The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 524 Bliss City Arena Second Trial (7)

Ji Yuan had one more cultivator in the group now and he was the short white hair old man.

This short white hair old man did not talk to Ye Jing or Jian Ba. Instead he was talking to Ji Yuan nonstop. Or rather, Ji Yuan did not let him have the time to talk to anyone else.

Ji Yuan laughed. “You know old man. Your only use in this trial is to help me to score my point. Don’t be too sad that you are now weaker than I am. Hahahaha.”

He continued, “Old man, do you remember Ye Chengxi and Shangguan Yan?

“You mean that two little lasses?” Said the short white hair old man with some fond memories. “I remembered that they are your first protégés. They are both beautiful maidens…”

“What are you talking about?” Ji Yuan interrupted rudely. “They both have potential and that is why I have recruited them for our Orthodox Sword Sect.”

The short white hair old man nodded, “I remembered Ye Chengxi. She really does have the potential to become a sword saint of her generation.”

Ji Yuan grinned, “Well, she is a sword saint now.”

The short white old man stared at Ji Yuan, “I didn’t know that you can really teach? How did you do that without giving her any beatings?”

Ji Yuan muttered weakly and he was stammering, “Well, she had become a sword saint while… I was having my breakthrough… for a hundred years.”

The short white hair old man: …

“Well, that isn’t the main point.” Ji Yuan began to laugh aloud. “The main point is that I have taken both of them as my consorts now. Haha. Shangguan Yan is my first consort while Fairy Ye Chengxi is my second consort.”

The short white hair old man began to mutter weakly, “I can see that you have taken them both as your consorts because they are beautiful.”

Ji Yuan: …

The short white hair old man began to say solemnly, “Since you have already got two wonderful consorts, you shouldn’t be in this place. You are still young and you ought to accumulate more experiences first.”

Ji Yuan answered weakly, “Well I am here because my third consort Ling Feiyue is also here.”

The short white hair old man was almost dumbfounded, “What you have actually taken Ling Feiyue as your consort?”

Ji Yuan laughed jovially.

During his old master time, there were two peerless beauties in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity and they were the Dark Mistress Ling Feiyue and Sacred Maiden Xue Qianxue.

Ji Yuan grinned, “Therefore I am also the Dark Lord of the Spirit Blue Moon Sect now. And even Xue Qianxue is also my consort.”

The short white hair old man was now staring blankly at Ji Yuan, “What did you just say? Just how many consorts do you have now?”

Ji Yuan chuckled, “Well you can actually count the number of my consorts with my ten fingers.”

The short white hair old man heaved a sigh of relief, “That is less than ten and is still manageable.”

“I mean I brought less than 10 of them into the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. I can still count my other consorts outside with another ten fingers.” Ji Yuan began to chuckle.

The short white hair old man frowned immediately, “Ji Yuan, are you trying to pull my leg?”

Ji Yuan took a weird look at his old master, “Old man, you sound like you have not been in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity for a long time. What? You didn’t hear of my recent exploits?”

The short white hair old man laughed, “I am actually in another celestial fraternity now. When you are old, you tend to be affected by wanderlust more.”

Ji Yuan lowered his voice to say, “Well old man. I think that you are getting old now and I don’t know what feud do you have with that Death God Mingwang cultivator. I am young and I can help you to take care of him. Leave your feud to me.”

The short white hair old man took a curious look at Ji Yuan, “You must be hiding something, rascal.”

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes, “I am not?”

The short white hair old man took another caution look at him before saying casually, “You are Ji Yuan alright. I remembered teaching you about the Death God Mingwang cultivator’s avatar array. But you seem to have forgotten about it.”

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, “Oh that Death God… Haha… old man, you have too many enemies and you have taught me too many things. How can I remember all your teachings? Haha…”

The short white hair old man was suddenly solemn, “Ji Yuan, your old master will never harm you. If you can survive this arena, quickly leave this place. This place is not for the impure souls. I don’t want to lose you to this place.”

Ji Yuan asked curiously, “Except for a lot of vices, I really don’t see how dangerous this place is.”

The short white hair old man had suddenly slapped Ji Yuan’s ears, “Listen to your old man and leave this place!”

Ji Yuan protested weakly, “Alright. Alright. But this grand daddy is a great saint now-“

“Even great saints will die in this place.” The short white hair old man had interrupted him suddenly with a heavy look. “Sometimes if your soul has died, it is worse than dying.”

Ji Yuan lowered his voice to say with a meaningful glance, “I didn’t come here to play. I am here to bust this evil place.”

The short white hair old man took a curious look at Ji Yuan as he whispered back, “Really? You found some clues already on how to do so?”

Ji Yuan looked at his old master as he shook his head, “Not yet. And so…”

“And so you have decided to have a little fun first, am I right?” The short white hair old man interrupted Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan began to laugh weakly, “Haha…”

All of a sudden they saw four dark figures in front of them and they were fighting.

Ji Yuan shouted to Ye Jing, Jian Ba and his old master, “Wait here! I will take a look at that corner first!”

With a quick sprint, he had flashed to where the four dark figures were and he was quite startled that the fighting was really fierce!

He had actually wanted to stop the fighting and to persuade the fighting cultivators to join his group because he would need all the extra points that he could gather.

But he had turned ashen immediately when he saw that there was a leathery humanoid with an ugly wings that were suppressing the Smiling Divine Maiden and that Lin Antian was also fighting against the Lovely Empress Lu Jiangsu.

And it looked like Lin Antian and the draconian humanoid were actually allies.

And the Smiling Divine Maiden was shouting with her petite voice, “Gu Sangu! What are you doing? And why are you attacking us?!”

The Lovely Empress had just crushed into the walls and Lin Antian had raised his saint-step white spear against her and said, “Bare hands? You want to fight bare hands against my saint-step divine spear and against my formidable sword spirit? Lu Jiangsu, I want your body today!”

Gu Sangu had actually told Lin Antian that this Lovely Empress was the real one and she was still a chaste maiden. And he had promised to give him the Lovely Empress while he would take the chaste body of the Smiling Divine Maiden to advance his own cultivation and to satisfy his own beastly urges.

Just before Lin Antian’s saintly divine spear could rain down to pierce through to the Lovely Empress Lu Jiangsu’s profound aura, Ji Yuan had suddenly flashed his saintly divine sword in front of Lin Antian as he said coldly, “Your opponent is me!”

Both Lin Antian and the Lovely Empress were startled, “Ji Yuan!”

The Lovely Empress had never expected to see Ji Yuan coming to her aid especially when she was trying to kill him.

Lin Antian had suddenly flashed his saintly divine spear at Ji Yuan, unleashing dozens of fearsome strikes onto Ji Yuan, each one was capable of imploding with great profound power.

Ji Yuan swung his divine sword as a shield to deflect the attacks while helping the Lovely Empress to stand but his eyes were actually looking between her short skirt…

All five of them were displaying their profound animus to the peaked sacred saint level.

Lin Antian was too fierce and he was displaying all his profound power against Ji Yuan and he had quicky sent Ji Yuan to lose much of his profound strength to defend himself against him.

Ji Yuan sighed softly as he quickly displayed his trump card as he summoned his spirit entity, the Demonic Cherubim spirit animus.

Immediately his profound strength was raised to the eighth immortal positioning and he was also contesting against Lin Antian with yet another saintly divine sword.

Now Ji Yuan had two saint-step divine sword and he was displaying two sword spirits to even the fight.

When Gu Sangu saw the spirit animus that was on Ji Yuan, he merely laughed and he had flashed to intercept the fight that was between Ji Yuan and Lin Antian.

Ji Yuan was startled for that leathery humanoid Gu Sangu was so far away earlier but in the next instant he had appeared next to him…

When Gu Sangu had flashed next to Ji Yuan, he had immediately punched through the two saintly divine swords that belonged to Ji Yuan and had sent him to crash against the wall with a tremendous impact!

Ji Yuan coughed out golden blood immediately because he did not expect that this Gu Sangu would have so much profound power in him and it was even greater than all the profound power that Ji Yuan could muster.

The Smiling Divine Maiden gasped panicky to Ji Yuan even as she evaded several blows from Gu Sangu while trying to intercept him, “Ji Yuan, do not take his blows directly. He is a powerhouse cultivator in this form!”

Gu Sangu ignored the Smiling Divine Maiden as he flashed to Ji Yuan in the next blink of an eye, “This is the Demonic Cherubim spirit animus. Interesting but useless.”

All of a sudden he had punched into Ji Yuan again, into his chest and this punch took out half of Ji Yuan’s profound strength and immediately caused the Demonic Cherubim to disappear.

Ji Yuan could not believe that there was such a powerful cultivator in this place and he could not even evade his attacks.

But Ji Yuan was not someone who could stand there to receive a beating so at the same time he had also pierced his divine sword into Gu Sangu’s body but it did not go very deep because Gu Sangu’s profound defense was really too strong and Ji Yuan had already also lost his eighth realm profound strength.

The Lovely Empress had coughed out golden blood as well as she fended herself from Lin Antian and she had also received a blow from Gu Sangu when she tried to speed forward to aid Ji Yuan.

She had suddenly displayed her spirit animus and it was a holy seraphim with six wings, consuming half of her inner spiritual seas. Immediately she had knocked Lin Antian aside and had raised her palms to rain upon Gu Sangu.

This gave Ji Yuan a chance to recover from the earlier attack as he attacked the front of Gu Sangu while the Smiling Divine Maiden was also punching with all her profound power to the back of Gu Sangu.

But in the next instant Gu Sangu had picked the Lovely Empress and Ji Yuan as he threw them down the stairs below with a thunderous impact!

As the Lovely Empress stumbled down the stairs, she had also lost the profound might of her spirit animus.

And for Ji Yuan his injuries were not light either. He had wanted to use his miracle sword art against Gu Sangu but it had taken him too long to charge his profound energies. In his haste to help the Lovely Empress, he got careless too as he was looking at her and was not giving his full attention to his fight with Lin Antian.

The result was that he got thrashed by two super cultivators and had even wasted his spirit animus. This was an important lesson that Ji Yuan would not forget for a long time.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan saw Lin Antian flying down the stairs to chase after them.

Ji Yuan had wanted to fight Lin Antian but when he saw that the Lovely Empress had completely lost her profound strength and was lying powerless on the ground, he began to sigh softly.

In the next instant, he had picked her up on his shoulder to flee down the passage way. It was a strange feeling because he was actually feeling her soft sensual body for the very first time.

He was thinking; she is in this state because she has come to my aid. I can’t leave her in this place, especially when that Gu Sangu is still above us…


Lin Antian began to shout furiously as he chased Ji Yuan, “Ji Yuan, put her down immediately and fight me!”

Meanwhile above the stair and on the upper floor of the maze, the Smiling Divine Maiden could sense that Ji Yuan had taken her sister the Lovely Empress away so she began to flee in the other direction.

Gu Sangu original target was the Smiling Divine Maiden so he did not really care if Ji Yuan was able to flee. After all, in his eyes, Ji Yuan was already a defeated opponent. After a short hesitation, he began to chase after the Smiling Divine Maiden instead.

As the Smiling Divine Maiden was fleeing down the passage, she saw a short old man standing in the middle of the passage and was startled to see another opponent of hers had also gathered today.

With a soft sigh, she began to stop to tidy her dressing but it was not to seduce this old man. Even if she were to die, she had to die with full dignity.

Instead she had humbly lowered her head to say before kneeling down onto the ground, “Senior old sword saint, I know that I’m not your match-“

“Go before I’ve changed my mind!” The short old man had suddenly interrupted her as he pointed the passage behind him.

This maiden had aided Ji Yuan earlier. For that, he was willing to close an eye for now.

The Divine Smiling Maiden was startled but she quickly composed herself to offer her gratitude before she disappeared in the darkness of the passage.

Gu Sangu who was chasing after the Smiling Divine Maiden had also seen this short old man. But when he saw him, he was terrified.

Before he knew what was going on, the short old man had crashed his head against the celestium wall with his five fingers that were charged with powerful sword energies.

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