The Sovereign’s Ascension

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Lin Yun was fully recharged after a night’s rest and the meat of demonic beasts. The Dragon Blooded Horse was nowhere to be seen when he looked around, and Lin Yun knew that it must have gone to look for other demonic beasts. After all, the Dragon Blooded Horse was too quick to be caught up, and it had no natural predator in this forest. This was the best training ground for the Dragon Blooded Horse.

“Time to look for the Bloodwolves. This place has no challenge to me.” Lin Yun tapped his foot on the ground and dashed out like a Golden Crow spreading its wings; he was executing the Seven Profound Steps smoothly.

Lin Yun’s silhouette flashed past the towering trees, and as he proceeded further into the forest, the gloominess in the atmosphere became denser. Dangers resided in this mountain range at every possible moment, and there was no way he could let go of his guards easily. At the same time, Lin Yun’s experience got his guards up.

Suddenly, Lin Yun could hear the sounds of a fight taking place along with the roars of demonic beasts.

“The battle between demonic beasts? Now, that’s rare. Let’s go and take a look!” Lin Yun suddenly turned his head in a direction and headed over. A brief moment later, Lin Yun was standing on a towering tree looking down. “Woah, that’s brutal.”

It was a battle between an Ironbacked Bear and a Bloodlust Fiendape. The Ironbacked BEar was three meters in height, with solid fur that formed into natural defences. It was one of the strongest demonic beasts that could be found at the edge of the Demoncloud Mountain Range with powerful strength and defenses. Its defence was so powerful that not even someone in the fourth stage of the Profound Martial Realm could do anything to it.

But it was in a terrible state due to the Bloodlust Fiendape. The Bloodlust Fiendape was about six meters in height, covered in black long fur with bulging muscles filled with explosive power. The Ironbacked Bear looked like a child compared to it.

The Ironbacked Bear that was famed for its defences were being trashed by the Bloodlust Fiendape’s fists. The Ironbacked Bear was covered in injuries, and the Bloodlust Fiendape was just toying with it.

Lin Yun watched the entire battle from the three. The Bloodlust Fiendape suddenly raised the Ironbacked Bear, with its claws digging into the Ironbacked Bear’s flesh and tore it into two.

When blood splattered from the Ironbacked Bear, the Bloodlust Fiendape opened its mouth and began drinking the blood in mouthfuls. This made the sinister ape look even more sinister.

Even after devouring the beast core, the Bloodlust Fiendape still looked unsatisfied and trampled on the Ironbacked Bear’s corpse. It didn’t take long for the corpse to turn into a pile of marsh.

Suddenly, the Bloodlust Fiendape turned to look at Lin Yun’s direction with a surge of murderous aura permeating from its eyes.

Just when Lin Yun was in deep thoughts wondering if he was discovered, the Bloodlust Fiendape roared. Its roar caused a violent storm, which blew away the leaves around Lin Yin and revealed his figure.

“I’m indeed found. It really has a keen sense…” Lin Yun did not panic on the three. He looked at the Bloodlust Fiendape and smiled, “You’re treating me as a prey?” The Bloodlust Fiendape grabbed onto the Ironbacked Bear’s head and tossed it in Lin Yun’s direction.

Lin Yun gently jumped and landed on the ground. When he landed on the ground, a huge explosion came from his rear. The tree branch that he was previously standing on was reduced into dusts. Shortly after, Lin Yun found himself enveloped by a shadow.

A fist that was larger than Lin Yun’s head came bolting towards him. The pressure from the punch cleaned up the surrounding leaves on the ground.

With a gentle sway of his body, Lin Yun easily got around the Bloodlust Fiendape. The Seven Profound Steps was this profound, and there was nothing the Bloodlust Fiendape could do anything to Lin Yun by just achieving lesser mastery.

The Bloodlust Fiendape roared furiously and trampled in Lin Yun’s direction, which Lin Yun avoided easily. Lin Yun also dodged the next few attacks from the Bloodlust Fiendape easily, which the Bloodlust Fiendape roared furiously.

The Bloodlust Fiendape lost it and frantically brandished its fists and claws over. At the same time, there was a wisp of demonic aura permeating from the Bloodlust Fiendape.

“Gone berserk? Now that’s interesting…” Lin Yun smiled with a trace of fighting spirit burning in his eyes. In his opinion, only a demonic beast in the third stage of the Profound Martial Realm after going berserk could be worthy of being his opponent.

Lin Yun’s hands suddenly gazzled with rippling origin energy. His fingers began changing and his origin energy being constantly compressed. Suddenly, he pushed his hands forth and executed the Undying Vajra Seal.

The colossal Bloodlust Fiendape was suddenly sent flying away, knocking down trees after trees. The demonic traits of the Bloodlust Fiendape was thoroughly triggered as it charged towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun took a step forward and used the Dragon-Tiger Might, unleashing a powerful aura that instantly broke through the second stage of the Profound Martial Realm’s bottleneck towards the fourth stage of the Profound Martial Realm.

Sky Breaking Seal! Lin Yun threw out a punch, which sent the Bloodlust Fiendape flying again. Lin Yun took a step forward and bolted forth, leaving behind afterimages where he stood.

Before the Bloodlust Fiendape landed on the ground, Lin Yun’s punch flew forth again, empowered by the Sky Breaking Seal. He used his fist like a sword, and he took a total of seven steps, throwing out a total of seven punches.

With the Seven Profound Steps, all of it took place in an instance. When the seven punches landed on the Bloodlust Fiendape, the Bloodlust Fiendape began to tremble violently in the air. That was the origin energy and sword intent from Lin Yun’s body breaking out.

In the next moment, the Bloodlust Fiendape exploded before it even reaches the ground. When the Bloodlust Fiendape’s blood rained down, Lin Yun reached out to grab onto the beast core without a single droplet of blood on his clothes. On the other hand, the Bloodlust Fiendape was severed into several pieces.

“The Dragon-Tiger Fist is ferocious, and it was a perfect match with the Seven Profound Steps. Taking a step out to create seven afterimages, allowing me to throw out seven punches in an instant. I believe that even elites in the fourth stage of the Profound Martial Realm won’t be able to compete with me.” Lin Yun realized how powerful was the Dragon-Tiger Fist paired with the Seven Profound Steps through this fight.

But that was only the beginning. When the Seven Profound Steps reaches greater mastery, he would be able to condense the Golden Crow Seal. That was when this movement technique that derived from the Divine Sunchasing Art could bring out its true might.

“Time to look for Bloodwolves.” Lin Yun felt nothing about defeating the Bloodlust Fiendape. Compared to the Bloodwolves pack, the Bloodlust Fiendape was just an appetiser.

The pack definitely had more than fifty Bloodwolves along with the alpha. The Bloodwolves alone were elite demonic beasts in the third stage of the Profound Martial Realm, and three of five of them could hunt a demonic beast in the fourth stage of the Profound Martial Realm, not to mention the alpha in the pinnacle fourth stage of the Profound Martial Realm with terrifying strength and wits.

If the entire pack moved out, even the fifth stage of the Profound Martial Realm could only be turned into preys.

“I have no odds of winning unless I defeat the alpha within ten moves. But demonic beasts aren’t cultivators, and my odds of winning should be at 60%.” Lin Yun made his calculation based on the information on the mission token.

But he wasn’t anxious about it. When Lin Yun proceeded deep into the Demoncloud Mountain Range, he would kill every demonic beast in his path. The demonic beasts in the depth of the mountain range were at least at the Bloodlust Fiendape’s level, and they were great opponents for Lin Yun to train himself.

Lin Yun had also undergone great changes over the past few days in his temperament. His gaze became sharp, and the murderous aura around him also became denser. Now, all he needed was to throw a glance at the demonic beasts for them to tremble in fear, and weaker demonic beasts would flee at the sight of him. Through the constant fighting, the Seven Profound Steps grew more compatible with the Dragon-Tiger Fist.

Five days later, Lin Yun arrived at an empty ground in the forest and finally discovered traces of the Bloodwolves. But he didn’t seem lucky because this pack had about a hundred wolves. The wolves had crimson fur which made them stand out in the forest.

“They’re hunting!” Lin Yun’s eyes lit up. If the Bloodwolves were hunting, the alpha definitely had to control the entire pack, and the number of Bloodwolves around it would be much lesser. It seems that he wasn’t entirely unlucky after all.

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