The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 566 All The Maidens Laughing Together

When Yun Chu and her three protégés the Smiling Divine Maiden Chu Lixue, Zhi Jiugong and the Lovely Empress Lu Jiangsu had returned to the tavern where Ji Yuan was, they had learnt that Ji Yuan was in closed meditation with the old freak.

What they were doing together, no one was in the know.

However they were quickly greeted by Ling Feiyue, Feng Minyue, Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Yang Mi.

Yun Chi muttered weakly, “What are these two men doing? Surely, they don’t have that fetish?”

Ling Feiyue rolled her golden eyes, “Of course not!”

Then she slowly whispered, “Do you think that Ji Yuan and Maiden Dream Mist have something on together?”

Yun Chi was startled, “You’re asking me?”

It was because Yun Chi had a lofty look and technically, she was accepted into their group because she was able to shower them with her profound riches. However, except for Bai Qianfeng, she was not exactly popular with the rest of Ji Yuan’s harem.

It seemed that gossips could really bring even love rivals together…

Little Princess mesmerizing smiled to Yun Chi, “Surely you are not thinking of bringing your three friends into Ji Yuan’s harem?”

It was because she had noticed that the Smiling Divine Maiden, Zhi Jiugong and the Empress were unusually docile in front of Yun Chi.

Now only Bai Qianfeng in their group knew of Yun Chi’s real identity as the Death God Mingwang.

Yun Chi was frank as she chuckled softly, “These three beautiful maidens here indeed like Ji Yuan. However, it is up to our lord decision whether to accept them or not. After all, Ji Yuan is someone who cannot count with his 10 fingers and if he has too many consorts, he won’t be able to keep track.”

Ling Feiyue laughed alluringly, “He probably will starts counting with his toes. Hehe.”

As Yun Chi and Ling Feiyue poke fun of Ji Yuan behind his back, Zhi Jiugong, the Smiling Divine Maiden and the Lovely Empress were all shyly looking away. But at the same time, they were anxious because Ji Yuan may not want them to be in his harem.

The most anxious was of course Zhi Jiugong; even though she had remembered how Ji Yuan had repaired her divine zither and this had touched the deepest innermost of her heart but she did not know how Ji Yuan would feel toward her. And he may even reject her. Even she was a peaked great saintess and had a lot of advantages but Ji Yuan was also a peaked great saint and he was also a young cultivator.

So she thought: Maybe I should go to the Immortal Divine Realm instead of humiliating myself here…

Feng Minyue had suddenly spoke out and dispelled her usual quiet and noble demeanor, “If you are all friends of Ji Yuan, why we are in such cold animosity? Maybe we should all sit down to get to know one another instead.”

Yang Mi smiled in her usual cheerful countenance, “That is right! I actually didn’t know much about Ji Yuan in the past…”

As she said that, she was flushing beautiful. “I will like to know his past…”

Then she was giggling softly as she pulled the Smiling Divine Maiden to her, “My Sister Lixue and I will really like to Ji Yuan better. Please don’t bully my sister!”

Yu Jingjing was also smiling, “Any sister of Yang Mi is also my close sister!”

The Smiling Divine Maiden gasped softly as she returned a faint smile, “Yang Mi…”

“I am so pitiful.” The Lovely Empress was suddenly saying. “I don’t have any solid mountain in your group…”

“You do have.” It was Bai Qianfeng who had interrupted her with a beautiful wink. “Thank you for helping Ji Yuan during the arena trial. From onward, we are close sisters.”

Then she looked at the Smiling Divine Maiden and Zhi Jiugong without putting on any air, “The two of you are also my close sisters.”

Zhi Jiugong and the Smiling Divine Maiden were both startled but they were soon smiling delightfully.

Yun Chi had told them that Bai Qianfeng was their protégé sister but she was to be their leading protégé and she was also to be their senior. It was because she was a 9th realm immortal goddess and also because she actually had a lofty status among the desolate immortals as well. However the three sisters did not know anything about Bai Qianfeng’s personality as they did not much chance to interact with one another.

This immortal sister of theirs were now admitting them as her close sisters as well!

Yun Chi casually asked, “Bai Qianfeng, so did you have your breakthrough that day?”

That day refers to the day when the secret immortal array was destroyed.

Bai Qianfeng saw no reason to hide it from anyone since all the maidens here were either Ji Yuan’s or Yun Chi’s friends. So, she said nonchalantly, “Thanks to the extra push by Maiden Dream…I mean the Great Beyond Goddess, I have now attained to the middle 9th realm immortal positioning. I am officially a high goddess now. Also, I am able to use my profound strength to the middle 8th realm cultivation strength now.”

The Great Beyond Goddess had not only given Yun Chi back her emperor-step divine sword, destroyed the emperor-step divine swords of the Great Demon God and the Desolate Dragon God, destroyed the secret immortal array and she had also helped Bai Qianfeng to push up her spiritual boundaries for her to breakthrough to the forbidden middle 9th realm immortal positioning to be a high goddess!

Everyone except Yun Chi was now gasping with shock; what kind of a realm was the 9th middle tier immortal positioning?!

And Bai Qianfeng could actually use her profound strength to the permanent 8th immortal positioning now.

Ling Feiyue was laughing softly now, “It seems that this is not going to be the duel between the Death God Mingwang and the White Sword Monarch but between our Sister Qianfeng and the Death God Mingwang now.”

Bai Qianfeng was smiling wryly as she looked at Yun Chi and her three protégés, “Maybe.”

Except for Bai Qianfeng and Yun Chi’s three other protégés, no one knew that Yun Chi could display her profound strength to the peaked 9th Immortal Positioning. However due to the restrictions in the Celestial Realm, she could not use any of the 8th and 9th realm profound arts in this place unless she was willing to risk a backlash.

Little Princess was also smiling enticingly, “Alas. It seems that our Sister Qianfeng is going to beat our lord Ji Yuan even if he has his spirit animus to aid him.”

All the maidens were laughing jovially together now.

The Lovely Empress laughed, “I don’t need to be an immortal to bash Ji Yuan. I know his weakness.”

Ling Feiyue was curious, “You do?”

The Lovely Empress nodded delightfully, “He is really very cheapskate and he likes things free of charge!”

Ling Feiyue laughed gently as she buried her hands to her face, “Even you know about this. I can’t tell you how cheapskate he is during our first meeting…”

The Lovely Empress chuckled, “Tell me about it.”

Ling Feiyue started to look at Little Princess as they laughed jovially together, “He is not only cheapskate but he is also weird sometimes…”

All the maidens including Yun Chi were now crowding around Ling Feiyue as they laughed at the same time, “Tell me about it…”

In this group, only Ling Feiyue and Little Princess knew the most about Ji Yuan’s past.

Hours later…

Yun Chi was laughing nonstop, including many of the other maidens. “This Jiajia… did you say that she is actually the ‘Old Master’ of the Hundred Flowers Divine Palace? She has actually played Ji Yuan around her fingertips?”

Little Princess was also in the mood to admit, “Ji Yuan lost his first time to me too… this is what happens…”

All the maidens were still laughing nonstop when a furious Ji Yuan and the short old man had suddenly barged into the tavern hall.

Ji Yuan and the short old man were both hitting each other and they were shouting too.

Ling Feiyue was gasping as she asked Ji Yuan, “What is wrong?”

All the maidens could see that Ji Yuan had turned red in his face.

Ji Yuan’s face was all flushed with redness as he shouted furiously, “I’ve been practicing his Yang Invincible Profound Arts but it turns me all red now. How can I not be furious?!”

The short old man protested immediately, “I did warn you not to rush the stages but you refuse to listen to me. My Yang Invincible Profound Arts will not only increase your profound strength but your masculine primeval yang ability too and that is why you have turned red.”

“How can I walk around the streets like this?” Ji Yuan punched his old master angrily. “How dare you ruin my beautiful face!”

The short old man pulled Ji Yuan close to him to whisper, “You just need the icy divine bodies of some maidens and they could cause your redness to subside…”

Ji Yuan had suddenly stopped hitting his old master as he whispered back, “Really?”

“And…” the old man was laughing softly. “You will be more powerful below…”

“Really? Haha…” Ji Yuan whispered as he patted his old master. “Why didn’t you say so, much earlier? Haha…”

Ling Feiyue asked the other maidens, “What they are suddenly whispering about? And they have stopped fighting?”

Many of the maidens were as perplexed as her.𝗇𝐎𝓋𝞮𝔩𝑵𝑒xt.𝓬𝑜𝕞

Ling Feiyue had suddenly raised her alluring voice, “Ji Yuan, look who is here now.”

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had stopped what he was doing and he was gasping delightfully because he had suddenly saw Yun Chi, Zhi Jiugong, the Lovely Empress and the Smiling Divine Maiden again.

The short old man was also startled as he looked in Ling Feiyue’s direction, “It is Maiden Yun Chi and my daughter Chu Lixue…”

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