looked like a child.

Phoebe froze outside the door, biting her lips tightly. Her heart was filled with grief and anger. She was almost going crazy with jealousy.

Soon, the servants served dinner.

At the dining table, Evans said to Phoebe, “Just now your Grandpa Johnny called and mentioned you.”

Phoebe was eating absently, having no appetite.

Upon hearing this, she suddenly raised her head. “Grandpa Johnny?”

“Yeah, he opened a Go club a few years ago, where there are many excellent young people. Would you like to join the Go club?”

In fact, Evans wanted to recommend Claire to join the club. After all, this girl was so talented in the game of Go.

Unexpectedly, Phoebe agreed without hesitation. “Yes, Grandpa!”

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