The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 570 The Assault At Mt. Eons Firmament (2)

Jiajia was still musing as she smiled to Qiu Xiuyu, “Protect your unborn child. This is your first priority to our lord Ji Yuan.”

Although Ji Yuan had never touched her chastity and they had never officially become lord and consort but she considered herself to be a consort of Ji Yuan; it was because Ji Yuan was worthy of her.

She also got a sister too, Shui Xisi and they were shared the same mother as well.

Clan names were irrelevant to them for their mother was the Great Goddess Celestial Alice, once the Sovereign Empress of the Three Known Realms.

The two of them were originally in the Celestial Realm for their self-cultivation as the Immortal Divine Realm was not a place for low level cultivation and they were expected to join their mother consort in the Immortal Divine Realm at a later date.

However, Shui Xisi was too playful while she had held too many responsibilities in eradicating evil from the Celestial Realm.

While she had only a celestial-step divine sword the Hundred Flowe Divine Sword, Shui Xisi had the replica immortal-step of their mother consort’s divine sword. It was deemed that Shui Xisi being her younger sister was in need of a better protection.

Now both of them were peaked great saintesses and Shui Xisi was even running her own celestial sect the Water Melody Palace to support her Hundred Flowers Divine Palace. Although she was supposed to be supporting but she was full of refusal most of the time. It was because she had actually done it on purpose as she craved to receive the attention of her Sister Feifei which was also Jiajia.

Jiajia had always thought that her sister was willful and was always causing trouble for her. But now that they had finally resolved the differences, they were close again. Also, they have also fallen in love together with Ji Yuan too.

Right now, Shui Xisi was in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth undergoing her trials.

She wished both her and Ji Yuan good luck.

As cultivators, they had to face the various difficult trials to gain experience.

Even though she could be very protective of her Sister Sisi (Shui Xisi) but trials were all personal and she was not able to help her once she was in there. Moreover, her Sister Sisi was not as weak as supposed or else she would not become a peaked great saintess. The number of trials that she had experienced were numerous, although her trial results could be said to be quite horrible for a powerhouse influence.

Naturally she did not know that her Sister Sisi had indeed failed a trial in the 6th level of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and she was not able to join Ji Yuan in the final trial. Or that most of the trial she was just relying on Ji Yuan to quickly overcome her trials in there.

All of a sudden, the entire mountain platform that they were assembling in, was beginning to shake violently as the fragile profound defense arrays of the Eons Mountains were now being torn apart by the profound might of the attackers.

Hundreds of powerful desolate beasts were now rushing up the mountains and the evil cultivators from the Evil Cultivation Palace and its allies were also rushing into the outer defenses of the fragile arrays.

She hastily told Hua Baiyue and Bai Wuwu, “Please look after Maiden Qiu Xiuyu.”

Then her astonishing beautiful golden eyes were beaming as she pronounced with her breathtaking profound voice as she exercise her divine echo profound art, “Formation!”

When she had shouted formation, this means that all the weaker cultivators of the same celestial clan were now forming themselves into a battle array so that they could strengthen and linked their profound animus together into a profound defense as an defensive act against the more powerful profound attacks of the desolate monsters and the great celestials.

There were numerous normal celestials among them and they were not the hard to kill golden celestials. Therefore, they had to band together in order to stand a chance of fighting against the powerful desolate monsters and the golden celestials that were coming their way.

Jiajia could see that the Evil Cultivation Master was leading thousands of cultivators to storm into their weaken arrays now.

She was gasping, “How did they manage to break through our profound defenses so fast?”

Then she saw something unusual; the Sagess Alyssa were leading 13 cultivators of the great saint cultivation strength and these female cultivators were just slashing through their defensive ranks as though it was cheese.

These 13 female cultivators were not exactly strong but they could regenerate instantly and their auras were red, instead of the usual blue, purple, white and yellow. Also they could also perform their profound attacks in a blink of an eye without the need to recharge their profound strength.

And there was also a particular unknown female cultivator with the red aura and she was at the middle 8th realm cultivation level that had caught Jiajia’s attention.

Jiajia gasped softy, “8th cultivation realm?! She is an immortal cultivator too?”

Xue Qianxue, Han Yuchi, Zhao Songjin and Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo had immediately recognized this new threat and they were all responding to fight against this unknown powerful cultivator.

The rest of the golden saints were all rushing to the front to fight the desolate monsters that were also pouring into their defensive lines.

Naturally these enemies were not the most powerful.

The most powerful of them all were the Desolate Dragon God Longdi and he had levitated on top of the super vast mountain platform as he sent the great pressure of his cultivation strength to ripple upon all the fighting cultivators and the desolate monsters.

“9th cultivation realm!”

“He can fly?!”

“He is an immortal god?!”

“Can we even fight that thing?”

The Desolate Dragon God Longdi displayed his full haughtiness from above, “Saintess Fang Zhenfei, where are you?! Do you dare to fight me again? You may have escaped the last time but unfortunately, your escape plans have already been calculated. No matter how you try to escape from our hands, we are always one step ahead of you. Today is the day that I will break your holy jade body!”

Jiajia’s White Paragon Xuanfeng, a 7th rank profound divine phoenix with four wings and six reflective tails were already howling angrily at the profound haughtiness of this challenger.

Jiajia said to her divine beast, “Go help the rest. I will be alright.”

Then a burst of golden light had enveloped her light blue robe and the translucent icy blue light of her Xiao Ruan the Spirit Blue Phoenix could be seen forming as her spirit animus.

In that instant, she had leviated herself and flashed to the same eye level of the Desolate Dragon God Longdi by displaying her profound cultivation realm to the peak of the 8th cultivation realm.

“Saintess Fang Zhenfei is also an immortal cultivator?”

“Or is it the profound power of her spirit animus?”

“She has the rare spirit blue phoenix as spirit animus!”

“But 8th realm vs 9th realm, our side still stands no chance…”

The Desolate Dragon God Longdi laughed jovially, “Are you kidding me? 7th realm and 8th realm cultivation is still so much below me. Moreover, once I disable your spirit animus then your cultivation realm will drop immediately!”

Jiajia hummed coldly, “Why don’t you take my Hundred Flower Divine Strike again?”

All of a sudden, her profound animus burst like a gigantic pair of blue phoenix wings as a wave of powerful blue profound energies began to form in the instant as she aimed at the Desolate Dragon God Longdi.

The Desolate Dragon God Longdi immediately evaded out of the way as he knew how powerful this attack was.

Instantly a wave of blue profound light began to flash like a ray of death throughout the battle field and instantly obliterated hundreds of attacking desolate beasts and cultivators that were below the Desolate Dragon God Longdi!

“Your target is actually below me?!”

Almost all the cultivators could not believe what they were seeing when Saintess Fang Zhenfei’s profound attack streaked from the heavens to obliterate so many of her enemies in an instant.

“What the hell is this strike?!”

“It is a miracle profound art?!”𝒏𝗈𝔳𝗲𝓵𝚗𝓮xt.𝚌𝞸𝕞

“Even for a miracle profound art, I have never seen anything like this before…”

“I don’t think this is even a 7th realm profound art. It may even be a 8th realm cultivation miracle profound art…”

The Desolate Dragon God Longdi laughed haughtily, “Is this what you got? Your main target isn’t my troops but me. Once you have expended all your profound strength, you are mine to take. Our power disparity is still too huge to overcome even though you are capable of using your 8th realm profound art.”

Jiajia answered softly but it was loud and clear to everyone as she was still using her divine echo, “Even so, I can still defeat you. This time is different from the last time because this time I have merged completely with my Xiao Ruan and I am also a peaked 8th realm cultivator. Plus, I know your weakness after we have fought with each other.”

The Dragon Desolate God laughed jovially, “I will have my weakness? Tell me about it.”

Jiajia said nonchalantly, “Although you are a 9th realm immortal cultivator but you are still weaker than your original self. Not only you can’t use your above 7th realm profound arts here but every time that you have tried to use your 9th realm profound strength to fight me, you will become very slow. This may not be noticeable to you for it is only 2 blinks of an eye but to me, I can make use of your shortcomings to defeat you.”

The  Desolate Dragon God was now frowning, “I must admit that you are indeed very observant and you can indeed spot the weakness of the true gods here. However, this is your bad luck that your opponent is me and not the Great God of Death. Because I am definitely stronger than the Death God Mingwang and I have no such weakness…”

All of a sudden the Dragon Desolate God had exploded with his profound aura and he had transformed into his true dragon humanoid form!

His profound power had also increased and the pressure that he was exerting was even flooring all the cultivators that were below the 3rd cultivation realm!

Now only was he looking stronger, bulkier and also, he had two fierce black wings on his back!

“When I am in this form, I can fight as though I am in the Desolate Divine Realm. Therefore, you have miscalculated today!”

Jiajia was gasping and she was trembling. Her heart had sunk immediately. She was betting on a slim chance to defeat this monster but now it had become hopeless; she had indeed miscalculated again…

She had sent her Sister Sisi to help Ji Yuan against the Death God Mingwang but even if her Sister Sisi was here today, the two of them would be able to stand a stand against the Desolate Desolate God Longdi!

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